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Reaction score
Beaufort, SC, USA
Dive Partner: RavenC
Location: Beaufort, SC
Dive time: 26 minutes
Max depth: 23 feet
Vis: < 1 foot
Air temp: 81*
Water temp: 71*
Weather: Overcast

Boy oh boy...

It's been waaay too long since I went diving last. :-(

New gear to try out: My new Apeks ATX200/ATX50; my new self-designed weight pockets.

Well... Let's see...

The regs are completely badass, but I'm not sure that I like the mouthpieces ("ComfoBite"). I may change them in the future. The regs certainly are the cat's ass, though. :) The weight pockets were a fantastic idea... When I saw them for the first time in person, I realized that the maker had made them a bit big... And I didn't think that would work well. They did, however... I think we may be on to something with these. :) Very nice indeed!

I've never had my bungeed necklace feel so streamlined. It's been shortened considerably so that I could grab it with my mouth (with no hands) while in the horizontal position. Much improved!

Now... The dive... This was done in Distant Island Creek, behind the island... Robyn and I descended into the blackness (vis MUCH worse here this year than last year this time) and immediately stepped on a stingray. Nobody got hurt, but from the outset, the dive was of the thrill-a-second type. It was like a bad suspense movie.

After playing with my regs for more than 5 minutes (the two controls on each reg actually DO SOMETHING, even at a measely 23 feet... I think they'd be even more effective at depth - very nice), we began to explore. There was little to see, and we kept bumping into these huge soft corals... Not at all a pleasant experience. Several times we saw crabs (one nearly a foot wide) and many times we saw river shrimp... Only some of them were 8" or more in length! They had red legs - Pop later said that that meant that they were "traveling" and that they "had their boots on." :) These guys were huge, and Robyn got stuck more than once. It was a lot like diving with a bunch of live, nervous hyperdermic needles. :-( To say, "suspenseful" is an understatement.

We surfaced laughing and having a good time... Although I think we'd have enjoyed ourselves a little more with better vis if there's all of that marine life around. :)

The Apeks regs get a big "thumbs up" from me, although I'm undecided about the mouthpieces. The pockets are very nice as well. I think they're keepers, even though they're not quite what I expected them to be.
SeaJay once bubbled...
I'm undecided about the mouthpieces.
If you don't like them, send 'em my way. I love the things. I get jaw fatigue with a normal MP, but dive completely relaxed with these.
I may just do that.

I put a Sherwood Scuba reg in my mouth the other day... The thing had a "standard" mouthpiece that was really thin in design, but had much longer "teeth grippers" than normal. I really liked that one a lot... It was small and tapered and unobtrusive, and the "teeth grippers" went so far back that they held onto all of my teeth... Which distributed any forces exerted by the regs on ALL my teeth rather than on my front teeth only, like the comfobite mouthpiece did.

I dunno... I'm going to look around a bit and see what I like. From the moment I first used the comfobite, I wasn't a fan. Doesn't the piece sitting on the roof of your mouth get a bit irritating? It did for me... And the mouthpiece seemed... Well... Hard. The place where my gums join my teeth (at the base of my teeth) seemed to sorta "catch" on the comfobite's corners. What was up with that?

I dunno... Gonna look around to see what I can find that I like better....

Maybe it's just a "getting used to" thing?
Be sure and check out the Atomics MP... the kind with grey "teeth holders". That would be my second pick after the Apeks.

The only thing that is "strange" to me about the Comfobite is my drymouth begins a bit further back and feels strange, but it doesn't really bother me.

Your problem is not the mouthpiece its the fact that you keep trying to talk even while while you are under water
:) :mean:

NitroxDvrFl A.K.A "Sabo"
You say that like it's a bad thing. :)

Some of the videos on the Deep South Divers website include the diver "talking." Hilarious... They sound like ducks. :)

On our dive yesterday, RavenC and I "talked" a lot... Funny. It's just like you were there...
How far is this dive from St. Aug? Sounds like a few hours up. I'm 3 hours from Savannah so that would put it at what? 4.5 or 5 hours North?

Oh, I gotta ask you a question SeaJay...

I met NitroxDvrFL this past weekend and I want to know how much you paid him to be your friend. I mean, he seemed almost normal, compared to you... hell compared to me he seemed mostly normal. (hi Kettle, my name's Pot!)

Got any pics posted of your weight pockets? Sounds interesting.

About 4 hours' north. :)

LOL about NitroxDvrFL... Jeff was a blast to have as a friend when we were kids. I haven't hung out with him in many years... I can't wait to again.

We're gonna have a blast. :)

BTW, I didn't give him any money to be my friend. I gave him a lamp post. :D

I'm still laughing, bud... Many years later. It's even funnier now...

Yeah, man... The weight pockets rock pretty good... I'll take some pics...
...Now you're OLD and... You know... MARRIED... And... Well... RESPONSIBLE... And crap like that.


I remember the look on your face when you ran back to the underbrush... Where I was laying prone... Watching you deflating A DREAM's tires. It was dark, but there was enough light to see you laughing your a$$ off as you booked back across the road.

I remember that look quite distinctly. :) My bet is that you're too OLD to get away with that now. :D

"Uhhhh... Yes... We'd like to look in the trunk of your car for the lamp post."

"Sure, officer."


The only way I'm going to figure out if you're still a blast to hang out with or not is... Well... If we do some hanging out.

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