Iberostar Cozumel dock fees!!!!!

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Obviously you have never spoken to or dived with anyone from Dressel Divers Cozumel........

No new instructors are sent to work in Cozumel......

I respect your defence of your company, but I will say first that I have spoken to several ex-Dressel staff, and it is from those conversations that I understood how the work-for-certification program works, I don't doubt that once the initial contract is up, staying on as Staff is a different arrangement, than those who enter a contract to get Certified as Instructors in exchange for work. The people I spoke to told me that they felt their contract basically did enslave them to Dressel and IB, until the contract was up.

There are constantly new Staff there, and this has been corroborated by a well known and seasoned OWSI on this thread:

" thus they have new DMs all the time, they are usually foreigners that DO NOT KNOW THE REEFS!!!! So it's not surprising that most divers that stay there don't use Dressel."-Antonio

I once ran into some old friends and they were staying at IB and had already paid for their diving there. They wanted me to come with them and they paid for me to go diving.

We went to Cedral. We started at the platform and after about 5 minutes it was easy to see that the DM was confused as to our exact location. We started to miss the reef and the cave by about 30 yards to the caves East side (nothing but sand), so I signaled my friends to follow me so they could see the cave & the reef and we cut over to it and went through it. To make a long story short the DM blew up on me when we got back to the boat and proceeded to tell me how he had a whopping 3 months of diving experience in Cozumel and what the hell did I think I was doing.

Now it would be fair for anyone to say that I was wrong in not following the DM, no matter what and in general I would agree. But I also think in all fairness and truthfulness the DM should at least have a general idea of where the reef is.

As far as the pier is concerned, yes other operators have to pay to dock there, however, dont forget that Dressel also pay a fee for being there in the first place., They also have nothing to do with the Iberostar hotels decision to apply this fee...

all the other dive companies pay this no problem.....

Dressel pays to be there.....Hmmm... and how does Dressel get around the Mexican Labor Laws requiring employing 10 Mexican Nationals for every foreigner???:

In Mexico, for every foreigner that you employ you must have 10 Mexican nationals. This certainly does not apply at Dressel Divers. Why? Because Dressel and IB are under the same corporate umbrella. This is precisely why every Instructor/DM (with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions) working for them is of European/Canadian/US descent - because they meet their quota with the hotel employees (maids, cooks, maintenance staff, gardeners, boat mates, captains).

So IB/Dressel takes money out of one pocket, and puts it in the other pocket, when it's convenient, it's 2 separate companies, but when it's not convenient, it's just one company.

And for the record I did correct myself on this thread (mistakenly of course):

I want to corroborate that based on what he's told me, Dressel Divers has nothing to do with this matter, the pier is owned by the Iberostar Hotel, and it's the hotel doing all of this, not the dive operator.

I say mistakenly because even though there are 2 brand names and companies on paper, it is obvious that IB and Dressel are one company, though Dressel can wash their hands and say "It's not us, it's the hotel"....very convenient indeed...

All the other dive companies pay this no problem......??? You really believe that???

Sharkey, are you telling us that they were making that stuff up? Slandering another business for their own interests? Their motives are not as pure as claimed? I'm aghast....

slan·der (slndr)
1. Law Oral communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation.
2. A false statement or report about someone.

Billyboy, please post what I have posted that is false. You can repeat your BS 1000 times, it doesn't make it true. What on this thread, am I making up??? Come on, let's see, what????

I do know that some operators here will charge divers (and snorkelers) $2 dollars per day for the park fee, then will NOT give people the wristband at all, or will give them 1 wristband and tell them "it's good all week", in which case they are pocketing the money. If you are charged $2 dollar PER DAY for park fee, then you should be getting a NEW wristband each day, and I know that is not the case with several ops.

Let's see:

20 divers dive for 5 days, each pay $10 dollars for 5 days of park fees, the Op. collects $200 dollars, gives out 20 wristbands (tells them it's good all week, put it on your BCD they say....) which cost them $40 dollars. That would leave $160 dollars, not bad extra income, you can pay the dock ransom, and still have a few bucks for whatever left over, AND you made your client believe YOU paid the dock fee.

I am not saying DWM is doing that. I do know some Ops do exactly that.

Can you read the last line there, with the not in bold???? Can you??? Let's see:

Unless the Iberostar has changed the information from last week, it is not $2 or $3 dollars per person per day. They want a minimum $50 dollars a month from operators, and they have made it very clear they do not want their guests to pay this.

The Marine Park fee is $25 pesos, exactly $2 dollars right now at $12.50mx for $1 USD. So I doubt $3 dollars will cover the Park fee AND the Iberostar fee, I do know that some operators here will charge divers (and snorkelers) $2 dollars per day for the park fee, then will NOT give people the wristband at all, or will give them 1 wristband and tell them "it's good all week", in which case they are pocketing the money. If you are charged $2 dollar PER DAY for park fee, then you should be getting a NEW wristband each day, and I know that is not the case with several ops.

Let's see:

20 divers dive for 5 days, each pay $10 dollars for 5 days of park fees, the Op. collects $200 dollars, gives out 20 wristbands (tells them it's good all week, put it on your BCD they say....) which cost them $40 dollars. That would leave $160 dollars, not bad extra income, you can pay the dock ransom, and still have a few bucks for whatever left over, AND you made your client believe YOU paid the dock fee.

I am not saying DWM is doing that. I do know some Ops do exactly that.
DWM didn't do anything like that the week I dove with them. They were a very professional, very enjoyable dive op that I can recommend to others without reservation.

No it appears you don't see, oh that's right, you have selective viewing, you don't see when you are wrong, sorry I keep forgetting that part, did you see this??:

They did not give us new bands each day. Only when our wristband were tatter or torn did they give us new ones. I really did not think anything of it at the time. We paid the money we just assumed they paid it to the park. WE actually asked for new ones the last day to keep new for scrapbooking other wise we would have only had 2 wrist bands the whole week.

I am NOT saying they did it on purpose, They might have just forgotten. I am also not trying to put down DWM or saying they are ripping off the park. I am just telling you what happened with us.

You probably missed that one too right....???

Is that how you see it? Two sides to the story?

I have to disagree. The two of them and a few of their friends have been jumping up and down on two other company's reputations simply because they were not here to defend themselves.

Again, I CHALLENGE YOU to post anything that Christy or I have posted that could even come close to jumping up and down on the reputation of Dressel or DWM, what we have written here have been measured comments about real and FACTUAL situations we both know very well, the only ones jumping up and down in here Billyboy are YOU and your croonies....

And Bill ... no need to throw more fuel on the fire by continuing to be an a$$ and provoke people.

Kat of course there's no need, except for Bill, he does have the need, it's what he does, he accuses me of "stirring up the public" when it is him doing the stirring, you cannot ask an apple tree to not continue to be an apple tree, it's the same with Bill, he cannot help being what he is.....I said it before and I'll say it again:

.....you've stated you're not interested, accused me of "crying" and many other "little" jabs, well, if you're not interested, why do you keep making these long posts on this thread, taking up antagonistic positions, to further something you're not interested in???? Personally I think these exchanges fill you with self-importance and feed your enormous ego, I think you love ruffling feathers, I think it's like a hobby to you....:eyebrow: Your opinions do not stress me out Bill, in fact I look forward to reading them, as they usually make me chuckle a bit....it's really entertaining to watch you twist words and ideas around to try to fit your arguments, you post 85% coherent information, and weave 15% BS in the middle, and you're actually very good at it!!! :)

Bill thrives on this type of negative exchanges, sadly he excels at it, more so than me really, it's entertaining at first, but after almost a month that this thread has been going, it does get old, specially knowing that no matter how many times he is proved wrong, he'll come back with yet another round of BS, and another......repeating lies in hopes it will make them true, works for governments right, why not for Bill..?? He accuses others of flinging around insults, when it's him flinging around insults, do you start to see a pattern here...????

It is utterly useless to further engage any argument with Bill and his cheerleaders, the problem arises from the fact that if one stays silent, it emboldens the amount and degree of BS he posts, always daring to come back with an answer, which is what he wants, to continue to engage in attacks, insults, etc. etc, etc. it is a most negative cycle and he thrives in it....I do see the light at the end of the tunnel though, and will probably have to let him have his way, and post his erroneous and misleading BS, just because I really am tired of the energy drain engaging him causes, so he will have to think he "won" and had the last word, afterall, for people like Bill, that's what it's all about "winning"..... everything is a competition, and he's the playground bully.....there are volumes and volumes of psychology books written about it....even though the subjects may live their entire lives in total denial....believing they won.....


PS: for those tired of reading through 23 pages of this thread, go to your user panel and maximize the posts per page, in that way his thread is only 7 pages, and much easier to navigate....
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How come no one is ... complaining about Scuba club not even allowing anyone else to use their doc?
FWIW, I brought up the SCC policy a few pages ago.
This is getting old.

Can we (generally) agree with the following:
- Pier owners have a right to recover their investment in its construction/maintenance; nothing in life is free.
- That cost should be disclosed if not covered with "all-inclusive" fees.
- That cost should be borne by their guests; if guests don't like it, they can vote with their feet
- This particular example is an effort by a number of interested parties to steer business to an interested party. See above.

Antonio - It takes 2 to fight. You have said you are done but keep it up. Clearly Bill is not of the same mind. As you have said, it's getting old. Time to walk away. Really. This time for sure. This argument is going nowhere. It's like watchig a train wreck. You can't stand it but can't take your eyes off it.

Let market economics work.

P.S. There have been a lot of side issues raised. I'm skating over all of them b/c clearly they won't be resolved. I wanted instead to get back to the original issue.
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This argument is going nowhere. It's like watchig a train wreck. You can't stand it but can't take your eyes off it.
Speak for yourself. I love a good trainwreck. :D

But seriously, I agree. The IB has decided to exert leverage for reasons we can only guess at. Either it will work for them or the lever will break off in their hand. Either way, the market will adapt.
- Pier owners have a right to recover their investment in its construction/maintenance; nothing in life is free.
- That cost should be disclosed if not covered with "all-inclusive" fees.
- That cost should be borne by their guests; if guests don't like it, they can walk with their feet
- This particular example is an effort by a number of interested parties to steer business to an interested party.

Let market economics work.

Perfectly summarized .. but I fear your last bullet point will keep this thread going still longer! :popcorn:

I've been watching this thread for quite some time now.

You have posted several negative statements about your competitors. Posting negative comments about a business competitor, whether your comments are factual, or not, is never a good business practice (you should leave that to the consumer).

In most cases, when one business slams its competition, it only comes back to haunt them. Market research has shown that most consumers decide not to use a business that makes negative comments about its competition.

My guess is that your posts on this thread (whether factual, or not) have caused Scuba Du to lose some potential customers.

Just my humble opinion.

And what gives you the right to ask that when you just posted for the first time on this thread ??
LOL :confused:

And why not???

really do not want to start a big disagreement but I think any one who has taken the time to read and not even posted is a bit done with the whole group of us testy posters.
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