Massive mako shark caught off Nova Scotia

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Instead of whining about how a fisherman LEGALLY caught a shark and kept it, do something else like lobby to restrict unethical and sometimes illegal commercial fishing. The average fisherman is not the problem nor the solution. The simple act of living means that something else must die. If this fish was consumed then what's the problem? Skin and guts are not appetizing to most of the civilized world so fertilizer is a better fate for them than landfill fodder.

Since you quoted me, you might want to re-read my post. The point I was trying to make is that I doubt this shark was sold to the local restuants as stated by in the post I quoted. No problem with consuming, but I don't think that is the case for this incident. Enjoy your day.
Excuse me, but I don't recall seeing any of this "at the bottom of the Scubaboard page". Please include a link.

Meanwhile, I would ask that everyone participating in this thread please remain civil.


Hit page 2 or 3 on this thread and view the bottom of the page: the link at the bottom is for shark products. I hope your not part of the staff if you never noticed this stuff. Regrets, Paul

Ads by gooooogle............................................Might want to rethink them!

Just a few of many I got off this site.
I've been wondering about this myself. The links go to auctions for shark 'parts'. Jaws, teeth, cartilage and jewelery made from sharks. Sites include eBay and others dealing in this kind of merchandise. Must be part of that advertising you guys are selling that feeds off key words like Mako Shark.

Tis Tis

Excuse me, but I don't recall seeing any of this "at the bottom of the Scubaboard page". Please include a link.

Meanwhile, I would ask that everyone participating in this thread please remain civil.

Instead of whining about how a fisherman LEGALLY caught a shark and kept it, do something else like lobby to restrict unethical and sometimes illegal commercial fishing. The average fisherman is not the problem nor the solution. The simple act of living means that something else must die. If this fish was consumed then what's the problem? Skin and guts are not appetizing to most of the civilized world so fertilizer is a better fate for them than landfill fodder.

I agree 100%.
Instead of whining about how a fisherman LEGALLY caught a shark and kept it, do something else like lobby to restrict unethical and sometimes illegal commercial fishing.

Being legal doesn't make something right, as I'm sure you know. Using the word "whining" doesn't help your arguments. We are looking to protect species like Mako Sharks against commercial fisherman and non-commercial. Don't think you can get "off the hook" just because you only kill a few.

The average fisherman is not the problem nor the solution. The simple act of living means that something else must die. If this fish was consumed then what's the problem? Skin and guts are not appetizing to most of the civilized world so fertilizer is a better fate for them than landfill fodder.

Sorry, destroying a species because you eat it doesn't make it ok. We are intelligent enought to CHOOSE what we eat. We can choose sustainable fisheries, but instead we tend to decimate fishing populations to the point where they can't recover.

The simple act of living means that something else must die.
By that rational, its ok to kill the last gorilla on earth because you are hungry for a gorilla burger, instead of grabbing an apple. You have a gift, intelligence, which means you can choose what must die. Try to use it, to override the hormones in your brain that tell you to kill whatever you can. That urge might have been important for us to evolve up to this point, but you don't need it any more.

Hermosa, the girl that posted said that the steaks were sold. I guess she was lying about the whole thing and you were there to witness it!?

Fiji, I'll expect you to pack your bags in preparation for your new career as a lobbyist, right.
If you read Moby Dick, you will find a section in which Melville rationalizes the killing of whales and explains in the science of his day how the efforts of whalers could never threaten the existence of whales.

He was wrong.

If you look at the history of both Europe and America, you will see a history of a wholesale slaughter of wolves, based upon ancient mythology of their supposed ferocity and danger to humans. Although we still have a long way to go, and though the dangerous wolf mythology still persists, we are much more tolerant of wolves, and they are making a comeback.

Where I live in Colorado, we also have a thriving population of mountain lions, something that was not true not long ago. I assure you that if there were an attempt to eradicate the mountain lions, even if they were dissected for scientific purposes, there would be a huge uproar.

The mythology of sharks is extremely strong. Movies like Jaws sadly misinform the public. We get a few news bulletins about some bull shark attacks, and the notion is reinforced. The general public thinks that sharks are dangerous and ferocious predators who routinely attack humans. The general public thinks "Good riddance" when they hear of a shark being killed. The opinion of sharks has only recently begun to change. The earlier references to Cousteau can be explained in part to his living in an even more shark-unfriendly time.

In time, the cycle will move on as it has with whales, wolves, and mountain lions.

In time.

But that is not inevitable. Time would have saved the Dodo bird, too, but there was not enough of it.

I think we have to hasten the cycle. We need to have more TV shows with the same kind of viewpoint that whales enjoy now.

And, yes, I think there needs to be some more outcry on shark derbies, the kind we would have here if people suddenly went after the mountain lions.
Hit page 2 or 3 on this thread and view the bottom of the page: the link at the bottom is for shark products. I hope your not part of the staff if you never noticed this stuff. Regrets, Paul

Paul, I asked for links because there are several skins available to SB. As it happens, I use the Classic (Non-Portal) version without a sidebar or Gallery. So unless I use the skin you use & plug in a link, I won't see what you are referring to.

Ads by gooooogle............................................Might want to rethink them!

Just a few of many I got off this site.

At the risk of sounding obtuse, Google is a BIG commercial website where you could find ads for just about anything. How is that the responsibility of SB?

BTW, you may find people will be more likely to engage you in a real discussion if you drop the sarky attitude.
Paul, I asked for links because there are several skins available to SB. As it happens, I use the Classic (Non-Portal) version without a sidebar or Gallery. So unless I use the skin you use & plug in a link, I won't see what you are referring to.
Then don't be so quick to jump on Paul, since you are wrong in this case.
At the risk of sounding obtuse, Google is a BIG commercial website where you could find ads for just about anything. How is that the responsibility of SB?
So SB is in the business of posting advertisements for shark parts? Google and SB are too different stories when it comes to advertising that exploits what we supposedly try to protect.
BTW, you may find people will be more likely to engage you in a real discussion if you drop the sarky attitude.
You've responded with a sarky attitude of your own.

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