Apple (computers)

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US. NH. Live free or die.
After 20+ years in Software/Systems Engineering and having, um, endured Windoze and Internot Exploiter since late in the last century I finally, for various reasons, bought a MacBook. Wow. Just .... wow. :D
Welcome to the club! :wink:
I bought one last April and I love it. When it came time to install my new operating system, it took like 2 clicks and 10 minutes. When my boyfriend who is a computer engineer updated to Vista (regrets it), it took two days and he had to take his computer apart. Mac's rule!
I love mine.
Come into the light, be not afraid...:D

I've been using Macs for about 8 years now. I understand how you feel GM.
It's a good company to work for too! :wink:

I'm happy to hear you like your MacBook GM. I was a convert about 10 years ago when I started working for them and I see why people are such MacHeads! :D

Thinking about that right now- couple of questions-

Whats the boot up time like on a macbook?

Anyone know if nortel has a VPN client for them?

Is there a word processor and spreadsheet packaged with it?
Whats the boot up time like on a macbook?

17inch MacBook Pro, 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM, Mac OS X 10.5.2

With my Auto Login off and me typing my password in, about 51 seconds for complete bootup. From a cold boot, Auto Login on, 42 seconds.

Anyone know if nortel has a VPN client for them?

I don't know if Nortel has a VPN Client for the Intel based system. I know they had one for the PowerPC Generation that worked in Tiger(10.4).

Is there a word processor and spreadsheet packaged with it?

It does not come with one bundled. Just trials. There are 2 options for Word Processing and Spreadsheet out of the box. You can get iWork for $79(Apple's version of a basic office suite) or Microsoft Office 2008 for 400-500 bucks :11:. You can also download and install OpenOffice or NeoOffice which both are free and actually work pretty well.

Hope this helps,


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