Bull Shark butchered on the dock in Dania

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Ugh, botflies are *shudders* filthy!
I too love a tender rare steak (hold the botflies please) but if given the choice I would rather see the "cow bleeding all over the place with its guts hanging out" not out of some morbid fascination with gore, but out of respect for the animal that will die that I might eat. I think there is something lost by just going to the supermarket and grabbing a steak, no thought paid to where it came from. Heck, some people I know freak out when I describe what part of the cow a particular steak comes from! I think by hunting/fishing and catching, killing and cleaning one's own game, it gives one a greater appreciation for where their dinner comes from, and a greater respect for the animal they're eating.
Just my $0.02

I have an appreciation for and can grasp what you're saying. I grew up in a large family of hunters and fishermen. Yet at the same time I don't think one has to see the blood to respect the life given.

I'm thankful I don't have to see the guts hanging out. When I go to the supermarket I know what's behind the freezer door but I don't ask the butcher if I can go in an take a look so I can better appreciate my dinner.

The more I think about it, I realize I don't visualize the animal, fowl or fish at all in the sense that it was once a living creature.

I'm only guessing here but I think "mempilot" was addressing some amount of disgust at the scene as a whole. I'm pretty sure I would have been sickened by the spectacle that was taking place. That doesn't mean I'm squeamish over the sight of blood either.

And I'm sure not saying you would have gotten any pleasure from seeing it either.
Just to set the record straight. I'm not squeamish at the sight of blood and guts. I've seen enough of that in my life. As stated above, I was disgusted with the event taking place.

This was not some guy out trying to provide for his family. It was an out of towner looking for bragging rights with his buddies back in the Midwest. It was a private charter displaying it's prize for all to see roadside. The shark was flopping around on the dock as they tried to hold it down while another one was killing it.

Neither was it efficient, nor was it necessary to make a production out of it.

I respect other's opinions on the matter.
Did you have a discussion with those involved?

You seem to have a very detailed knowledge of their intentions and actions for just walking by.
So the shark was still alive on the dock when it was flopping around and they were trying to kill it? How did they get it up there? Sharks don't live too long on boat rides so maybe it jumped out of the water and onto the dock to attack them and they were defending themselves!?
So the shark was still alive on the dock when it was flopping around and they were trying to kill it? How did they get it up there? Sharks don't live too long on boat rides so maybe it jumped out of the water and onto the dock to attack them and they were defending themselves!?

C'mon man.... why are you attacking this guy?

Why in the world would you object to someone expressing their disgust at something they saw and you didn't?
The shark wasn't just lying there dead. It may not have been fighting live, but it was reacting to what they were doing to it. I thought it was sad to see. What's the big deal with my opinion? Am I not entitled to one?
The shark wasn't just lying there dead. It may not have been fighting live, but it was reacting to what they were doing to it. I thought it was sad to see. What's the big deal with my opinion? Am I not entitled to one?

Not at all. My issue and point was that you didn't hesitate to pre-assign negative motives to the people involved when you admittedly didn't do anything more than drive by.

In the interest of full disclosure I've been called a murderer and had my truck trashed (keyed, kicked, windows smashed) by people who were upset that I hunt and eat Bambi. They never had a conversation with me, just an instant judgement by a visual cue. (and to answer I'm always very considerate when transporting my game animals in that they are not in view of the casual viewer.)

Being said, I feel a responsiblity to speak for the fishermen that you saw that day because they can't defend themselves against your words. In that I hope you can express your sadness of the event without villifying those who were legally (and might I add morally) within their rights to enjoy the harvest of the sea.
You gave an opinion and now you're getting some back on an internet forum. What's the big deal? By posting your emotions publicly you are guaranteed a response and it may not fall in line with your way of thinking.

Things die for human consumption. Even the most diehard vegan will impact some living thing negatively. To condemn with prejudice a legal act?
I was driving home on A1A from a dive up off of Pompano Beach last week, when I decided to roll past another dive boat in Dania Beach where one of my friends instructs. I was very sadened by what I saw behind one of the charter fishing boats. Two men were butchering a large bull shark on the dock. I decided not to stop, because I wasn't sure if I'd be able to contain myself.

Since it is illegal to sell the meat, I wondered what this idiot was going to do with his kill. I think a catch, picture, and release would have been a more appropriate way to enjoy the day of fishing.

The image of the shark being butchered on the dock won't leave my head, and therefore, I figured I'd post it here. The shark was quite large, bigger than any bull I've seen while diving. It was obviously a reproducer and at the top of the gene pool.

So sad.

I've seen this same thing in South Africa. Definately grusome to watch......
No problem at all. My friends instruct off a boat slipped next to the charter boat mentioned. I was informed of the details when I questioned them about it, because I did not stop.

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