Bill OReilly

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I think that an interesting question is, why is it defined as a public medium, and following from that, why does it require permission from the FCC?

gubmen owns it ... they get to control it ...

be nice if the airwaves were like the Internet, wouldn't it?

oh those guys. well, they shut my satellite off last night, those little admin geeksters.

Imus is a big charity guy for foster kids or something. Words speak louder than actions I guess.

Cris Rock can get away with anything. Maybe if Imus was smilin'...

haha, kids made a my space profile for their principle...with his picture calling him a milf chasing boozer. The ACLU is running to his rescue, people have no sense of humor any more. Where does this all end?
Imus was fired because of an internal revolt within CBS - nothing to do with the FCC. He'll go onto XM/Sirius like Stern and make 10mil a year...
well, I heard he did it to get out of his contract.
be nice if the airwaves were like the Internet, wouldn't it?

What, like NetDoc being the boss?

Let me know if you get that one.:D

shhhhhhh...not so loud.
I'm afraid of the thought police too.

I guess that I just don't get what is SO newsworthy about this whole Don Imus thing. Worth a blurb or two a day, sure, but coverage of every little particule? It reminds me of Anna Nicole Smathers, or Lisa Nowack, or Martha Stewart,or Natalie Holloway. Media frenzy, for no good reason that I can fathom, and it has me ignoring the news more and more.
And what is to stop the gubmen from "owning" the satellite waves, too?
And what is to stop the gubmen from "owning" the satellite waves, too?

not a hell of a lot, frankly

are you a libertarian, Dave?

Dave... I am afraid ...

What, like NetDoc being the boss?

Let me know if you get that one.:D

like, is the Pope Polish?

wait... that was the last one

is the Pope Italian?
frankly I don't believe Imus is savvy enough to get out of his contract ...bone head move with the bone head sharks on the attack..just my opinion!
frankly I don't believe Imus is savvy enough to get out of his contract ...bone head move with the bone head sharks on the attack..just my opinion!

I don't think that he did it to get out of his contract because of the manner that he apologized over and over and over again. I think that he looked like an idiot by apologizing soooo many times. One apology should have been enough; regardless of how many times he apologized that outcome would have been the same.

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