Banana drama

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I can't believe there are 100 posts about bananas. Oh, it really isn't about bananas, though, is it?

The discussion is about beliefs and courtesy.

PB thinks the superstition is ridiculous. I think most people would agree that it is. PB tries to prove the ridiculousness of it by repeatedly bringing up the women supersition (ad naseum). There is no need; it is, in fact, a superstition. The incredible name-calling that PB uses to label those captains is sort of over the top, IMO.

DD thinks that, in the scope of things, being respectful of the wishes of the captain, though ridiculous in the case of bananas, would cost very little for anyone to abide. I think that even PB would agree that the cost of this particular superstition is small.

But that PB would be willing to actually have a fight about it, as would a few others, just totally blows me away. It really has to be a male thing. Aren't there other things that are really important to get upset over? Come on!
I was out on a fishing charter this past weekend, and there was a pre-boarding bananna check. We had a ton of food and drink with us, but everyone knew better than to bring banannas... it's a common enough nautical superstitions that IMHO it's just plain rude to insist on them. In any case, it was a great day, and we slammed them for hours.

On another occasion, I was on a private dive boat, and a photographer asked the owner if it was okay to bring banannas aboard. "Sure... why not?" she asked. We both told her they were thought to be bad luck, and she thought that was dumb. Several hours later, we had a non-functional depth sounder, a fish finder on the fritz, couldn't find the wrecks because both numbers had been entered in decimal with the gps set to minutes, had run low on fuel, had to make a substantial detour back toward land for gas, and had an undivable ripping current when we finally got on the virgin wreck were hoping to dive. I couldn't help but ask if she'd be bringing the banannas again next trip.

That aside, I'm personally of the opinion that if you aren't willing to abide by the captain's rules, you don't belong on a charter boat.
just to be clear is this banana thing only among charters in the Americas? or geographically spread? coz I recall a live aboard in Malaysia for 3 nights they served us bananas with other tropical fruits in every meal. (3 per day) we (divers) were from several nationalities and no one hinted about this!
On another occasion, I was on a private dive boat, and a photographer asked the owner if it was okay to bring banannas aboard. "Sure... why not?" she asked. We both told her they were thought to be bad luck, and she thought that was dumb. Several hours later, we had a non-functional depth sounder, a fish finder on the fritz, couldn't find the wrecks because both numbers had been entered in decimal with the gps set to minutes, had run low on fuel, had to make a substantial detour back toward land for gas, and had an undivable ripping current when we finally got on the virgin wreck were hoping to dive. I couldn't help but ask if she'd be bringing the banannas again next trip.

And I've been out on a boat which had the same series of problems. In this case, there were NO bananas onboard to blame, just an incompitent captain/boat owner.

So, let's see, no bananas, incompitent captain, That's it! The captain was a Jonah!!!!
For the record, no one else that works at the shop has the same level of bananaphobia that I do and I'm not mean about it, but it will get mentioned if I see them. On someone else's boat, house rules apply.

As far as what goes on boats; they are not public transportation, there is no one who will tell a captain that they have to do anything including who they must take on their boats. You do not get to argue with the captain, period. It's mutiny and it's not dealt with lightly.

This may be outside of the banana topic, (which happens to be an excellent magical anti-leg-cramp substance) but a charter boat IS public transportation, may not be in the sense of a commuter city bus, but for sure like a tourist bus. Is not even in the category of a Taxi because most of the times a diver only pays for one spot and is stuck with who ever else pay to come along that same day.

We don't tell the bus driver what to do, but don't take any gratuitous lip from him/her either, at least I don't.

One of the posts said the Capt. took the banana from a persons hands and threw it over board. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
You people believe this is acceptable?

Owing respect to a captain in his boat while under way is one thing, but this crosses so many lines, it is difficult to figure out where to start.

I think I can actually picture this guy, he introduces himself as "Capt" so and so, like the title of captain is an intrinsic part of his name. Yep, the world owes them respect, they don't feel they have to earn it.

As long as people patronize BS and mediocrity, that's what will be available. I'll do my part and try to keep my money away from them.
First GOD the creator of the universe, not some demigod! Next 98% of all accidents on land or sea have occur to those who have eaten Potatoes within 48hrs: Mashed, Baked, Fried, or hashed! So is it the banana or is the real culprit something else? A smart potato would blame it on someone else easy to pick on like a banana! All fruity and yellow! Think about it! The Captains who insist on this nonsense are in cow hoots with Potatoes! Look what they did to Dan Quail! See! So stop the torturing of innocent bananas they have rights too! They were pretty lucky for Eddie Murphy "Put a Banana in your Tail Pipe"! :popcorn:

Sorry PB, but your opinions to me are much like a dollar at a gas station, not worth much and won't get you far. You have decided that all except your religion are wrong, made a rather insensitive and cliche' comment about fruits and San Francisco, and end every sentence with a "!" like you are Moses himself. Lighten up man. A banana is just a banana (or is it?). :confused:
CatFishBob I'm sure you realize that comment is not at all allowed in the TOS here. I hope you'll edit it out; rather not call a Mod to step in on this silliness and get it shut down completely. TY
There is only one god, and he didn't curse bananas, I would like to see the captain who would throw my banana over board! To hell with superstition and voodoo and all kind of wired ****, if it is going to happen it will happen out there, just ask Mr Murphy! I likes me banana and the boats that carry then for snacks! Look out for that ghost ships! What about woman on board? What about a woman with a banana? Or pissing into the wind with a banana?:popcorn:


the superstition of [something ridiculous] in three days is no weirder than [something else ridiculous]. to each his own, when in rome etc etc
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