Getting back into shape - need a plan

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Baby steps are good! I too recently started working out (beginning of December) and have almost completed the 6 week program at my local YMCA. Set a reasonable weekly goal to help avoid burning out. For me, something as simple as "I will spend "x" amount of time on the ____ 3 times this week" gave me a sense of accomplishment which encouraged me to set another goal and achieve it the following week. Long term goals are great but sometimes its achieving the short term stuff that keeps you going :wink:

Good Luck!
Ber :lilbunny:
I know you said you don't eat that poorly, but watch your portions! Too much of even good food is still too much. Watch your carb intake (breads and pastas) and those late night snacks. Drink LOTS of water. In fact, when most people think they are "hungry" they are typically thirsty. Then like others have suggested, start doing cardio. Start with 15-20 minutes every day. Then maybe twice a day. Initially that will be better for you than 40 minutes at a time and with your schedule and distractions might be easier for you. Lastly, don't try to lose too much too soon. Slow gradual weight loss is much easier to maintain than sudden weight loss.

I lost 45 pounts over a 9 month period and have kept most of it off (damn 5 lbs over xmas!) for 1 1/2 years.
Scuba Jerm:
Wouldn't it be cool to burn that many extra calories a day without doing the cardio? There is a great way to do that. Depending on your body fat % you could add 10lbs of muscle and burn that many extra calories everyday. If you add 1lb of muscle this will burn an extra 50Cal everyday. Once you've added the muscle... your fat seems to melt off, but it's not easy adding the muscle either, it just has a much longer effect than cardio alone.

That's not to say Cardio isn't important.... it is. Strength training combined with good cardio makes loosing fat easier.

So if a girl wants to NOT be a muscle bound monster, stay with more reps and lighter weights? I also do 40lb leg lifts and 36 lb bench presses, and 15lb curls. Is this considered weight lifiting?

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