Bill OReilly

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thanks ffestpirate ... Mark Twain has a ton of excellent quotes
O’Reilly wouldn’t join the military but he would fight like hell for Bush now that tells alot. O’Reilly is a coward and a sicko who only hits on women for his sick sex needs and he fits right in with the other GOP group. Ask O’Reilly is he still paying back the money Fox news paid for his sexual harassment suit?. O’Reilly and Ann Coultar make a great couple of wing nuts. Oh but Katie Couric is running a fast second place as CBS hits rock bottom in the ratings.
Can't believe this thread is still going!!!! :rofl3:
:gondolalove: :love2:
Can't believe this thread is still going!!!! :rofl3:

Yep, still going... we had to be "re-directed" several times....The Mod is pretty cool..she is allowing us to have a "good time" with a "watchful eye":gondolalove: I kinda like it . :love2:

What does everyone think of the Imus controversy?
Well, all I can say is he has the only meaningful dialogue I see happening at the exact time something happens...he and Whoopie were having a nice respectful chat last night where both conceded points about the Imus controversey. The list of characters he has on from all points of view is pretty impressive,.. who else is doing this?

I just don't see the PC channels taking on anything that interests me at all. Bill, on the other hand gets some great conversations going. Superficial and fast hitting, I concede but I think he plays into a mix of sources I enjoy.

NPR? that your idea of stimulation? ZZZZZZZZzzzzz. Maybe you have to be a bit of a grandstander to make it interesting, cause otherwise its all just the same old story.

He jumped right in on the Imus thing...the other channels had to see which way the wind was blowing first..they were afraid to touch it until several days later. (Now they are all over it...too late, I'm over it now)
I would say his timing is a one of his strengths...something happens, and he is at least shooting his mouth off about in a timely matter, as oposed to ...yawn...a week later.

I must say the Rutgers basketball team and the coach showed a lot of class. Forgiveness, what a concept. To bash and bash only polarizes people further and for them to handle it the way they did by taking the high road, listening, and forgiving will get more people's support than anything.

Sharpton is starting to get on my nerves. (like he has never said anything)
He doesn't know when to stop.
I find it sad when a couple of street hustlers can run their extortion routine and America falls for it again. Both hustlers have their own pathetic radio shows and use their mockery of religous "office" ...another laughable hustle ... to gain leverage to have a no talent bum like Imus fired. Does anyone actually listen to Imus ...??? Other than Tim Russert and Larry King. Its one thing to extort CBS but to have the dimwitted slowbreather fired is just malicious. Both hustlers Jackson and Sharpton are the most transparent street crooks... actually saw Jackson running his new game covering his back pocket ..back tracking on the Duke Rape case like a good pimp pulling his money from the alleged victim-errr street hustler since she too was found out to be another money grubbing street hooker...just like the two other hustlers. Jackson's soul is so tortured from shaking down people that his mouth is displaced to side of his head in a permanent stroke induced smerk ...the guy is obviously under tremendous guilt... but you folks fall for his hustle every single time. Anyone catch his hustle on Anderson Cooper the other night ...the guy actually lies so much that he talks from the side of his mouth is very distrubing ...yet entertaining to watch! Whats next are they going to call him sugar bear??? ha ha ha
Then there is Sharpton ...what can I say ...true hustler with a very strong pimp hand ....may he rot in hell ...or heaven depending on his de jur hustle ..

And you folks want to talk about 0'Reilly ...why, at least the guy is up front with his game/schtick ... and doesn't shake down business's like a cheep street pimp ...

The upside is Jackson and Sharpton will never lay waste to the sterotypical character we have come to love in a street hustler ..too bad it costs we tax payers to fund their game. Then again to those of us wise to the common street hustlers game it is entertaining in a very cynical way to see most of the dopes in America suck up to them like hookers at 5 am to their pimp dropping be-be's to the working gals...

Sleep well folks after you complain in righteous indignation...the hustlers, pimps, hos and theives are stealing your country ... just remember first they came for Imus ...a no talent liberal slowbreather ...what are you going to do when they shake down your boss to get your butt fired ??? for speaking your mind (granted, a possible ignorant conversation) hmmmmm???
Talk about your tax dollars, did you see the documentary "Ilsam vs Islamisists" got shut down by PBS because they do not want Islamic moderates to have a voice?

Everybody has been asking where they are...well, now it comes in several ways that their are interests out there with big budgets in keeping people polarized. I hope people see the light.

Skull, remember though..there is hope because you need to focus on the basketball players, the rest of these people are just piling on and exploiting the situation.

A very slippery slope, who can say what. Now if the market wants to boot him, that's fine with me...that's not exactly what happened though.
Sadly ...Les Monves is the arbitor of good taste ...oppps just got off the floor from laughing so hard ...Course I'm sure Sharpton is angling for Imus slot on CBS ...he he he he ...its not talent that gets you the gig ...its who you are willing to bl.....ooooooppps. All I can say is Sharpton better watch his back what goes around comes around ...Jackson is about to find out just how much money those white boys from Duke really have !!! ...
Les Monves

WHO is that?

yea, I don't see the civil rights leaders too worried about the little rich Duke boys.
Oh well, it might toughen them up and put their "education" on the fast track. Let's hope they will be better people for it.

The moral of that story is: don't invite hookers/strippers to your home because there might be problems. duh.

Better they learn it now than after they have wives, kids and big careers.
I want to know why the angry forces, white and black, that mobilized to take Imus down aren't heading to Durham, N.C. to condemn the despicable wrongdoing that threatened the very freedom of the Duke players. Is this because they're white males who come from affluent backgrounds? It shouldn't matter; they are still victims.

Early on in this process, the New Black Panthers, a black hate group from Atlanta, traveled to Durham and made threats against the three lacrosse players. And the woman who filed the false charges against the Duke players is black. So how come Sharpton and Jackson aren't in North Carolina, speaking out against blacks who harmed the reputation of three white athletes? Must be a selective conscience. And the double standards are detestable.

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