How did you convince YOUR spouse to start diving

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Are you kidding? My wife is the one who got me into diving.
Chains around the legs, about 30# of legs, toss him/her over the side of a boat and meet him/her down on the bottom with a regulator in hand. I'll bet s/he starts real quick!

Really? Gear her up in a pool environment and let her realize that diving is less work than snorkeling. Worked for me, and she bit so hard years later she's hypoxic-trimix rated. Didn't even complain one bit about buying the compressor...
I puchased her all the gear and said just try it... If you don't like it then I have backup EVERYTHING!! She liked it immediatly more than me and is a better diver... Now we have to purchase two of everything when either of us wants something new... :)
Christmas Cards? Did Clark W Griswold buy a SCUBA tank?


I am very worried that are asking us "how to convince her and what tricks can you use" and I strongly recommend that you read the incidents and tragedies threads and remember how dangerous this sport is FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE ALREADY PASSIONATE OVER DIVING.

Now, consider just how much more dangerous it could be if someone is afraid of diving but dives anyway because she/he was TRICKED or COERCED into diving.

Then ask yourself how valuable your own life is to you. Seriously. Because while she is diving with you and one blink from panicking - you have to be more than just her buddy - you are her life support and you should accept the fact that you are diving SOLO. If something goes wrong, it is all on YOU to solve it, whether it be your gear, her gear, or any other diving anomoly that creates a chain reaction of errors and complications.

You become safe, skilled, competent by enjoying diving. You must respect diving and love diving. this isn't gardening. Or tennis. Or golf. It is a hobby with an extreme amount of risk. Maybe she is more aware of that risk than you realize and has decided her life is not worth it.

She has four children. Maybe she doesn't want to do anything that could cause them to lose their mother.

You should respect her decisions and not ask strangers how to coerce and manipulate her. If she SUPPORTS your diving you have 50% more than divers who are married to non-divers who do not support their diving. Those couples are out there. The non-diving spouse cannot understand why the time and money and energy goes into diving and resents that they are not doing things together.

Could be a whole lot worse. A whole lot worse.
Here is a thought - your count so far is 4 out of 5 - count your blessings! If she comes around, you... sir will have your own boat. If not then you have a bunch of wonderful kids that like to do something that Dad likes to do.
Diving is something an individual has to want to do. You're doing a disservice by trying to persuade or convince anyone of diving.

The most gawdawful buddy teams I've seen have been where one spouse was gung ho about diving, the other wasn't but went along because the spouse wanted them to. They didn't take training seriously, were constantly dependent on the stronger buddy, and had no confidence in their own ability because they didn't want to be there in the first place. I'm all for couples/families doing things together, but talking someone into diving is not a good thing, IMHO.
She could see that she had better join the fun or be missing me a lot. It's worked out well.

I have never seen a good outcome from manipulation or any sort of pressure. It really needs to be something she wants to do. With 4 of you diving I have to believe it's within her each if she wants to do it. At this stage she is already so surrounded with opportunity to do a discover dive or other entry activity that it seems clear she just has no interest.

Has she ever given an indication as to why? I know for some its a simple lack of interest but with the 4 of you in the game I would think it's something else if she hasn't even tried.

At the end of the day if she's good with skin-diving then so be it. At least she's able to enjoy the essentially same destinations.

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How did my wife, TSandM, get convinced to learn to dive? Well, she got drunk at an auction and bought a GOLF trip to Australia (and yes, neither of us golf). On the way home, when she was a bit less inebriated, I told her "Well now you are just going to have to learn to dive. I'm not going to Australia and NOT diving the GBR!" (For the record, we went to Australia and I have still not dived the GBR.)

So, see, "the man of the house" CAN demand the spousal unit learn to dive -- and she now has around 1000 dives since June, 2005.

BTW, our bank account would be a whole lot healthier if I hadn't done that!!!!!
You don't...

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