Online Sales - The importance of buying from local businesses

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Not many places to dive other than where we are going, plus if you wanted to go somewhere else, you would pick them up the day prior instead of wastin the time and going out of your way to come to us then to your dive site.... and all of our customers know where and why we are going. To keep diving and keep them diving and active. We have a Cookout every Sunday at the Quarry, trust me, its a good time...You should join us :wink:
I wonder how Craig (and all of the other owners of good LDS's on this board) feel about Craig's original post now. I would think they would have been happier if Craig kept his trap shut (or at least his fingers from typing). The truth always has a way of surfacing, doesn't it?

I knew that Craig would get the response needed. I have the balls to invest my life savings into opening a LDS. I know that if I am unable to compete with internet sellers I will go out of business. In the past I have bought from Scubatoys and Divers Direct. If I am unable to compete by offering what my customers want, demand, deserve, then I should go out of business.

By the way. My cell phone number is posted in my store window. I just came in Christmas day as someone interested in scuba needed snorkeling gear for upcoming trip. Hanging out is fine, numerous scuba mags available to look at/discuss, coffee always on. I do match internet prices when brought to my attention.

Best of luck to Craig as that is what he seems to be relying on.
Not many places to dive other than where we are going, plus if you wanted to go somewhere else, you would pick them up the day prior instead of wastin the time and going out of your way to come to us then to your dive site.... and all of our customers know where and why we are going. To keep diving and keep them diving and active. We have a Cookout every Sunday at the Quarry, trust me, its a good time...You should join us :wink:

Are you at Haigh? I may have to do that having just moved to Aurora.
Are you at Haigh? I may have to do that having just moved to Aurora.

Yep, thats where we go :D I grew up in Aurora.....Great area....

Beware of the Casino:eyebrow:

PM me or check out our website for more details
I think this argument just brings out the entitlement attitude that makes most customers mad and drives them to online retailers. These "a__holes" have come into a retail business with an obvious interest in some product. It is then the retailers JOB to make the sale. If he walks out of the store and buys it online then the retailer failed at his job. How does that make the potential customer an "a__hole"?
It makes him an a__hole if he is 99% sure he going to buy it for the absolute lowest price and wastes the LDS's time by pumping him for information, then to save a few dollars, buys it on line - was it not worth a few dollars for taking the time (maybe trying on a suit to get the right fit) of the owner or sales person to complete the purchase there? My point is for a few % more - support the LDS - don't if there is not one in your area, or if the item on line is $350, and the LDS wants $700.

I would not pay 2 or 3 times the price for an item - and by reading these threads I'm seeing a side of the industry I have not personally experienced since getting certified in 1977 - but as I stated in my original post living in S FL, we have lots of choices.

I just purchased a back up computer for $189 - on line from Divers Direct - I just purchased a Pinnicle 5M from an LDS for $375 - very happy with both purchases as well as the prices paid.

OTOH, I know folks (one of them is a good friend of mine) who would spend an hour at the LDS, and if he could save $5 or $10 on a $300+ purchase on line, would do do it - that.....due respect to my friend who aside from terminal cheapness is a great guy - is an a__hole.

I don't know where you draw the value line - it it $20 - $50 - $100? Everyone has to make their own decisions - personally, I like the options I have with both and realize many do not have the same options due to geography.

After much reading on Scuba Board, I decided to purchase a 2nd pair of fins. I had already purchased two pairs of fins from my LDS, some cheap full foots and a pair of Scuba Pro Twin jets with a set of springs. I decided after much reading here that I wanted a pair of Scuba Pro jet fins.

I priced them out first on LP. I went to the LDS knowing the MSRP and the LP prices. I asked if they had them in stock, they pointed high up on the wall to them, but told me I did not want them. That they would be like strapping a board to my feet and that I wouldn't like them. I said I wanted to see them. They pointed to the big hook thingy and I got them down myself and tried them on myself. Then I asked the price. I was more than MSRP. So I ask if that is the best they can do for me. They then say they will give me 10% off which brings them down to MSRP. I say ok.

Since he told me that I wouldn't like them and gave me a price that was almost twice what LP was selling them for. I took his advice and did not purchase them from the LDS. I called LP and he did not discourage my purchase and gave me a good price without me having to beg.

By the way, I really like the jet fins and have switched over all of my diving to them. I did see a cave video where the guy had bright yellow jets. I want that guys fins! Mine are black. I would purchase another pair if I could get them in yellow!

Jupiter, am I a bad person? Would you have begged the LDS to sell them to you and also paid twice to the LDS what you could have paid elsewhere?
Probably not

I would likely have done what you did - from the start.

Read my post - I buy on line as well as use 2 LDS's; my post was neither a slam to the on line retailers, nor suggesting a slavish devotion at all costs to the LDS

I think its a good system, in most instances, having both. And being selfish, living in Miami, I don't see the LDS going the way of the Dodo bird anytime soon.

In your specific instance, if I liked the LDS, and his price was fair - again, w/in a few % of the on line price - the LDS gets my business.

I believe all things being equal - or almost equal - I'd support the local guy - and like you, I'm going to do my homework to know pricing, product, reviews, what other users say, etc. Then it becomes a value proposition.

I get the distinct feeling there is some real animosity towards many LDS's perhaps brought about by the LDS's attitude, hiring the wrong people, and just overall bad experience. I have not had that experience.

I HATE dealing with folks that are unknowledgable, especially when spending serious money on products I literally bet my life on. It ices the cake if they are unfriendly or unhelpful. No one else should either.
well it's not really scuba related, but it does pertain to this discussion. I went on a mission for work boots last week. I found the ones that I liked, Timberland Pro Series. They were $120.00. I decided to check eBay and various internet stores before I went through with it. Found 'em on eBay that same night for $39.95 plus $15.00 shipping. Bought 'em and 4 days later they were on my doorstep.

Did the same thing with my BC, regs and computer and saved about $800.

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