Rattle Rattle

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Reaction score
San Carlos, CA
# of dives
200 - 499
There is something rattling / rolling around in my tank. I noticed it when I put my tanks away after refilling them Sunday at my LDS. The tanks are new Alum 80's (I've used them 4 or 5 times). What could be in there? I also noticed some of the tanks we used during class had "stuff" rattling around in them ...


"Stuff" rattling around in a tank is not good.

In a new cylinder, it is usually the dip tube (aka valve snorkel) which has come loose from the valve. I dare not hazard a guess what might be in their if it is an older cylinder.

Regardless, the cylinder needs to be drained and opened so the object rattling around can be dealt with properly.
Probably a dip tube even if it's an older tank.
Thanks, I'll bring it in. The item sounds fairly large (well, whenever something is rattling around where ONLY your air is supposed to be it always sounds fairly large).

Interesting. Now that I think of it, this is the same tank that I had filled before vacation and was down to 1000 when I got to the dive site a couple of weeks later. I had it refilled and it was fine a week later. Then I had it filled again (after using it) and now noticed this ... I figured that I had just cracked the valve a bit by holding it when laying it down or something... mebby not?

'JUST cracked the valve'!!!!!

Get that sucker empty and open pronto! If you cracked the valve, that valve is probably not what you want holding in 3000 psi.
Sorry, cracked as in opened a little. Not broken....

If there's anything really valuable in there, it's mine. I lost it the other day. Thanks for finding it. :eyebrow:
... I figured that I had just cracked the valve a bit by holding it when laying it down or something... mebby not?


The dip tube being loose wouldn't have anything to do with the tank/valve loosing air. Spraying soapy water on the valve would tell you if you have a leak.
Valve stem (a little brass tube which screws into the valve to prevent rust and other crap from going into valve when tank is upside down)
I brought it in and they fixed it right up ... which brings me to another question.

What determines how much of a fill you get? I have had 2700 to 3200 PSI fills. Is it just a matter of how long they take to do it?

Thanks again!


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