Mares Parts and Service (split from Mares new limited edition)

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Just a slightly off topic note about Mares service: I had to get a Mares BC serviced (the recalled Morphos). Called them up, they provided a mailing label; I sent it in (to CT), and it arrived back pretty quickly.

I will say, however, that the news about the recall was not widely publicized here in the US. I found out about it through a scubaboard thread that linked to Mares' german site -- the US/english site had no such information.

Anyway, just to stay on topic: I'm looking forward to seeing what Mares introduces next month. Perhaps I won't need/want it, but they've come up with some good inventions that I do use (e.g. airtrim).

Hey Guys... We could cut Stefano a break here... You have the ear of the president of one of the largest scuba equipment manufacturers in the world... what are you attempting to accomplish by simply bashing him and the line... Let's act a bit more mature here ok??

You guys know my reputation on the board for being honest... and I can tell you - Mares has made changes to address issues in the US recently that are extremely positive. I just had a meeting with the VP that Stefano mentioned. A guy named Phil. I'll tell you, I was extremely impressed. He flew on out to see my shop and meet with me, and I must admit, it was the first time I got straight answers from them.

In the past when I met with the other vp's of Mares/Dacor (2 different ones in the last 6 months or so, not including Phil!), it seemed like I was buried in a myriad of business double speak... "I understand you have some issues with these initiatives, and we will address them in a proprietary manner."

Huh??? I'm a diver. If I have a problem with a reg at 100 feet... I don't have an issue... I've got a friggin problem! Same thing if I can't get a part for someone who is leaving on a trip in 3 days...

But talking to Phil was a breath of fresh air. We talked about a lot of items including the LE product... which I also am very looking forward to getting... will it be for everyone?? No... limited edition... get it? There is definitely some neat stuff there, and you'll be able to see it in about a month. I'll make sure it's within close range of our web cam so you can check it out even if you are not close to a LE dealer.

But anyway... back to Phil... He was straight forward, honest, intelligent business man. We did not agree on everything, and in the past, I had the Mares folks get indignant and pushy with me.. "I'm the VP or Mares and if I say this is the way it goes... this is the way it goes!"

Phil and I came to a lot of agreements, and I must admit, he made more concessions than demands. A refreshing view point.

Over all I'm very optimistic about Mares future in the states. Let's be honest, anyone can sell scuba gear. I am fortunate to have on this board a lot of loyal customers that have purchased equipment from me. It's not because I'm the only guy who has a regulator XXX... it's because of the personal relationships that I've built with them, and them with me.

From my dealings in the last few weeks with Mares, I can see a change in attitude. The new guy on the block seems great. They are working on very nice promotions. They are flying out David Sipperly, multiple spearfishing national champion, to give a talk to interested customers at my shop, and answer any questions about spear guns, and give you a chance to hop in our pool and try them out! (BTW, this is happening this Monday the 7th if you're interested).

So before you simply beat up Stefano because you can't find parts for a regulator that is 40 years old... from a company that basically went out of business, and mares just tried to pick up the pieces, let's try to use this opportunity to be a bit more productive... ok??

I think it has been a huge input to this board getting folks like Scott Zeagle here, and now if Stefano would participate now and then, I think that would be great! Let's not scare everyone off just because we disagree with past policies.

Pretend you are in a business meeting with this man to try to accomplish something positive for the future... would you choose the words you used in your posts?? Let's make sure the board stays a method of communication, not a chance to insult people simple because we can hide behind a screen name.

Stefano.... Welcome. And thanks for your input.
Larry is right, we have not shown the proper respect to Mr Martino.

Mr Martino,

Welcome to Scuba Board. We very much appreciate your presence here. It is the presence of representatives of several dive equipment manufactures just like yours that attracted me and many others to this forum. Sadly, by the time your entered this thread, most of the people who would have spoken up and demanded more respect for a person in your position had already labeled the thread a lost cause and gone elsewhere. As for me, well... I am a coward. I try my best to avoid other peoples conflicts. I guess we all have our little faults. Given some time I think you will find Scuba Board a very informative place.

Good luck with your new product rollout, I look forward to seeing what you have up your sleeves. I sincerely hope things go great for your company in the coming years.

I am sure you will find future experiences here much more enjoyable.
James Burnett
Thanks Larry...

Hopefully we can assist Mr di Martino in dealing with any shortcoming rather than just trying to flame him and then call that "being honest". We look forward to hearing more about their plans in the US, and how they are going to become more relevant as well.
As a small shop owner and Mares/Dacor dealer, I can say that things with Mares/Dacor are improving. When we started out with Mares/Dacor about a 1.5 yrs ago I was nearly ready to call it quits with them a month later. We've seen a big improvement in delivery and customer service over the past few months with the distribution move to Baltimore and with a few new customer service reps in CT. Our orders are now shipped quickly and accurately. There are still times where we're waiting for some items "in transit" but that happens with all our suppliers.
They (Mares) said they were introducing a revolutionary product that would be new to diving. I thought that new product might be parts and customer support! Those are products as well. Since I have been diving Mares products forever it seems, just bought yet another set of Planas, new X Vision mask, new Proton Metals etc and have for years been stymied by their total lack of parts support I feel qualified to comment on their product support.
Many dive shops are dropping the Mares line and many others are de-emphasizing it. The reason is because customers get angry when their one year old regulator cannot get a rebuild kit for their upcoming vacation trip. Parts support should extend for at least 10 years on such items.
That said, their equipment is top notch, I like the style with substance concept that has always been one of their hallmarks, I will continue to buy their prodcuts as long as I can get them because I like them.
If the fellow who is the CEO wants to hear only good things then that is too bad, I have had several careers so far in life and had numerous sorts of bosses. Some like the truth, some like only hearing good things and some like being lied to as long as it sounds good. I only tell the truth, Mares support has been spotty and marginal at best over all the years I have used their equipment.
I wish him and them luck at changing that perception and I look forward to seeing new prodcuts from Mares in the future which hopefully will have parts support. I think my criticism has been truthful and balanced from my direct experience with their customer facing outlets. N
Which regulator do you have that you have not been able to get parts for? On customer support, did you go through an LDS or is the lack of support from Mares itself? ?
Mr. Stefano needs to read some of the threads here about Dacor. I don't care what the Mares defenders say, if the Mares name is connected to the Dacor name by a slash (Mares/Dacor) then I should be able to get parts for both. The Dacor stuff that is obsolete is 6 years old. Now, looking past the Dacor issue, any attempt I have made in the past to contact Mares about Mares gear has gone totally unanswered. So what is the problem? Apparently Mares does not care about their customers and problems they may have with LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENT. This isn't stuff that can overlooked without possibly tragic consequences. So why give Mares any business or Mr. Stefano a break? After all, isn't he being paid by our dollars? Sounds like it's time for him to go to work.
Debraw, there have been numerous issues which is why I posted a generic "parts and service product" complaint. In my opinion, I should be able to walk into a Mares shop and there should be rebuild kits hanging on the wall or in their service area ready to go for every regulator they sell at least back a decade. They should be able to get parts rapidly to a shop when the shop is out of stock and they should stock ALL the parts needed at least some place in North America for all their product. This has been a continuing issue with me on every single Mares regulator I have owned since I can remember. In all cases I eventually got what I needed, of course a few times I had to just exchange or buy a new unit so I could make my trip or whatever.
The one in question now is not my newest Mares, it is a circa 1989 Mares MR12 and I want a rebuild kit for both stages. Maybe I should just send it to ScubaToys or another quality dive store for repair. I am fully capable of installing the parts myself actually. N

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