Breaking news from the whale wars

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If I were Australian, I may take offense to that.

I am Australian, and I am not offended, as I see Tigerman's point as valid...
Well, technically I shoulda said "a boat" rather than "the boat" as I meant boats in general, not neccesarily one boat in particular. English is not my first language.

Point is that theres just so many boats out there with a flag thats different from their actual base of operation that wether the flag is norwegian, us, aussie, somali, thai or chinese it just dont say very much at all. Many norwegian owned and operated ships are registered to various countries in asia, mostly for tax reasons.
G stands for....
e stand for...
o stands for...
f stands for...
f ?
H stands for...
Research....what a laugh, how many of these beautiful creatures do you Jap's need to kill to understand how they work or philology of them???

I think ur a dick. and if we by chance ever dive together , I hope ur name is Jona from the Bible. Eat seaweed and be happy.
Maybe you are the kindda guy that should eat your young? strictly for research of course to see if your glans are pure or your brain works properly.
What exactly makes a whale more beautiful than a lamb or a chicken? I sure as hell aint gonna not eat something "because its cute".
And comparing hunting to canibalism? Sorry, but to quote Krusty "You sir, are and idiot"
During the off season does the crew head to the Northwest US to protest logging to protect the spotted owl?
Nah, it's too hard to get the boat through the trees....

I can tell you, if I had a bunch of morons like Sea Shephard trying to stop me doing something, I would keep doing it until I ran out of money/credit or died.
I agree they are rediculous, but no one else is doing anything, so there is something to say for them.

What exactly makes a whale more beautiful than a lamb or a chicken? I sure as hell aint gonna not eat something "because its cute".
And comparing hunting to canibalism? Sorry, but to quote Krusty "You sir, are and idiot"
The fact that they are on the endangered species list because of us, and chickens and lambs aren't, makes them more important. I just think they are more beautiful, myself. Not so much a fact there, though.
I was indicating that I would cut off my nose to spite my face if I had some annoying dbag like Watson trying to get me to do something.

Nah, Australia doesn't have any balls over this whole whaling thing, the stuff from the government is just words with no action, just to appease the voter base.

I've not seen Watson in decades. That said - he had massive ones when I knew him. I just don't know what this latest iteration with fast boats is all about as the primary mission is to save whales and make whaling a defunct aspect of the fishing industry.

With respect to any country - at least the AUSSIE's (minor extent the KIWI's) put it out there. While it may be there to pacify the legions of staunch AUSSIE environmentalists - at least they're saying it which is a lot more than what the US says - which is nothing. If the US were to put the screws on Japan we'd get some quicker cooperation. However, we certainly do not want to hurt the delicate sensibilities of the Japanese parliament. Note - I am being very cynical here because the US / China are the big elephants in the room. Sorry Japan...India is about to overtake you. Rupees beating the Yen.


With respect to any country - at least the AUSSIE's (minor extent the KIWI's) put it out there.

Put what out there exactly?

While it may be there to pacify the legions of staunch AUSSIE environmentalists - at least they're saying it which is a lot more than what the US says - which is nothing.

The Australian government is trying to do two things: a. appease voters, and voters are predominantly anti whaling b. appease Japan, because that relationship is important strategically to Australia

I think they have done a pretty good job of achieving their aims. Australians (and at least one American, it would appear) in general think Australia is doing something about whaling whilst Japan continues to whale unmolested by Australia.
The fact that they are on the endangered species list because of us, and chickens and lambs aren't, makes them more important. I just think they are more beautiful, myself. Not so much a fact there, though.[/QUOTE]

What are u on about ?

Minke whales are not an ESA-listed species, meaning they are not classified as endangered or threatened.

Dont make facts up on your own !

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