Mask fogging issues...

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For me I get in the water and take the mask off for awhile at some point early in the dive. Face cools and lens cools to same temp and all is good.
++++ for Baby Shampoo and saves you a lot of $$. Spit is hard core and last resort......not very sanitary and higher risk for eye infection.

Spit is hard core... ....???? Hmmmm that makes virtually everyone I have ever dived with (30+ years) hard core - and no eye infections reported. The only time I have ever seen anything other that spit used was on a recent trip to the Great Barrier Reef where most were holiday divers.
This thread and the 897 similar that are secretly archived are the glue that holds together the toothpick house of BoobaScored.

What has more threads? Mask Defog, Split Fins, maybe Spare Air?

I must try try this thing they call :search: some day.

That, and start reading the entire thread before I post.

Maybe I'll go dive first today.

Foggy mask and all.

Chant with me now:
oh waah
Thanks Doc. Great idea. I should have done a search. Thanks for pointing out my flaw. I was enjoying the thread up to this point. Especially the idea of whale **** in my mask. :) But my laughter quickly turned into embarrassment. As happens in a lot of threads, someone has to come in an snark it all up.

I’ve been in this hobby less than a year and generally, most people I have met have been extremely friendly. I ask the posters and readers for forgiveness of this terrible transgression and if forgiven, I will assure you that this is my last post on the board – I’ll simply search if I have a thought or question. And if I can’t find it, I’ll PM someone in case I searched incorrectly and a thread truly does exists that I might duplicate.

Take care,
It's just a joke, dint mean to "embarrass" you, likely I couldn't. Sorry if you took it that way. Read my sig line.

Whale **** you perceived as funny, So I musta missed the target.

its just the nets, nothing more serious than that.

Dont let one of my regular attempts at humor "drive you away" from this great resource.

Fogged masks and similar calamities will pass quickly.
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Before I end my postings on Scubaboard I wanted to report on the solutions that several members posted since you guys took the time to pass your wisdom our way. Using many of the solutions posted to my thread we were actually REALLY successful today. I used Softscrub on the lens. We were also careful not to rinse out all the defog. I tried the baby shampoo and it worked like a charm. I was cognizant to make sure I was not blowing too much from my nose. I didn’t try spit or whale **** yet but I will keep those ideas in my back pocket just in case.

Thanks all for your help! As this is my last posting on Scubaboard I want to thank everyone for all your help both on public as well as PMs. Since my wife and I are both so new to this awesome new world I hope that we meet up with each of you on some dive in the future. We plan to go on as many scuba trips as we can and enjoy the 70% of earth most never, ever see!!!

Take care all!
I don't rinse it, just wipe the shampoo with TP until it is clear to see. One problem you will have doing that is if you put the mask on your face and it's more than a couple of minutes before you enter the water, it will get streaky. Once in the water just let a little water in and clear the mask--streaks gone. If you have a long walk, or one over seaweedy rocks it's best not to have the mask on, but then we get into the old "MOF" thread.
Well, it works fine for me every dive. All we want is a thin layer of shampoo film inside the mask.
I didn’t try spit or whale **** yet but I will keep those ideas in my back pocket just in case.
Oh, I didn't mean "use whale **** to rinse your mask", I was merely making a point about eye infections. I think whale **** is likely to contain more dangerous bacteries (to us) than our saliva. And since you rinse it out, it's kind of in the same proportions that you'll end up in contact with it. Hence being scared of your own spit in your mask means to me that you prefer whale **** in contact with your eyes more than saliva. :wink:
LOL Patoux! I nearly blew snot when I read whale ****! Totally got your point. I got a mental picture when I read it though! I've just never seen it expressed so eloquently :) Thanks for the awesome belly chuckle!
Use the defog like wax on a car. Next are you breathing out your nose or your mouth? The latter will make the fogging worse. It is the film that rqqamains on the mask that provides the thermal insulation. try putting hand soap on your bathroom mirror make a big x on the mirror. buff it and then steam up the bathroom with the shower. the mirror is clear where the soap was put. That is what defog is designed to do. you don't need much,,, like brylcreem a little dab will do ya.

Hi –

I recently purchased 2 ScubaPro Orbit masks for myself and my wife. When I purchased them I used the toothpaste trick to clean the inside of the lens. I also used the flame of a lighter to try and make sure that I had burned off all of the coating. Last night we were doing some skills practice at an indoor pool and both masks kept fogging up. I tried mask defog several times on both of them but they continued to fog – to the point that I could not read my dive computer. They would fog both at the surface and submerged. My first thought was simply the humidity in the enclosed pool area. However I noted that others were not having the same issue.

Any thoughts on how to deal with this?


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