Earned a Lionfish Badge at Evans Crary in Stuart

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SE Florida
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Went out for an evening dive with Stuart Scuba. We went to Evans Crary. Visibility was pretty poor, maybe 15-20 ft. The abundant quantity of fish was pretty amazing. I couldn't believe how many fish there were with the limited visibility. on the descent, Barracuda would poke their heads just within visibility and disappear. Hundreds of fish were swimming around on the edge of visibility. The sea floor was blanketed in a school of fish. Fish were just everywhere. There were also a LOT of large lionfish. The dive was about 70-75 ft deep. There was very little current at depth.

So I'm using this piece of crap to bag my lionfish. This is the biggest piece of garbage of dive gear that I've ever purchased. Hit the water and the bag immediately comes off. So I purchased a clasp band to put around it and that secures it to the lobster hotel.
Lionfish Hotel

There were no problems bagging the small lionfish, but the big ones had to be caught. My first big one, got him... I disconnect the container and hold it away from me. I'm holding the bag by the handle in my right hand. Just as the LF was about to enter the lobster hotel, it flinched and 2 of it's poisonous spines got me. One on the thumb and the other on my ring finger.

I dropped the bag. Signaled LF, pointed at my hand, and thumbed up to the DM who was hunting with me and putting his catch in my bag. I was going to retrieve the bag but it fell within a few feet of the DM and he grabbed it. So I'm starting my ascent thinking everything through when my breathing becomes extremely heavy. Odd, because I'm not freaking out. I look at my computer and see I'm going up too fast, so I dump my bladder and stopped my ascent. 20 seconds later I was back to breathing normal. Adrenaline? Anyways, continued my ascent and started my safety stop. I was ascending near the DM's flag, so I didn't shoot my SMB and had no idea where the boat was. I wanted to make sure it wasn't too close. The 3 minutes flew by in what felt like 30 seconds, if that. The pain was starting, but wasn't bad. As soon as I surfaced, the Capt saw me, so I gave him the OK signal so he wouldn't be overly worried. As he was positioning the boat, I told him what happened and he winced. It was a 6 pack, so he helped me on board. I got to hear his stories, which helped pass the time while waiting for the other divers. All 5 remaining divers surfaced within 30 seconds of each other 35 minutes later and we got to shore.

The capt had someone waiting at the dock with hot water. While soaking my hand, one of the other divers filleted the f***er for me and one other. I gave the rest to the DM, we had about 8 in the 20 minutes I was down there. I'll let you know how he tastes tomorrow :).

Evan's Crary was a really cool site. I wouldn't mind diving it again some time.

So my ring finger and thumb were hurting pretty good. During the drive home, it started hurting again. I immediately got it into hot water at home. Luckily I live 5 min from the dock. I called DAN. They advised me to wash my hands with soap and soak it in hot water. They asked when my last tetanus shot was... uh oh... 14 years? They said I might need antibiotics and an xray to see if anything is still in my skin. I considered walk in clinics and the emergency room that night. All the walk in clinics were closed. I had the pain under control and opted to wait til the next day to see a doctor. After all, DAN was asking me if I had a primary physician and didn't mention anything about the emergency room.

I took some ibuprofen and actually slept pretty good. In the morning, my thumb was swollen good but my middle finger was good to go. It's sensitive to the touch, but not painful at all. My thumb was only hurting from the swelling. The clinic seemed pretty excited about the case, as if they were learning something new. Gave me my shot, antibiotics, and anti inflammatory pills. They did do an xray and it was clean. I was impressed that the clinic did everything DAN suggested without me having to say it. The only thing I said when making the appt was I needed my tetanus shot.

So it's now 2 days since the incident. My thumb is still slightly swollen but very manageable. I'm typing with it now and there's no pain.

I've learned a couple of lessons... 1) Get rid of the POS Mako LF bag in exchange for a zoo keeper, 2) Get a longer spear after talking to some others about their hits happening after a LF swam at them after a miss, 3) Get some pierce resistant gloves. So my LF hunting is on pause but I'll be back :)
Yeah, I have a homemade Zookeeper; it's heavy (I used 6" green PVC sewer pipe for the body) but for damn sure I'm not getting spined through it. I have brass clips secured to it with hose clamps, so I can clip it to my harness like a stage bottle.

The one time I got nicked I was pulling a dead one out of a cooler - not sure if the venom was breaking down or if I just didn't get much of a dose, but it felt more like arthritis in my knuckles. Warm water and a few margaritas sufficed as first aid.

I'm planning on doing the MCAC lionfish derby on the 12th; my company is sponsoring the fishing tournament and I may be working up in Stuart that week.

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Stuart is the thickest I've seen them. Many more compared to the dives in Jupiter and WPB. Not to say that I've seen them all, but the site was covered in them and they were big.

What did it cost to construct your DIY version? I've seen the home depot DIY buckets, but that's kinda big and clunky. When you go to put them in your pvc keeper, do you get it away from your body? I think I'd want to have the habbit of disconnecting it from the top D ring just to get it away or carry the thing by the rope while spearing.
Not what I wanted to hear (ecologically speaking), but I guess that means a target-rich environment.

You could probably assemble your own for $80 or less; I forget exactly what spent on mine ($80-$100, maybe). I picked up a few parts I wound up not needing and it's probably bigger than I need (first time I took it aboard the Narcosis it was dubbed the potato cannon). I don't unclip it when stuffing the fish in; it hangs down enough that I'm not worried about getting stuck.

One modification I did make was to use a small (~12") traffic cone at the mouth instead of an oil funnel. I did crack one flap off trying to shove a really fat bastard in there, but the material's not as brittle.

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I cut the venomous spines off with shears and put them on a stringer as a rule.
When my team and I are doing the Lion tournaments, we use ZooKeepers.
but that is because we are moving fast, are not bugging.
I have been zapped about 5-6 times since the invasion began.
I do not have issues like many others do.
I actually got hit last weekend.
It bugs me for about 1 minute or so and then I pretty much forget it happened.
I guess I have "The Gift" as it relates to shrugging off the hits.
every time I have been envenomed, it is because I am moving too fast, are not being careful, and distracted.

Wants to dive Stuart soon.
At $80 - $100, I might as well just get the ZK and call it a day.

I would say my hit was mild to some of the stories I've heard. My thumb is still swollen but getting better fast. I'll probably be good to go by the end of the weekend. It hurt pretty good, but was bearable. I just wanted it to be over lol.

Chug, isn't it just as danger to try and cut while they are on the spear? I could get the same reaction out of them and get hit by some freak way or god forbid they get off the spear. I'd rather just get them in the ZK and deal with them once they are dead.
I used to cut the spines before I got a zookeeper. Got a secondary hit while cutting spines..the spine was cut and in the water column, when I moved my hand. :doh: The zookeeper had a problem at one time of the bottom falling off when handing it up out of the water to the boat. I was in a tournament and my buddy had the contents rain down on him, lucky for him no injuries, though one spine managed to penetrate his wetsuit in the chest. My zookeeper, I fashioned a bungee system on the bottom in the event the bottom falls off I don't lose it.

Glad to hear you are OK. Must of been scary for a bit not knowing how your body will react. Totally agree on the longer spear. My little LF spear is a bit short.

Let's go kill some lionfish!!
At $80 - $100, I might as well just get the ZK and call it a day.

I would say my hit was mild to some of the stories I've heard. My thumb is still swollen but getting better fast. I'll probably be good to go by the end of the weekend. It hurt pretty good, but was bearable. I just wanted it to be over lol.

Chug, isn't it just as danger to try and cut while they are on the spear? I could get the same reaction out of them and get hit by some freak way or god forbid they get off the spear. I'd rather just get them in the ZK and deal with them once they are dead.

Yeah, as stated I'm not sure whether I made the most economical choices in design and materials. I've thought about picking up one myself; as stated the one I have is heavy. I don't carry it on most recreational dives because with a camera setup, a short lionfish spear, and an SMB/reel I'm already hitting a practical limit on carried equipment.

I'll have to test out my newer lionfish spear - I got one of the sling-type jobs they sell at Divers Direct - but I may also invest in a new tip for the 6' pole spear that was my primary lionfish disposal weapon. I lost the tip on my last deep ledge dive; thing had the tendency to work it's way loose and in that instance it just dropped off. Next time I think I'll try putting some pipe thread tape on there. Might also get something other than the 3-prong paralyzer - worked well enough on larger lionfish, but the smaller ones often went right between the tips.
My zookeeper, I fashioned a bungee system on the bottom in the event the bottom falls off I don't lose it.

Glad to hear you are OK. Must of been scary for a bit not knowing how your body will react. Totally agree on the longer spear. My little LF spear is a bit short.

Let's go kill some lionfish!!


I drilled three holes, then use para cord and a clip.

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