Do you Drink and Dive?

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They both had a huge lunch and drank more than they should have. About an hour after lunch they went diving immediately. Both probably went pretty deep and narc'd. One guy threw up in his regulator and panicked I guess. Don't konw what happend to the other guy, he was found three hours into the search with his regulator out of his mouth at about 120 feet. Personally, I'd rather not take the chance. I got a family to think about.
yea, that will stick with you...
I did one dive after having a drink. The dive went OK, but when I surfaced I put my mask on my forehead. THAT'S when I knew that something was seriously wrong with me!

But seriously folks.... why add another potential problem to a sport that already puts you at risk? The "rules" were made for our safety, not to annoy us. The effects of booze (one beer has the same alchohol content as one shot of whiskey) are amplified at depth. Unless you're an alchoholic, why is it so hard to wait until diving is finished to pop a cold one? I'm not trying to be the "dad" here, just wanted to inject a bit of common sense. Unfortunately, common sense is not all that common. Remember, you're also putting other people at risk if they have to bail you out of a jam.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get some Kahlua to put in my coffee ...........
While I have sworn never to do this again, a friend and I went diving while hungover. When I hit 60' the headache completely went away and I felt just fine.

Best cure in the world for a hangover. LOL

I've only dived once with a hangover, but my experience was much like yours.

That said, I agree with Lou. There's just no reason to drink and dive. I don't drink and drive, so why would I do it in an infinitely more high-risk environment like diving? It doesn't make any sense.
My diving partner and I never drink before diving, and we limit drinking the night before diving to one or two beers (and preferably none). I do drink after diving when we go to eat, and I am sure to drink plenty of water at the same time.
Ok, I think I am going to be an exception here and is propably going to be crusified for it. I drink a lot and I know that I some times "over indulge" in a beer/whiskey bottle or two. I have never dived drunk or drank anything on the same day as diving but many a times with a hangover from the previous nights "braai" (Barbaque for Non-South Africans). Some of my best dives has been on a hangover. No, infact, my best dive ever was on a hangover.

I understand the dangers of it and know my limits and would not endanger my life or that of my buddies because of alcohol. I have cancelled a dive before because of a Jacuzzi party that got out of hand the previous night...had about 2 hours sleep after about a case of beer and a bottle of Taquila... Now that would have been a disaster...
I have had a burger and a beer in between dives on the dive boat...I have dove hung over...My wife and I shared a bottle of red wine with our advanced instructor before doing our night dive...I have chummed into my reg...I have laughed at others getting sea sick on the boat...I eat large portions of red meat before and after dives...I skip the fruit table on the dive boat and usually bring a bag of greasy tacos or the like...

I always ask myself...What Would John Do? As in Wayne :D

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