America's lost H-bomb

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The "Jihaidi Dive Club" would like to start the bidding at 12 goats, 4 cases of RPG's, 70 used virgins, and 1 western hostage complete with fresh duct tape. :D

-Muhammed el Tim


Damn, that's funny. :) Actually, given the weather lately, I may just trade it for a new DUI TLS350 and a Lowrance side-scanner... Our local waters hold artifacts worth much more than the Bomb. :)
As local residents, our biggest fear isn't spontaneous nuclear explosion - that's very unlikely. Our biggest fear is that an enemy of the US will find it before we do (it WILL, after all, be found - these things are good for tens of thousands of years) and purposely set it off (it could simply be made to function again, right where it is, charged with batteries, and... BOOM) in a terrorist strike.

What kind of crack are you smoking? I'd love some.
The "guy living on the coast" was Retired Colonel Derek Duke (USAF), who was the leader of the team that found the readings - us.
I wanted to say that I thought he was military, but I wasn't sure enough to say that in my first post. Thanks for the clarification.

At the time, Derek had been warned by the Federal government to leave the Bomb alone, and really wasn't interested in any more publicity.
This strikes me as funny coming from the very folks who opine that "It's fine where it is." Really? Then what's the harm in looking for it? :no:

I think what the government likes is the fact that it's lost. As soon as someone finds it, all hell's going to break loose at the Pentagon. The sad part is that finding it and removing it and doing something with it are two very different acts. Once word gets out that it's found, it will likely still be in the seabed and that's when the gooberment will take over. Basically, they're waiting on someone else to do their search work for them, all the while hiding behind "Don't bother looking for it."
This strikes me as funny coming from the very folks who opine that "It's fine where it is." Really? Then what's the harm in looking for it? :no:

Great point! :)

Interestingly, Congress passed a bill the same year that they published their findings of our "hot zone" that basically says that it would be illegal for us to touch the Bomb.

Despite the fact that for hundreds of years it's been commonly accepted practice (and in some places, law) that once something has been lost offshore (and what defines that can change locally) in the ocean for 40 years or more, it is the property of the salvor. Essentially, that gives people - and governments - 40 years to find their stuff, to which they can lay legal claim. After that, most laws basically tend to favor awarding ownership to the finder, not the original owner.

Basically, in 2004 a law was passed by the Federal government that recognized this generally accepted practice, accepted it, and specifically excluded nuclear arms. Prior to that, there was some question as to who would be the rightful owner of a found nuclear bomb! (Yeah, like, if it was in my posession, the "law" would matter anyway!)

Said another way, the ones that lost it in the first place made a "rule" that essentially allowed them to jail us if we find it. Of course, this "rule" was made AFTER we told them where to look for it, and was the "quiet" law passed on a bill that had overshadowing issues on it. Yeah, thanks, guys... :( See if I bring you to MY party again... :(

Know what that did? It basically made me simply not want to tell them when we do find it. :) Why would I? And risk going to jail? For what? For finally finding it? For reporting it? For doing the world and our government a favor? For "doing the right thing" and not selling it off to some third-world nation willing to give me anything I want for it? Not on your life. :) Sorry, U.S. - you'll never know. Period.

I think what the government likes is the fact that it's lost. As soon as someone finds it, all hell's going to break loose at the Pentagon.

In many ways - you have no idea. If that Bomb's found with a plutonium capsule aboard, then critical testimony in several Superior Court cases will be found as purjory... And a lot of heads will roll. A lot of very important people will be found to have lied on the stand, and a lot of people will realize that the Government's been lying about a lot of things.

They don't want this Bomb found for a lot of reasons. Frankly, I am a grain of sand in their shoe. :)

The sad part is that finding it and removing it and doing something with it are two very different acts.

I totally agree - yet they passed a law that essentially makes it illegal for me to find it. No kidding.

...But I don't care, since they'll never know I found it - that is, they'll never know that I have committed the crime, even if I say I have or haven't.

Once word gets out that it's found, it will likely still be in the seabed and that's when the gooberment will take over. Basically, they're waiting on someone else to do their search work for them, all the while hiding behind "Don't bother looking for it."

They'll never know, so don't worry about them "taking it over." :) It's not their party anymore. :)

Your ideas concerning the state of this former weapon, the possibility of use by "terrorists", the area of effect if somehow made to function at 100% capacity, and the response of our government, are so misunderstood, simplistic, and sensationally conspiratorial that they are "not even wrong".
Well, that was certainly a much more descriptive response than, "Are you smoking crack?" :)

I've been doing this a very long time - probably 15 years... With the past ten of those actively searching for the Bomb. On our team are retired Air Force pilots, the guy that actually dropped the Bomb, several nuclear experts (some with nearly half a century of experience), nuclear EOD specialists, and more. This thread is about the TV show that the Discovery Science channel featured on us.

I respect that your opinion is different than what we have concluded with all of these qualifications, expertise and experience. In keeping an open mind, then, can you qualify your opinion? That is, what gives you the impression that our "ideas concerning this former weapon...are so misunderstood, simplistic and sensationally conspiratorial?"

That's a relatively bold accusation - but given our concerns (and how much we would prefer to be of another opinion), can you elaborate on why you believe that our opinions are outlandish?
Go easy SeaJay... He's probably a Pelosi staffer! :wink:
Heh. :)

Actually, I'm legitimately interested in his point of view. I would love to understand the "Nah, everything is fine" mentality. :)

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