Jamaica Suggestions

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Concerning Jamacia, I was in Negril over Xmas and New Year,,Negril Scuba Center is the best,,the diving is below average but if you have your heart set on Jam. go to Negril but you have to be into roughing it diving wise and enjoy the local color ...cool place if you know the ropes.
My two cents:

Unfortunately, my experience in Negril was one of being relentlessly badgered, harassed, cajoled, and implored to buy anything from dope to women (!) to beaded hair, etc. etc. I've travelled quite a bit and I try to do everything in my power to avoid being the Ugly American. I fully understand folks' need to survive and make a living any way they can. I fully respect each person's right to my full attention, eye contact and interaction when approached. I and my buddy, when accosted, would smile broadly, hear out the hawker, politely *thank* the person for their solicitation, decline and attempt to break off the contact. This seemed totally ineffective: the soliciting person continued unrelentingly to offer their wares, even pursuing us as we were forced to rudely stroll away up the beach, badgering us behind our backs.
In trips to bleakly poverty-stricken St. Vincent, not much better off Dominica, Guadaloupe, St. Lucia, Belize, Bonaire, Caymans, etc. etc, I've never encountered anything remotely close to the harassment I found in Negril. On the contrary, in most cases, I found it a pleasure to interact with the local folks (even to the extent of being invited to dinner with a Dominican family after offering a ride to a hitchhiking school girl.) I've purchased some really cool artifacts from local artisans who, while determined salesmen/women, were never abusive. The Negril experience totally soured me on any thought of returning to a physically beautiful island.
The diving...well, OK, with a fair sampling of the usual Caribbean suspects, but no comparison to the above mentioned locales.
But, hey, the beauty of travel is that each person's experience is unique. All I can do is offer mine.
Jamaica gets a bad rap but visitors need to use a little common sense. The Europeans love to go there but they are much better travellers than North Americans and understand what it really means to travel to a Third World country.

You wanted to go to an all inclusive but you didnt state whether you are single, couple, or a family.

For an out going party type single person, try Hedonism. Otherwise try Swept Away, Club Caribbean, Breezes Runaway Bay.

For a couple, try Couples Hotel, Sans Souci, Braco and any of the sandals Resorts. couples.com sandals.com superclubs.com

For Family, try FDR Hotel in Runaway Bay. fdrfamily.com

Jamaica does too have good diving you just have to know where to dive. Runaway Bay is a great area to dive in for all types of divers. I leave Negril to beginners. Port antonia is also great. Try Lady G'Diver (sp?) you will have to do a bit of research to find somewhere to stay near to her dive shop. http://www.3routes.com/ca/jama/0937.html

NITROX is too available in Jamaica from Jamaica SCUBA Divers. They are the only one that have Nitrox in Jamaica. Look for them at www.scuba-jamaica.com

Dont knock it till you try it. Most third wirld countries do have a harassment problem and as someone else stated, most FIRSt worl visitors like myself have pocket change in our wallets that would be someone salary for a month. I have been to other Caribbean Islands, Egypt , Czech, Italy, and i got harassed there too. Just be firm and friendly and go you way. The Gypsies in Rome were pretty bad. By the way, I have been to New York City and seen a visitor get mugged in the middle of the day. So people take the blinders off and learn from your travel experiences and the only way to do that is to travel. So visit Jamaica. Only the complainers have something to say as is always the case on the "Guest Comment Sheet" . The majority have a good time and sadly they never seem to fill out the " Guest Comment" Sheet if you catch my drift.
You miss the point. The contributors to this board are giving comparison information to other divers on Jamaica vs. other dive locations in the Caribbean. When you compare Jamaica to places like Cozumel, the Caymans or Turks and Caicos it is seriousely wanting in a number of respects. If it is all about the diving then don't go there.
If you stay at the all-inclusive resorts you will not hav to deal with the harrasment. The diving in Jamaica has come a long way in the last few years. In Negril they have installed permanent moorings on most major sites and created a marine park to get ride of the fish traps. They are creating artificial reefs at most major dive areas throughout the country.

The major all-inclusive reosrts now have state of the art dive boats and follow dive industry standards. Jamaica may not have the best diving in the Caribbean, but they have a great combination of top shelf resorts with easy diving.


My wife and I honeymooned in Jamaica in May of last year (2002). We had a fantastic time. However it was not a dive destination for us. We were there for other reasons :) the ability to get some bottom time was a bonus.

We stayed at Couples Negril. The food was good, the drinks were included , and the place was nice. I'm sure we would not hesitate to return. In fact, we seriously considered it when our Coz trip hit a snag (back on track now though :wink:

I went to Jamaica knowing that most of my time would be spent on the resort. For this trip, that was perfectly ok. We were not pestered for anything at the resort. However, once we left we did indeed run into some hard sellers. Frankly it wasn't as bad as I was expecting from what I had read. Most were willing to drop it once I made it clear I was not interested. We did run into some very un-agressive sellers also, they got our business.

Diving was fine. We dived with the resort shop (all included). They had a great boat and good DMs. Water was warm, and vis was good. A bit cloudy (water) at times but overall I can't complain.

I guess what it boils down to is, people always say to go somewhere else. What I am saying is, Jamaica is a great vacation destination where you can do some diving to boot. For me, it's not a dive destination.

I was there towards the end of last November, not there primarily for diving (medicine) but managed to get in 12 dives during the four weeks I was there.

As a place to go, I am sure there are better destinations in the Carribean. Cuba is a good example. If I was to go back it would only be to an all inclusive, and as that isn't really the way I like to travel I probably won't be back.

The people can be friendly, but they can also be very aggressive, demanding and rude. I have travelled through the third world a reasonable amount but people tend to use their size and agression to coerce people into buying things. I had the advantage of being a semi-local working at the hospital so I got off a bit lighter.

As for diving - it wasn't spectacular (but was my first tropical diving experience so I loved it), but there was still stuff to see. I dived with the guys at FDR Pebbles and Runaway Bay. http://www.scuba-jamaica.com/ They are owned by a husband/wife team - Chris and Kelly who are fantastic. They would pick me up from Montego Bay and take me to their resort to dive and drop me back (for no extra charge). They are also extremely helpful - put me in touch witha good comapny to dive with in Negril (before I had even dived with them). They were safe, reliable and helpful - and I am sure that some of the operations, including some resort operations aren't. They even have people form all-inclusives coming to dive with them (although I suppose that partially defeats the purpose). Kelly is teaching the nitrox course there, and they are the only nitrox centre around that region.

Anyway hope that helps. If you do end up going and have time I would check out Dunns River Falls (nice, but we have nicer back here in New Zealand), the Twyman Estate Coffee Plantation (you will need to ring or write in advance), Blue Montain Peak is a good little hike and the sunrising while you are the highest (in one way) people in jamaica is pretty cool.


You may have already taken your trip, but in case you didn't, I have been to Jamaica a couple of times and the Wyndam Resort is a great place to stay if you are going with family or just your significant other. However, the diving is terrible. I dove with a dive operation based out of the Jack Tar Hotel and there was nothing good to say about it except they got us back to shore eventually! The boat actually drop the divers in the water and then took off with snorklers. When we came up after about 30 minutes due to a problem with a new divers gear, there was no boat and we had to float around in choppy water for 20 minutes until the boat finally found us.
I did a lot of diving while in Jamaica with my kids on spring break... (not this past spring break, the one prior to) We stayed at Beaches Negril..... A nice all-inclusive place to stay with kids... Although there is NO comparison to the one on Turks & Caicos... The diving is okay in Jamaica but not the greatest due to the spear and dynamite fishing there... But..... I will say that the diving staff was GREAT..... My son did his referral check out dives while we were there.... and.... We made some really wonderful friends there.... Infact, one of the DM's from the dive shop is coming here next week to spend a week with us.... Yes, all the way from Jamaica! I can't wait to see him again... It is great to actually follow through in keeping in touch with someone like that and having them come to the states to visit....
Needless to say..... even with the diving not being the best.... we had a WONDERFUL and very memoral trip there....
Karen :wink:

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