Need help with crash course in Spanish

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Northern Virginia
I need some recommendations on crash course in speaking Spanish (survival Spanish). Software, dictionary, CD, anything else you can think of…

Fodor's has a CD that's helpful for teaching traveler's Spanish. You can find it at Border's or Barnes and Noble. It goes though several situations like shopping, socializing, emergencies, etc.
I found my Spanish to be very handy when traveling last week in Cancun, but if I didn't speak a word of it, we would have gotten along fine.
I need some recommendations on crash course in speaking Spanish (survival Spanish). Software, dictionary, CD, anything else you can think of…


Get one of those handheld electronic translators. Also,

Donde esta el Bano (where is the bathroom)
una cerveza, por favor (a beer please)
Quantos para _____ (how much for ____)
tu madre es.... well, maybe we should skip that one. :eyebrow:
Soy Embarassado (I'm pregnant)
Hay queso en mis pantelones (there's cheese in my pants)

Buena Suerte amigo!
There is a set of 8 CDs done by Michel Thomas (you can find them on Amazon etc.) - they are pretty good...supposedly he teaches languages to the stars
A Berlitz travel guide and one of those .calclulator like translators, will get you by. The translators are pretty cheap. I've used the Berlitz book where I point at the question in Spanish and the other person thumbs through the book and points at the answer in English. Its definitely survival spanish- The Berlitz book is great
Keith, you forgot a couple of the more important phrases:

No me gusta de monos (I do not enjoy monkeys)
Debo tener esto lanzada? (Should I have this lanced?)
Por favor, assera mis piernas (Please saw my legs off)
Favor, puedo tener salsa de tomate en eso? (Can I have ketchup on that please?)
Dios mio, cuando era la vez ultima afeitado usted sus piernas? (My GOD, when was the last time you shaved your legs?)


Keith, you forgot a couple of the more important phrases:

No me gusta de monos (I do not enjoy monkeys)
Debo tener esto lanzada? (Should I have this lanced?)
Por favor, assera mis piernas (Please saw my legs off)
Favor, puedo tener salsa de tomate en eso? (Can I have ketchup on that please?)
Dios mio, cuando era la vez ultima afeitado usted sus piernas? (My GOD, when was the last time you shaved your legs?)



:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Keith, you forgot a couple of the more important phrases:

No me gusta de monos (I do not enjoy monkeys)
Debo tener esto lanzada? (Should I have this lanced?)
Por favor, assera mis piernas (Please saw my legs off)
Favor, puedo tener salsa de tomate en eso? (Can I have ketchup on that please?)
Dios mio, cuando era la vez ultima afeitado usted sus piernas? (My GOD, when was the last time you shaved your legs?)




Tu si hablas clarita Y francamente. Parece que hay un monton de buzos aqui que hablan espanol.

Rodales has a pocket phrase book with pronucoation. This book is rally good and will get you around as long as you can understand the response. Make sure you can ask them to talk slow. I wish that I could give you the title but I have lent it to a friend.

Tu si hablas clarita Y francamente. Parece que hay un monton de buzos aqui que hablan espanol.


Efectivamente hay muchos aqui en Scubaboard que hablamos español. Deberia
haber una sección para mensajes en español.

[Translation] That's right there are many of us here on Scubaboard that speak Spanish. There should be a group for postings in Spanish :wink:.

Norboo, if you have any specific questions on Spanish, shoot me a private message, I'll be happy to help you.


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