Sea Shepherd condemned by International Whaling Commission.

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Personally I have followed the IWC for some time and what may have once been a real effort to prevent whaling is now nothing more then a "Save the Manatee" style organization that produces little result. Whaling is a violent act that kills a spectacular and endangered animal. I don't care if the Japanese are killing whales for research, food, or blubber they shouldn't be killing them at all for any reason. Read about what kind of research the Japanese are doing on whales, it's disgusting and in no way shape or form is out to help the whales!

Sea Shepard's radical approach to conservation works. Sadly sitting back and saying, "Man I love whales, I sure wish the Japanese would stop killing them" doesn't work. To call Sea Shepard pirates or terrorists is like calling Steve Irwin and Dianne Fossey the same thing! If people are literally stupid enough to, in any way, try to defend the Japanese whaling industry and demonize Sea Shepard or any active oceanic conservation group maybe they need to have their heads removed from their rears and find another sport while they are at it.

please dont put Steve Irwin and Dianne Fossey in the same sentence as cptn' Wacko. It's degrading to them :shakehead:
"Sea Shepard's radical approach to conservation works. Sadly sitting back and saying, "Man I love whales, I sure wish the Japanese would stop killing them" doesn't work. To call Sea Shepard pirates or terrorists is like calling Steve Irwin and Dianne Fossey the same thing! If people are literally stupid enough to, in any way, try to defend the Japanese whaling industry and demonize Sea Shepard or any active oceanic conservation group maybe they need to have their heads removed from their rears and find another sport while they are at it."

Well said.
I think you guys have forgotten somethings here and there. First, Sea Shepard doesn't just patrol the high sea's without any justification for their actions. If they did that Paul Watson would likely be in jail aborad. Sea Shepard often (possibly always) acts under the jurisdiction of international law.

Guess what folks whaling ain't legal in international waters. I don't remember if you all read this but National Geographic covered it several years ago. The consortium that outlawed whaling in international waters was getting ready to re-vote on the issue. Small pacific islands make up the majority of the voting clout since they are the people that live on the ocean's shores. Japan fudged the numbers of whale populations and tried to say that there were more humpback whales in the ocean now then ever. When that didn't work and the islands didn't buy their funny science Japan tried paying them off. Guess what, that didn't work either!

Sadly many governments and the Whaling Consortium itself doesn't have the funds or manpower to actively enforce anti-whaling regulations. That's where Sea Shepard picks up the slack. Sea Shepard gets many donations from private party's and Hollywood actors like many other conservationist organizations thus funding (w/ the help of dedicated volunteers) their operations world wide.

Furthermore, no person (except for Sea Shepard crew) have been hurt or killed in a Sea Shepard induced action. Sure they have sunken boats though they made sure the crew was not injured and given a ride back to port. Many, many times Sea Shepard's services are requested by governments that can't themselves enforce international law. Anyone watch "Sharkwater." IMO there is a big difference between throwing what amounts to a big stink bomb on a ship and shooting a person in the chest. Paul Watson was shot, he and his crew were throwing stink bombs. BTW have you ever watched Sea Shepard make an approach against a whaling vessel. They start by radioing the ship and asking it to be escorted, by them, to port.

As for wardric's comments clearly you didn't follow Irwin or Fossey's lives very closely. Dianne Fossey would dress up in intricate halloween masks, around fires, and make chanting noises to scare both poachers and their children to stop the slaughter of the great apes. Fossey's more controversial methods of conservation are what many believe led to her death at the hands of a poacher.

Remember when Steve Irwin was in Antarctica. He was prosecuted for playing with penguins and some other ridiculous stuff. Although Irwin's ship, Croc 1, pursued, filmed and got involved in the capture of a whaling vessel. When Irwin was on Larry King Live post the whole Baby/Croc incident he broke into tears while describing the process used to kill both adult whales and their tiny calves. He went on to become more upset when he described the protective behavior mothers use to try to defend the small whale in the last moments of its life. Irwin made many, many calls to all people to do "whatever it took" to stop the slaughter of whales.

I would assume that both Dianne Fossey and Steve Irwin would both agree with Sea Shepard's mission and the way they pursue it. To say that comparing Watson to Irwin and Fossey, both highly controversial figures during their lives, is degrading, well I just disagree. BTW I respected them all.
Dianne Fossey would dress up in intricate halloween masks, around fires, and make chanting noises to scare both poachers and their children to stop the slaughter of the great apes.

oooohhh, yeah, that really compares to ramming ships at high sea and throwing acid bombs. :shakehead:

I would assume that both Dianne Fossey and Steve Irwin would both agree with Sea Shepard's mission and the way they pursue it. To say that comparing Watson to Irwin and Fossey, both highly controversial figures during their lives, is degrading, well I just disagree. BTW I respected them all.

well, we'll just have to agree to disagree
Well in one instance she held a mock execution (in full costume) of a young boy working with poachers. Naturally she didn't really kill him but it was probably a lot scarier for that young poacher then having a stink bomb tossed at him. It just really amazes me that there are people who are willing to condemn people who throw stink bombs at and ram the ships of japanese whalers.

These people harpoon (with an explosive tip) an endangered animal, then shock it to death, then haul it in so that they can eat it and it bothers you when people that callous and cruel (who by the way are breaking the law) get their vessel rammed or a stink bomb thrown at them. Then you defend them when they shoot a conservationist in the chest. BTW when they shock the adult whale to death its calf is often shocked to death in its mothers entrails. The japanese consider that a two for one deal I guess.
Wardric, you do know that the Sea Shepherd ship that is in Antarctica right now is named the Steve Irwin right? You know that Terri Irwin had a lot to do with that right? I'm sure you also are aware that a main reason for this renaming of the ship was that Steve Irwin was planning on joining the crew of this Sea Shepherd ship for the mission that has been underway for the past few months. This being said, I don't think that your comments about Steve Irwin being degraded are quite accurate.
is there something wrong with that? I reserve my stance on the issue of economic incentives, but I'd be interested in hearing any logic behind yours.
Did I say there was? My point is that countries all use economic incentives in similar ways, so how can anyone point the finger at Japan?
Wardric, you do know that the Sea Shepherd ship that is in Antarctica right now is named the Steve Irwin right? You know that Terri Irwin had a lot to do with that right? I'm sure you also are aware that a main reason for this renaming of the ship was that Steve Irwin was planning on joining the crew of this Sea Shepherd ship for the mission that has been underway for the past few months. This being said, I don't think that your comments about Steve Irwin being degraded are quite accurate.

well i'll leave Steve Irwin out of this then. He was a showman and might have liked the show part of SS. Who knows.
Well in one instance she held a mock execution (in full costume) of a young boy working with poachers. Naturally she didn't really kill him but it was probably a lot scarier for that young poacher then having a stink bomb tossed at him. It just really amazes me that there are people who are willing to condemn people who throw stink bombs at and ram the ships of japanese whalers.

These people harpoon (with an explosive tip) an endangered animal, then shock it to death, then haul it in so that they can eat it and it bothers you when people that callous and cruel (who by the way are breaking the law) get their vessel rammed or a stink bomb thrown at them. Then you defend them when they shoot a conservationist in the chest. BTW when they shock the adult whale to death its calf is often shocked to death in its mothers entrails. The japanese consider that a two for one deal I guess.

are you a vegetarian or vegan aquaman?
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