OMG, OMG, OMG!!! Halcyon wings now come in colors!!!

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Maybe it's because I dive a lot in low light and low viz, but I feel that bright colors have a safety function in diving. A buddy diving a black dry suit with a black wing and black fins and dull gray tanks disappears into the murk much faster than someone with bright yellow fins or white tanks. (I remember a very low viz dive a year or so ago when the second team told me the only way we stayed together was because they could see my yellow fins!) If I'm entangled or disabled or in any way in need of help, I want to be VISIBLE. Even if it's a body recovery, I'd rather be seen. Thinking that color in gear somehow reduces its functionality seems a very strange idea to me.

Must be a buddy/team diver thing. Maybe you should work to get GUE to mandate diving in bright colors only--the brighter and more garish, the [-]better [/-]safer :wink:

As someone who primarialy dives solo, whether I'm diving alone or not, I'm not concerned with seeing or being seen. The body recovery angle strikes me as being so silly as to not merit a response, but to each their own.
Must be a buddy/team diver thing. Maybe you should work to get GUE to mandate diving in bright colors only--the brighter and more garish, the [-]better [/-]safer :wink:

As someone who primarialy dives solo, whether I'm diving alone or not, I'm not concerned with seeing or being seen. The body recovery angle strikes me as being so silly as to not merit a response, but to each their own.
so what you are saying is you are anti any color but black?

so what you are saying is you are anti any color but black?


I confess, I confess my colorist bigotry! Ban-hammer me already!!

Sent from my Shearwater Petrel using Tapatalk
I would want a Duck Commander print to promote my hometown.

But, really, I would prefer one with maybe a turtle shell print with some little starfish thrown in to break it up. Because, it has always struck me that divers with a wing BC look like Teenage Ninja Turtles except the Ninja Turtles characters had swords, not steak knives, little turtle shells on their backs. So, yeah, a Ninja Turtle edition.

I confess, I confess my colorist bigotry! Ban-hammer me already!!

Sent from my Shearwater Petrel using Tapatalk

I shall take no part in your bigotry. I have reported you.
My car, many of my clothes, and my (i.e., pre-marriage) furniture are indeed all black. Black is simple, and is a default color for most everything. I don't buy gear to look pretty or stand out, I buy gear to perform. To the extent I find it fun for my gear to have a fashion element, it's that I like it to all be black absent a good reason for color. Just looks more tidy that way.

I'm not a SEAL, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, so you're probably safe despite my affinity for sharp objects and the study of human anatomy :wink:

...wait a minute. Are you a billionaire playboy? Do you LIVE in a mansion, but WORK in a cave? Are you close friends with the police commissioner?

...are you Batman? You ARE Batman, aren't you!!??
I really hope my wife doesn't see these.....I can't afford that many wings in that many colors, especially not with the "H tax"
Least we forget Black is a color

Uh oh.. another point to argue.

Personally, I believe that aesthetics is a key driver in what equipment many ppl adopt. And then they use "reverse logic" to try to justify why have ended up w. the gear they have. In other words, they try to look cool, and then they try to explain why their cool looking equipment is functionally better. I find I can be as guilty as anyone else in this regard. :wink:
I bought a blue one around two years ago, because I like blue.
A batch of wings were made in blue with black trim, for the Korean market. They looked good, so I managed to get one.

Nothing wrong with color. I never really understood the "everything must be black" approach. I guess it makes sense for companies to do that, because they don't have to worry about colors not selling well.

Since Halcyon is doing it as a special order only option, then there's minimal risk for them or their dealers.
If I have color choices, then I will generally choose one.IMG_0466.jpg
Or is black just the absence of color...

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