single divers

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Walter once bubbled...

Today we learn if Scubaboard management wants us to stay or go away.

Let's hope they want us to stay... the Singles Forum, or a Singles NDC Club, is long overdue and would really organize all these disparate threads into one location. Moderators, we assure you we will self police for content and appropriateness... :)

sapphire once said...

Let's hope they want us to stay... the Singles Forum, or a Singles NDC Club, is long overdue and would really organize all these disparate threads into one location. Moderators, we assure you we will self police for content and appropriateness... :)


I hope so. I like it here and would like to feel welcome. I agree, it is long overdue. I'd prefer the club approach, it would keep a feeling of belonging and we'd have fewer problems.
of how the vote for a single forum pans out... Scubaoard "wants" all of you here. All are welcome and we would not want you to feel otherwise. Couching the debate in such terms is needlessly inflammatory and borders on drawing a line in the sand.

The debate is whether our family board is ready for such a forum when we have a hard enough time trying to keep you guys in line without the implications of a "singles area". The concept of limited access for such a HUGE group is simply not feasible. It's hard enough to keep up with the I2I forum and that is a mere fraction of what a singles forum would involve. FWIW, the vote is close... and I will post the results here when we finish.
There's no need for a limited access forum.

There is no issue with "keeping us in line." We will have the same posts with or without a singles forum. With a singles forum (an NDI Singles Club would be even better), the threads that frighten some will be in one place and easier to keep in check.

I would also point out that it is not always "singles" who go over the line, "couples" are also guilty of that. Those who do have that tendency are a very small minority.

Pete, you may feel (and I sincerely believe you do) we are welcome regardless of the vote outcome, but the bottom line is we won't feel welcome if the vote rejects our forum. It will be a rejection of us.
but this
(snip)...but the bottom line is we won't feel welcome if the vote rejects our forum. It will be a rejection of us.
is entirely inaccurate. It truly hurts that you are playing this "if I don't get my way I'll leave" card again. I ask you, as well as all of the singles, to consider that the moderators who are debating this now have the best interests of at heart. We have invested time, money and effort into building the finest board on the internet and are not taking this or any decision lightly. Walter, you had a front row seat to help make these decisions which you gave away against my pleas for you to stay. Please don't try to force us to do things YOUR WAY by defining this vote in such a negative light. We are open to and will listen to reasoned arguments, but we won't be bullied by such an ultimatum. The best way to ensure that your thoughts are heard is to PM your favorite regulator. is first and formost about diving, not dating. EVERYONE is welcome to come and join our community as we discuss and sometimes debate the various aspects of diving.
NetDoc once bubbled...
but this is entirely inaccurate.


You can't regulate someone's feelings. If they "feel unwelcome" then that's the way they feel and there's no right or wrong about it. Claiming someone's feelings are inaccurate is disregarding that person altogether - waving them off as if it's of no consequence.


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