Amoray Problems

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The thing wasn't that long ago that they WERE everything they were cracked up to be. These changes have happened fairly recently.
I agree with you.

Back before Kelly's/AquaNuts got bulldozed, the two properties cooperated. At that time I had a home a couple of blocks away, and I used to recommend to friends/dive clubs that they take over the whole two complexes for their club trips. And they did. And they had a wonderful time, and I biked over and partied with them on several occasions. RAVE reviews. It seems as though a synergy was lost when Kelly's/AquaNuts vanished.
I agree with that. They WERE at one time very good. But it has gone WAY DOWNHILL from there!! It seems that if Amy and Justin would just get more involved again, pay a little more attention to detail, and hire some people that know what they are doing it would be much better.
Even though Kelly's was shut down already when we were there last year it must not have had too big of an effect yet. Because if anyone remembers my posts from last May I could not say enough good things about them. The office staff was fantastic, the boat crews exceptional, and I saw Amy at least on the property every day save maybe one. Even dove with her. Hobo's was right next door which was a big deal for us as it made dining more convenient since I did not have to get the wheelchair in and out. I know that Amoray had nothing to do with this but it just added to the whole enjoyment. But again I realize that staff comes and goes but it seems that now no one is even around long enough to get "up to speed". We are not going back next year. I'm still working on a letter to her. Back to work this week has just been crazy and Denise's aide's called off wed, thur, and friday so I had to get her up and bathed and dressed so that took alot of time. But I will be informing her of my observations and referring her to this thread. And I'm not even sure if it's that the people don't know what they are doing but don't know what to do with the situations as they present themselves. Do they have any resort experience at all or is it OTJT. If so it's not a good situation when your busy season is coming. All new staff at the start of the season is not good. In fact there was a young lady starting when we were checking out. Very nice and all but don't know what her experience level is if any. It seems that all the key people from last year are gone. Is this the norm down there? Maybe it's because unless things really suck everyone I know who is good at their job tends to stay. And for key personnel there is usually an effort made to see that they do. Again no one there seemed to even know anybody from last year.
April 29-May 4th we had a great time in Key Largo with one real sour note: We'd booked a weeks stay at Amy Slate's Amoray Dive Resort, and when we arrived at the boat Tuesday morning we were told that the deep dive to the Duane was changed to a snorkleing trip to the place we'd been the day before. Zero notification ahead of time, no clue from the front office even though the snorkle trip had been booked for months. No time to schedule a trip elsewhere.

We bent the ears of the folks in the front office, got their assurance that they'd do better... and on Friday the SAME EXACT thing happened AGAIN!! This time, there wasn't even room on the boat for us.

There are lots of other dive outfits in Key Largo, I for one won't be using Amoray ever again.


I usually dive with Ocean Divers when I'm down that way but decided to give Amy Slate's a try a few years ago and was also very disappointed. This operation is definitely "not" for seasoned divers and I totally agree, they should just stick to snorkle trips. If you want to be treated like a certfied diver try OD next time. They have schedules that they follow regularly (weather permitting) and they don't try to "babysit" you.
Maybe a messy divorce :14:
This thread reminds me why I only dive with six pack ops when in KL. Why do people insist on going out with the big ops? If you have a big group then fine, but otherwise try the six packs.
Reason I don't do six packs is because of my better half. She like to go out on the boat but is in a wheelchair. Kinda rules out any sixes I know of unless I charter one for my self and maybe one or two others. Even that would be tight.

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