P.A.D.I. allows family members living at the same address to share training manuals!

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Given the cost of certification, having your own book is pretty trivial.

Ya see, this is how people get away with overcharging for things. That statement right there. Janie is on a train studying while Johnny is at home wanting to study? That is a pretty lame reason to force multiple copies of the same thing onto people that are already dropping that much money in a given shop. Now, I was JUST (4 weeks ago) told by a local shop that the knowledge reviews still had to be done in the book meaning each member needed the book. Thankfully I am no trying to certify a family.

As with most things scuba.....overpriced is the description.
I did keep the gentleman's name for future reference...

This is a new one to me (things do change), I would like the know the name of the person in PADI Training. We are a 5 Star IDC Training Facility and as far as I know, all students are required to have their own books for class. I try to check and be current with all of our updates ( I'm human and could have missed it) but I have not seen a changes.

Wayne... not sure that the original posters saying it was allowed means it's "Official PADI Policy".

They might have said it was ok in his case.. but didn't change policy.

In my opinion, you should do what you can to get your students properly certified. If they means they share a book... big deal. It's what they take away in knowledge from the class that's important. Not whether they can share a book.
why would you buy two copies of the video? (if the same family? unless for example a kid off at college needed to view it for the class.. etc...)

Because the FFFFING dive shop required it. seriously I said I have to have 2 DVD's? Dive shop owner "yes PADI requires it".

No wonder PADI has a bad rep. ^%$ greedy dive shop owners give them a bad name.

I suppose I will have to retract that statement if in fact PADI does require a husband and wife to have duplicates of every scrap of information you can pay for. (doubt any one cares about any free stuff).
The shop I teach at has no problems with sharing 1 dvd/video for a family, but since each member in the family needs his own logbook, should have their own eRDP/tables, and sharing can be disaster while doing classroom, we do ask that each person have their own crewpak
I don't have my PADI manual to hand, but the wording has always been very precise.... something like "students are required to have access to a personal copy of....". It has clearly been intended to stop the use of shops having library copies that they lend out.

Quite often PADI get grief for something that is just mis-interpreted.... shops insisting that couples don't share obvious materials like tables etc is just crazy.

I personally think it's a good idea for people to have their own manual - but other materials, no biggie.
My wife and I got our certs through SSI not PADI. Special kit for the add-on family members taking the class at the same time, has the training log book, tables and your own copy of the questions and answer sheets. One person gets the video and book all others get the smaller kit which was significantly cheaper. I would have assumed every reasonable certification organization worked the same way. If a shop had told me I needed to drop for the cost of two videos for the two of us I would have found a different shop plain and simple because that is just flat out larceny IMO.

Edit: If you aren't organized\intelligent enough to get in the time to read and study a couple of chapters for multiple people in a week are you really organized\intelligent enough to be diving?
In the past some dive shops have been known to "Library" the Manuals to save the students the expense of purchasing them. This has at times resulted in students being trained with outdated materials...

Family members who live at the same address are allowed to share the manuals and provide their own answer sheets for the knowledge reviews.

This ensures that the divers will have access to the manual after their training is complete.
... Just asking the question here... By the person you quoted here, wouldn't the "Family members" be refreshing with "outdated materials"? :confused:
Not sure why anyone would require two of everything when its a couple taking the class or two folks just sharing then material... When me and the wife took the course we only paid for 1 set of material which only included one log book. I copied the quizzes and question in the book so I could use them in the class... I also copied the RPD's and enlarged them just a bit for these bad old eyes... Our shop was all in favor of this action and I believe we did nothing wrong! We also shared the advanced and Nitrox material and think nothing of it!!!

As far as the log book goes... once we received the AOW (my goal) then I couldn’t care less about the log since my computer keeps a better record of these events since I usually tried to remember what I had done over the weekend!!! My wife keeps track of hers... That’s why I love her... that and many other reasons (especially if she is reading this)

If I had a dive shop that said I was required to have two of everything... he is probably the same shop that will insist you buy all your gear from only his/her shop and try to talk you into that "much needed" drysuite that you can not live without before your even qualified for OW!!!

Its hard times for ALL of us and wasting money on two books and dvd's is a really poor way to try and make up for it... besides, they would have lost my business!

... Just asking the question here... By the person you quoted here, wouldn't the "Family members" be refreshing with "outdated materials"? :confused:

That would depend on how old the manual is. My specific example was using my Rescue Diver Manual from last year for my wife & daughter. He confirmed that my manual was still current.

The understanding I got from the conversation is that some shops were loaning "library" copies of outdated materials. For example I'd imagine that my youngest daughter would have some different information in her OW manual if she certifies this summer as PADI has done away with tables and now uses the eRDPml exclusively.

As for refreshing, my training was what it was when I got certified on Oct 2008... Even though the eRDPml has superseded my tables I don't think it invalidates them.

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