Kicked out of Nitrox Class!!

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Good evening and welcome to the program. I'm Alastair Cook, your host for Sockpuppet Theater....
Braunbehrens once bubbled...
I've figured out how to subscribe to a thread...after reading the last few posts I'd like to know how do you UNSUBSCRIBE from a thread?

You guys need to go diving.

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Now I'm going to unsubscribe from this thread as I too, think it has passed the point of no point.
I have to say I have had better luck with a couple of my LDS sites. I have however, known one owner for 30 yrs. For the life support side of business (i.e., regulators) I want local service and warranty. Other items I have purchased on line, and have discussed some of the purchases with him prior. Sometimes he has matched, sometimes just a few dollars more that I don't mind.
I understand overhead, facilities, etc. I'm still a customer of his.
He and his wife (retired economics PhD) also understands that both in retail and in investing that:

5% of something,
is better than 50% of nothing.

That's what needs to be understood by more of the LDS owners.
Let's face it the majority of shop owners/dive pros were not at the top of the business graduating class of Harvard.
runvus4 once bubbled...
If you look at my posts, they have a number of spelling errors and my own grammatical mistakes. Simply put, the grammar mistakes, spelling errors that I make, and the vocabulary are fairly unique to me. Others may imitate, but it would take effort to. I just was observing that it was ironic that you all came from the same area and had similar signatures with writing styles and was trying to come up with a possible explanation. Poor writing does not make a person stupid,ignorant or uneducated, just as good writing doesn't neccisarily make a person smart, worldly or educated.

Domino - Your initial post was fine since you were just posting your experiences in the course of a transaction. I would like to point out that it is obviously one sided. In order to merit the rather extreme responses that OTHERS have posted, professional ruination, lawsuits and blackballing the shop to try to drive it bankrupt, I posted that would like to hear the other side first.

Scubaroyster - My point has been to you that that Since I don't know who you are (or Cajundiver) I can't tell if you are re-telling personal experience or not. That you are total anonymous newcomers to this board, have a longstanding dispute with her, your stories are totally unverifiable by me or almost anyone else here. I'm just stating that while I don't disbelieve you, I don't believe you either. Simply posting that I can trust you while remaining anonymous/unverfiable/unverified by someone/anyone that I already trust is simply not sufficient for me to believe your story 100%.

Cajundiver - I don't see your point of the story of her being bent or not ot Turk Lagoon. It doesnt, as far as I can tell make her more or less guilty as far as Domino's story of her kicking someone out of a class or Scubaroyster's claim that she is some sort of unstable person. You also posted that she trained you and your wife with OW. Since Truk Lagoon isn't exactly a beginner's dive site, I would guess that you dove with her for a long time. What actual misfortune did Jane bequeath upon you? What caused you to dislike her so much? Is there anything aside from your buyers remorse of the $4,200.00 in gear you and your wife bought from her? Or what you retold was a snubbing of another patron while you were in the store?

If you are all going to post what a horrible person Jane is and what a bad dive shop her shop is, all I would like is something to prove that this isn't some sort of one-sided smear campaign. What is to me, unverfiable stories by anonymous people is unconvincing. If you think this is an anti-south/anti-Texas issue, let me assure you it isn't, though I'm certainly getting one of those "dang yankee" breezes from down there. I could really care less. I've spent some time in Houston and I have a few good friends (whom don't dive) who are from the Houston area, and some who still live there. I'm just not big on people who post dirt about others totally anonymously and unverifiably and who also get PO'd when someone whom doesn't swallow their line on the first go posts such a believe and asks for ANY kind of verification.
Whow where did this come from?Did you have a revelation?We are from Texas we draw the line at first cousins.We do not post dirt we do not coward to people who have no clue about dealing with facts and "understanding what has been said and by how many different people" Go back reread everything take notes and then review them under adult supervision and get your S%$#T up to date with the program my God what is your deal. If a ship at sea has 1000 people on board screaming at the same time the ship is going down I guess you would be on the bridge with the captan saqying are you sure and why are you getting into the life boat. I ain't leaven till I have solid proof I don't care how wet I get. Bye dude I'm done doing your posts anymore responces, nothing personable my second cuz is coming over!
Our LDC will usually try to meet or beat an online price or add something in if we talk to them first. My husband bought his drysuit on line and had such trouble getting it, it was ridiculous! It took 6 months and two sites (one bought out the other) before he received it and then he had to have it customized. The LDC did it for a small fee even though they didn't sell it to him! I'm sooo blessed to have a caring LDC not one that is in it only for the money. (the owners have another business that makes them some money too thankfully!)
This post is no good without a shop name-----please tell us the name of the shop & 'her'.....Then, if I were a Dallas resident, I'd call them up stating they'll never see my happy rear in there AND ALL my dive friends will hear this story........

EDIT:OOOPS, after posting, realized how old this thread probably went belly up a year or 2 ago.....
Look, you people have a right to buy where you want and a shop has the right to teach who they want.

Not unless they spell out their criteria UP FRONT, before you invest two hours of your time. There's also a PADI standard not allowing members to withhold certification or fail a student who meets PADI's requirements, for financial or other unrelated reasons.
Read more carefully. They didn't withhold certification. they withheld the class! the student did not meet requirements because they didn't take the class.

Expelling a student who starts the class against their will, when they are able and willing to complete the class, is withholding certification.
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