Non Diving Incident

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long Island, New York
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200 - 499
Good day. Below is an excerpt from a trip report I posted from Puerto Rico. My reason for putting it here is only to WARN people of the extreme hazard hidden at this beautiful beach. Please heed my warning and learn from my mistake. I didn't observe before walking but regardless DO NOT GO ON THE ROCKS! Thank you for reading and please remember this warning.

Monday Nov 23 2009 about 4pm. Playa Jobos (beach) Here’s where all hell broke loose. The lava rock jetty in front of the beach is deadly not dangerous. A small sign before the rocks says Peligroso but that’s an understatement. DO NOT GO OUT ONTO THESE ROCKS THE WAVES ARE VERY DECEIVING. My wife and I started walking carefully on the spearhead sharp rocks when after a minute being there a huge over the rocks wave hit us. It knocked her down about 4’ with some bumps, bruises and one long laceration but she said the wave took 20-25’ hitting every rock along the way. The people on the beach all said they thought I was dead. They were wrong but they were the best good Samaritans you would want in an emergency situation. Thankfully some knew first aid, some military training in medical emergencies they saved me from bleeding to death. Thank you strangers on the beach and thanks to that little eboy and mom for their prayers. End result, over 200 stitches, 40 staples, deep torn muscle tissue in thigh, 1.5”x7” laceration down to the bone on left shin sprained shin with torn tendons, 3 fractures in left hand/thumb plus dislocated middle finger in left hand. Look at the pics to really see it all. Had to be Med Evac due to serevity of condition to Stony Brook University Trauma center back home in NY. It was that or San Juan, I’d rather be closer to home. Thankfully my wife is an Insurance Consultant so the $40,000 medevac was covered by Ins.

Now still recovering at home. Hospital bed on main floor, daily home nursing, whirlpool wound treatment, multiple surgeons Ortho, Plastics, Trauma it’s all a mouthful but I’m alive!
Holy Crap!

I'm glad your alight and I might have done the same thing on the rocks. Geez, good thing those samaritans were there. Take it easy, clean the wound, and hopefully you will be back in the water in no time.

PS, I always thought peligroso was just a form of really spicy salsa...:wink:
Holy Great Zot!
Peligroso indeed...
I reckon they meant it, eh?
LUCKY!! Water and waves are deceiving! Glad your ok!
Healing up well. Vitamins, Herbs, Oxycodone, Robaxin and great food from wife and family. I'm lucky I got a great support team:wink:.
It was bad but keeping positive and smiling!

For this incident, in the wise words of one Bart Simpson !Aye Carumba!:rofl3:
Aye Carumba! and a few more choice words.

¡Diabólico rallador! ¡Trituradora de carne! ¡Disfibradora catastrófica!

Te mejores pronto.
Was it a rogue wave, or did you just miss the fact that the rocks were already wet and that previous waves were breaking over the jetty periodically? Either way it sucks, but in one case, it was more preventable. I am guessing that for you to get out far enough to get hit by a wave that hard, they couldn't have been consistent.

I regularly fish on jetties in my area and always spend a little time scoping out a new place before going out. Where's the high water mark? Are there signs that others have been out there? What's the surf look like? Are the rocks stable and do they look like they'd provide decent footing? If everything checks out, then I'll stroll out and drop a line.
On the north west coast is it? My daughter and I were driving along the north shore there 17 years ago when I saw a deserted beach, lagoon, and a huge rock sticking up on the other side of the lagoon - seems like it was 50 ft tall, altho my memory is questionable. We were thinking about wading over to the rock and climbing it when a huge wave came over it in time to change our minds. So glad we weren't on top of that thing.

Then, I learned that all rental cars are front end drive so leaving the rear wheels on pavement with front on sand is not the same as in a pickup. Took a few nice locals and a jeep to get me out and they refused money.
I visited Playa Jobos in the 70's when my Mom and Dad were living in PR. Wicked sharp volcanic rocks there, and some spectacular waves. As a teenager I had a lot of fun daring that "risk", but no one got hurt, just serious adrenalin rush!

Sorry you got so torn up. We were warned it could happen anytime, I guess we were just lucky! Sux to get hospitalized anytime, but on vacation....dam! And PR hospitals are not where I'd chose to spend any time, as I recall from my Mom's experiences there!

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