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Ok, im in a little bind.

Im almost done with my SSI OW cert. I like SSI. I like my Dive Instructor. I like my LDS. What i do not like, however, is my Dive Instructor's integrity and way of running his LDS and some of his attitudes.

I know of another dive shop around the corner that is PADI. I went in today and they have much better policies and are more upfront on costs and requirements.

I did not want to go in there and badmouth my current LDS, but when they asked if i had a weight belt and i told them he said we had to buy a weightbelt and weights or buy a BC with weights (instead of letting us buy weights for the rental BCs) they knew who my LDS was.

Anyways, I've decided to switch to the PADI store after I finish my OW cert. However, the PADI store doesn't do too many local dives, whereas the SSI store does one or two at least every week.

Would it be considered bad to do my training and big dive trips with the PADI store, but to do local smaller dives with the SSI store and get gear wherever it is cheaper?

As a consumer i feel i should be able to, but i also feel guilty about going to another LDS.

Sorry for the long post, feedback would be appreciated.

You aren't married to these people. You should purchase what you choose where you can find enterprise. Anyone who has been diving a while will have accumulated gear from different sources, including the internet, will travel with one group, take certifications with another. No one dive shop is likely to satisfy all your needs all the time. Don't feel guilty, have fun. That's what you are paying for.
I can sympathize with you on that one. I recently purchased a Viking drysuit off of ebay and when I went on one of local dives the eyes where rolling. I had tried to get pricing with them for almost a year and half, and heard nothing, so when the deal came up, I took it. Had they given me the pricing when I needed it, it would have been their sale. All that said to say, if the shop isn't giving you the support that you need, then by all means go to the other shop. Dive shop owners need to understand that they are providing a service and if they expect people to use them, then give the consumer the proper service. Business is business, but be prepared for a possible shut out.
Do you feel guilty when you go to Albertsons for milk instead of Safeway? Its no big deal, if one store doesn't have what you need, you go to another. No guilt necessary. There is no reason why you can't do business at both stores, and if someone at one of them says different, you will have a reason not to go there.
Remember that you control your actions, dont let any business try and control what you do. take classes where ever you can and dive with whom ever you want and buy gear that is designed for you for a price you are willing to pay.

I have been lucky because I have 2 dive shops, but neither is real local, and one was where I learned to dive and the other is where I continued my training. I like both shop owners but I rarely buy equipment from either because its not convenient nor is it affordable usually. When I can help them I do but its a rare day that I buy anything overly expensive from the LDS'.

Instead I use the power of the internet and have found great deals through:

-Mike at Dive Right In scuba
-Edd at Cave Adventurers
-John and Northeast Scuba Supply
-Nix Dog collars
-Reef Scuba
-and others

You can support your dive shops buy getting air there, service there, and diving through them but you shouldn't feel pressured to remain loyal to them.
Ok, im in a little bind.

Im almost done with my SSI OW cert. I like SSI. I like my Dive Instructor. I like my LDS. What i do not like, however, is my Dive Instructor's integrity and way of running his LDS and some of his attitudes.

I know of another dive shop around the corner that is PADI. I went in today and they have much better policies and are more upfront on costs and requirements.

I did not want to go in there and badmouth my current LDS, but when they asked if i had a weight belt and i told them he said we had to buy a weightbelt and weights or buy a BC with weights (instead of letting us buy weights for the rental BCs) they knew who my LDS was.

Anyways, I've decided to switch to the PADI store after I finish my OW cert. However, the PADI store doesn't do too many local dives, whereas the SSI store does one or two at least every week.

Would it be considered bad to do my training and big dive trips with the PADI store, but to do local smaller dives with the SSI store and get gear wherever it is cheaper?

As a consumer i feel i should be able to, but i also feel guilty about going to another LDS.

Sorry for the long post, feedback would be appreciated.


Of cause no feeling guilty, you can dive with anybody you want to, there is no restriction on that other than you level and safety. Personally I have 2 dive shops that I go to all the time and sometimes one has better deals another the other one. Sometimes I tell them straight out that I bought some stuff on the Internet.

Just stay away from politics and have fun diving. You meet other people on the boats and most of them do not care about the wars between the shops and they have fun diving with you.
You should and are able to give any portion of your business to any shop you like. If any of those businesses do not appreciate the portion of your business that you give them, then you can take that business somewhere else.

The dive industry is not like the mob. You are free to join other "families" and leave entirely any time you want.
Would it be considered bad to do my training and big dive trips with the PADI store, but to do local smaller dives with the SSI store and get gear wherever it is cheaper?

As a consumer i feel i should be able to, but i also feel guilty about going to another LDS.


As a consumer you should be able to do exactly what you are considering without feeling ANY guilt.

Smart business people get market share. Sounds like one shop owner is smart and the other not so smart.
A lot of LDS owners take offense to you not buying all your gear at their shop. Is it right? Nope....but does it happen? Yup, unfortunately. For that reason, I've given up shopping at a couple of the LDS around my instead of getting some of my business, they get none of my business, just because they started acting petty.

As for diving, you do NOT need to dive with a dive shop to go out. You've found scubaboard, you can find many local buddies in your area on here. There's really no need to depend on a LDS to go diving; just find some buddies you are comfortable with and go out with them.

FWIW, one of the LDS I used to deal with offers "special" prices on boat trips. I happen to know (cause the dive operator posts on SB and some of the other forums) that the "special" prices he offers are often worse than the price you could get going directly through the operator (and other times they are the same, so nothing special about that).
You aren't married to these people.

I love that line top marks

Train where you want dive with whoever you like and get your gear at the best price.
after all that way you are supporting everyone including your self.

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