Dolphin Slaughter in Japan - Where is Hayden Panettiere?

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So why do Japanese people not perceive dolphins as such? I wonder...

It's not that they don't. But I imagine they also have hundreds of years of tradition involving dolphin eating or whatever they do with them, on the other side of the coin.
Most of the people I know here have never heard of these events and are sickened about it when they hear of it. It takes place in, I think, two localized areas. I know that in at least one of the areas, the local mayor recently invested in a packing plant for the meat and it pretty much goes into the regional school system. When fellow aldermen, or councilmen, or whatever they have here brought up the mercury levels going into little Tomohiro's lunch they were ousted from office and reportedly one of their lives were threatened. Mayhaps it is more about money and less about tradition, despite such public justifications. What ya gonna do, huh? Fat Tony's Genuine Animal Milk, anyone?
A change needs to come from the people who actually eat the dolphins. If the meat goes to the schools then teachers should let their pupils and their families know what kind of food is in the menu. But if these teachers don't perceive eating dolphin meat as a 'bad' thing and the ones who don't agree with eating dolphins are scared to speak up because they don't want to lose their jobs ...well then dolphins do not stand much of a chance!
The villages that are still conducting this slaughter actually make the
majority of their money from the aquarium trade. They sell off the prime
dolphins and keep the rest to often sell labeled as whale meat.
Where is McCain when you need him????

"Bomb, bomb, bomb --- bomb, bomb Japan."

To be fair, she's spending airtime trying to get people to vote - you could argue the result of the election is going to have a pretty significant impact on environmental issues..!
Well, I guess this thread has run out of steam. I do want to say that as the economy gets worst, enviromental issues are getting to take a backseat to people trying to survive everyday. I am no exception to this with my job possibly being outsourced this coming March...but only time will tell.

But I want to close with these reminders:
The Gulf of California Harbor Porpoise - "The Vaquita" is down to 150 animals left.
The Maui Dolphin in New Zealand - Down to 111 animals left.
The Atlantic Right Whale - down to 350 animals left.
The Western Pacific Gray Whale - "Korean Gray Whale" is down to 100 animals, 23 of them female.
The Hector's Dolphin in New Zealand - Down to 450 animals left.
The Chinese River Dolphin - "The Baija" just went extinct.
The Finless Porpoise - The Chinese just took the last of them into captivity to save them.

Maybe Hayden Panettiere should be aware of these cetaceans.

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