Catastrophic or Aquastrophics??

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Hmmmm Having had to complete dives for my Nitrox card... I'm not sure of the value of the dives on Nitrox. Really, they are like any other dive... (perhaps that's the point...) I don't see a need for the dives, but I'd still rather have an instructor I speak with instead of thinking I can get the information I need straight from a text. In my class, while not the best instruction I can imagine, we did discuss a number of items that wouldn't have fallen specifically into a text... Given that diving isn't really a cheap sport... and diving Nitrox seriously isn't cheap.... I'll not worry about a few dollars for the value added of a personal instructor.
I am all for not paying to much for stuff....but I think that not going to the lds is a mistake.

I took my class for about $90-99 a few years back with no dives, and it really worked well for me.

In our class we went over the modules and our intsructor went over any questions/concerns. Then he showed us how to check the o2 levels in different tanks.

I feel that hands on experience was very valuable, and not something that should be left out....
What could possibly go wrong with an online course? :D
I emailed this online nitrox course for $49. Asked them which cert agency they used.

They emailed back, saying, it is SDA, and is accepted at all PADI dive operators.

Goggled SDA, and it stands for sydney dive academy. Does any one know about SDA??
This doesn't make sense, SDA website said they give out SSI certification. SDA's nitrox class still require class room and two dives with nitrox.

I think they are pulling my leg?? Only other googled item from SDA is "small dead animals".
So what is the problem?

There is an option for people to learn to dive on their own. Anyone that wants a full certification still needs to get in the water and do the referal thing.

Why would that be any different than the traditional referals? If you are the receiving instructor and the individual can't perform to your standard you won't give him the card. End of the story.

You hear everyday that instructors give out cards like candy, well maybe people may learn a little better on their own. Who are we to decided that is wrong? ... much less to interfere.

As far as the Nitrox cert... please. The average basic Nitrox instructor is only capable to regurgitate the information given to him in the text.

The typical diver goes out to a prety place with warm water a week or two a year, they do a "resort class" a go back home to their 9 to 5 very happy. What's wrong with that? Now they can be even more prepared with extra knowledge acquired in advance before their trips. Let people do their thing.

If the person doing this self course is planing to dive the Andrea Doria the following weekend, they probably won't find the site on their own boat and if they pick a charter the scuba zelots of the LDS's and Charters will stop him. Worst case scenario it will be a bit of bleach in the gene pool.
So what is the problem?

I don't think there is a problem at all. Especially for the nitrox. I think the nitrox certification is a waste of money, and shouldn't be a "specialty" course.

I have met, and read posts by folks on this board, who had nitrox certification, but still confused on the different issue in diving medicine.

I think it will be a short time, before all dive agencies go to online diving instruction. As I understand, PADI has a CD program that teaches well. It would take only a few minutes to upload that into a hard drive and make it an online PADI OW class.

A high quality instructional program is better than a poor instructor, anyday. Unfortunately, programs can not answer questions. I do not believe that one can go straight from an online class to pool session. There need to be something in between.

An online nitrox class would be ideal. I would endorse it.
My concern about this SDA nitrox card is - is it universally accepted??
My concern about this SDA nitrox card is - is it universally accepted??
Haha, I gather than you did not risk time and money on shallow promises?

They are emerging as the black eye of scuba in the US...! :mad:

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