Misunderstanding at the dive shop

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Above Ground
First off, I have only been diving for a little over a year, so I simply don't have the experience to know how much stuff should cost. I recently decided to have my tanks O2 cleaned as I may be wanted to get nitrox fills at a dive shop that does partial pressure blending. I stopped by the dive shop nearest me that does nitrox (my usual shop only does air, and said they would prefer not to do the O2 clean) and asked how much it would cost to have my tanks O2 cleaned. They answered simply $50 each. I assumed this would included the VIP (my main mistake), so I went ahead and dropped off my tanks. Upon returning to the shop, I was run up for $170. I asked about the price difference of $70 and they said there was a charge of $35 each for the VIP not included in the O2 cleaning. I informed the clerk that I wasn't happy about the addition $70 fee that I had not been told about, and that I would not be choosing to spend any more of my money at that shop. This also happens to be the shop form which I purchased my first BCD, AI computer, some weights and misc other stuff.

Moral of the story is...Make sure you know what you are getting when you ask how much something costs.

</end rant>
That is ridiculous. To begin with, a visual inspection should not cost $35. Next, if you are O2 cleaning the tank, you are doing nearly a full a visual inspection, so there should be no extra charge. Stay away from that shop---but do tell them that you were told to stay away from them.
Could be worse. I've been told $50 per tank for o2 cleaning Plus $25 per valve Plus the rebuild kit and parts Plus VIP plus fill. End price was around $125 per tank.

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I was quoted $150 plus fill for a set of doubles. Not sure if that makes you feel better.
That's about what my LDS charges. I was pretty pissed off about it too the first time. Needless to say I've been looking around for other options for my tanks.
It wasn't so much the price that got me, it was the hidden charge I was not initially told about. If they had told me $85 per tank I would t have really had an issue as I wasn't sure how much it should cost to begin with. I assumed that since doing a vip after doing an O2 cleaning would basically like inspecting your own work to make sure you did what you were paid for, that it was included.

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5 dollar VIP, 25 for O2 clean and 10 fill. Per tank of course. When I told them that a vacation dive shop wanted 15 to viz, they said that was ridiculous!
The cleaning price is same in NY. $50..and we also put tank on tumble and clean valve..as to the visual,sounds very high. Here in NY , very expensive area to conduct business, it is $15. And that includes an air fill. Just maybe theses are older alum tanks and required an eddy test? How old are the tanks? Not to say in NY an eddy visual is more costly. Here in most NY facilities it is the same $15. with or without eddy test.

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