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Miami Mermaid

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Thanks girls for all your advice. Puchikatt, I am going to consider getting waxed with you--although it does not amuse me in the least. I'll try everything once!

To those who suggested looking pretty was not important in diving--there is a huge, repeat, HUGE difference between looking pretty and not having unwanted hair on your legs or bikini area. I am certainly not one of those girls who puts on lipstick when I go diving, but being "clean" (meaning no hair under arm pits, legs or bikini line) is very important to me, especially if my husband is on board.

Thanks to all of you for your welcomed advice! I'm glad to hear all of you have encountered the same problems (and have solved them!)

While I agree with you about the unwanted hair, it's more because I view it as a private part, then an 'unclean' thing. Remember our friends in Europe, and else where, are very clean, and do not view the hair under their arms and on their legs as unclean. It's just a natural thing there that they have no 'hang ups' about if you will, like we do thinking it's private, or unclean.
They also sunbath on the beaches with out tops on, and do not feel this is anything wrong or unnatural, as Americans sometimes do.
I have been on the beaches in the Med, and it is obvious that even young teenage girls that are there with their father on the beach, sun bath topless with no stress. We would not lay on a beach chair next to our father without a bathing suit top on after 13 years old. Many women on the beach did not shave their legs or under arms.
It's just the way, we were brought up, and they were. Neither is right or wrong. It's just what you're comfortable with.
Dear Natasha,

When I referred to "clean" I meant it literally (as in bare, with nothing).
Should have made myself more clear. Thanks for your response,

Hey Chickie...or should I say fishie!

The waxing thing is definitely a must try, even if we only try it once; we only live once anyway so may as well try ALMOST everything once.

I've always wanted to show those kinky little Europeans that Miamians can be open-minded too-just take a stroll down S. Beach for God's sake, there are boobs everywhere! We've got to flaunt it while we've still got it & before gravity takes over!!!

And forget the shaving thing when you're husband's around, will ya, you've already hooked him & he's not going anywhere b/c of a little hair! your next gear purchase by creating "one of those" websites?

(better be careful or I might make the list for the sick seven)
Hey Texas! I thought this area was called "Women Only"!
Sneaking in, huh?

Yes, the conversations you read here at the women only site are very much like the conversations we women have when we all go the kitchen during a social gathering.

PuchiKatt, I'm not amused at getting waxed. In fact, I think I'm terrified of it. Despite my terror, if you do it, I'll do it.

I've seen the look on girls faces when they come out of that room and they do not look amused.

Remember that rollercoaster ride when I practically choked you from holding on to you? Same deal. Yup, terrified.

But "The Rock" would be dissapointed if he knew I was acting like a "Jabronie."

So, my fellow diver, get to a phone and make that call!
Strength and Honor. Strength and Honor.
Now don't get me wrong Mer......

I never said I was AMUSED at the idea of waxing, especially my bikini line, but you know I'll try almost anything once.

It can't possibly hurt more than when I dropped our motorcycle on my ankle & still managed to pick it up off the floor (that's 500 lbs ok) or than burning my leg on the tailpipe!

Nothing a little drinkie won't cure.
Wow! you can lift 500 lbs? We should send you to that Discovery channel show where they compete for the world's strongest person!

Hey, I know you're not amused at getting waxed. I am NOT in the very least AMUSED AT ALL in having someone rip ---ok you know the rest. But PuchiKatt, if you and I have survived a bunch of other stuff (skidding in my SportTrac down Ponce de Leon) we can survive this (i think).

I would like to ask the lady divers present who have gotten waxed before, how bad is it? (Please, use as many adjectives as necessary).

Getting waxed gets easier the more you do it. I think the first time is going to be the hardest. But if you have a good tech person, she will know to pat the skin on your thigh right after she pulled there, and it seemd to help.
It's not as bad as it all sounds. I go to the 'Bod Day shop' for waxing every six weeks, so trust me, it's not that bad. They pamper you with lotion afterwards, and give you nice bottled water, and have soothing music playing. You'll wonder why you waited this long!

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