Best Pizza Topping Combination

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This thread is the antithesis to all of the diet threads lately...keeps the board in balance.


LMAO True. We 'fitness thread posters', can still eat pizza, just in moderation.

I like the very thin crispy wood burning oven kind.
My favorite is ricotta cheese and spinach on top.
I'm kind of a omni-pizza-vore... there are not too many pizzas that I've tried that didn't have some redeeming value... even that one I had on the Champ d'Elysee that had a big 'ol sunny side up egg right in the center of it.
I think my fav. pizza would have to be the ham and pinapple. :thumb:

I had a roomate once from Japan... and he loved Tuna on his pizza. :dork:

...there are not too many pizzas that I've tried that didn't have some redeeming value...

Well put. For some, they're fast, abundant and cheap. For others, they taste great.

Another funny Pizza story:

I was traveling from So Cal to Bakersfield CA to do inventory on a service center in about 1986. I got there early, and we worked up to lunch. They had about 4 or 5 people in the shop, and me - so they ordered a "family sized" pizza.

I have never, ever seen anything like it since or after. This pie was easily 36" - 40" across. It was round. One slice was about elbow to fingertip. It was amazing.... truly the mother of all pizzas. The pepperonis looked like dimes on this thing. The box could have served as an emergency shelter in a pinch. You could carpet a small apartment with this thing.

And they said the place also had a "Large family" sized that was even bigger. It was comedy pizza. I can only imagine the oven. Never seen one like it since.

Pizza just rules.

Pizza just rules.
Ain't that the truth!
There's no such thing as a bad pizza - it's just that some are better than others! And the more beer, the better the pizza :D
Ain't that the truth!
There's no such thing as a bad pizza - it's just that some are better than others! And the more beer, the better the pizza :D

Anyone that thinks there's no such thing as bad pizza has never had the missfortune of trying one of Scotlands national dishes. Deep fried Pizza!!! Walk into any of the small 'Chippers'(family run fast food outlets) dotted throughout Edinborough or,especially, Glasgow and ask for a Deep fried Pizza and they will take a defenceless pizza fold it in half dip in in a thick, gooey batter that's probably 5 to 10 days old and then drop it into a fryer. The end result of which is a totally inedible.
If You're ever in Scotland and don't want to spend too much stick to J.D. Wetherspoons. Good Cheap Food And Good Cheap Drinks.
However I would advise everyone to try Scotlands' other national dishes. Deep fried Mars Bars and Snickers! :11ztongue
I once did the financial management for a pizzeria to pay the bills. My all time favorite is Canadian bacon, sausage and pineapple at Antonio's Pizzeria here on Catalina Island.

Dr. Bill
....I would advise everyone to try Scotlands' other national dishes. Deep fried Mars Bars and Snickers! :11ztongue

There must be a little bit of Scotland here in Oklahoma.... deep fried Snickers are VERY popular with the sweat-suit set at the state fair. Of course, I think they would deep fry anything down here, as long as they could fit it in the fryer....
There must be a little bit of Scotland here in Oklahoma.... deep fried Snickers are VERY popular with the sweat-suit set at the state fair. Of course, I think they would deep fry anything down here, as long as they could fit it in the fryer....

Sweat-suit set?


You're killing me. Very nice.


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