Any special skills needed for bp/wings?

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I will say student wear BP/w do R & R water skills is more difficult...
Is possible but need good training...
I never used bp/w train OW student
I agreed Halcyon Eclipse is the best :D
I recommend student use BCD before swich to Bp/w
I disagree. I was trained in an Eclipse and didn't know jackets existed until I had to go rent gear for my open water checkout dives. Hated every second of it...ended up buying an Eclipse. :wink:
You might look at the Zeagle Tech platform.
Is there a big difference between bp/wings and back inflate bc?

Yes...and no....

The first BC that I almost bought (but returned) was a back floater. It didnt fit correctly and I couldnt find any size that would fit correctly. Also, w/ a BackInflate "BC", you are stuck w/ whatever lift capacity comes with it (Unless you buy a Zeagle system). In other words, let's say later on down the road you want to dive doubles. With a regular BC, you will be hard pressed to make it happen becuase you cannot increase the bladder size (to allow for more lift), and you wont be able to mount the tanks very easily, if at all....

So, to answer your question...IF you can find a BackInflate BC that fits exactly right for you, and IF you will never ever need or want the possibility to expand your rig, then they would perform in a similar fasion.

One of the reasons I went w/ my BP/W setup is because I can make it fit PERFECTLY for my body. I can swap out the wing (i.e. bladder) for a larger (or smaller) one. Another major benefit is the fact that I dont feel cumbersome with it on. It's low profile, and I dont feel like my movement is restricted like I do in a BC.

The only downsides that people will bring up is the lack of pockets and integrated weights...all easily overcame w/ a few accessory pockets if it's absolutely necessary....

just my .02 rupees.
It's already been said, but obviously some don't get it. A bp/w IS a bcd. I can't believe even some instructors apparently don't know what bcd means.

My LDS teaches ALL the OW students in bp/w and they do great. In fact, they all learn in drysuits too! A good instructor, in my opinion, can teach a student regardless of what they are wearing for a bc. I think it's nonsense to tell new students that they can't learn in a bp/w. If you can't teach them, then that's another story.

I own a back inflate BC and I've used a BP/W BC with a dry suit. They are both very similar with the exception that the BP/W has no buckles or dangly straps to get in my way, and less even less drag. A clean front. I wish I had bought one.
Jason Ooi:
So much different...BCD and Bp/w...
Amuse me... what is different?
I took two fresh out of PADI OW divers (their first dive after OW...) out diving yesterday, setting them up with W/BP from DIR Zone (= Golem 35#). With some explanation of the differences from the gear they used in the OW course, especially regarding bouyancy control (we dive dry) and also helping them with correct adjustments, the dive went just great. NO PROBLEMS! They were both "hooked" right away on this approach to awsome trim and balance in the water, and they certainly commented on less drag compared to their course equipment.

Just a comment though:
I sell this kind of gear, so I'm biased myself. But I've been diving W/BP for two years and love it! -Just can't make myself sell something I don't like, as with a regular BCD... And I always offer try out dives for those who ask, before eventual sale. And yes, these two guys bought... :D
My students start right off with BP/Wing ....Oxycheq to be exact.

Less weight is required to sink and hovering is a snap.. I have them do it "tech style" not Houdini style.

I just finished training a student and he told me to order him in the gear I use...

I say call around different shops and find a demo, or tell your shop your considering it and would love to try it out first. That's what I did, man, it was bliss! SO Much better then a Jacket, just cleaner. Although, you loose the pockets and such for putting stuff in, but that just gives you an excuse to put them on your dry-suit : D

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