smoking on a dive boat

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AGAIN, the problem is that non-smokers can smell smoke from a mile away and the wind direction doesn't solve the issue at all times. Smoke and Diesel fumes travel (both in gaseous form) and while the diesel stinks, we CHOOSE to and know that we will have to smell it but we don't CHOOSE to enjoy your nasty, stinky, smelly, killing habit that works its way into the inside of our bodies without our permission. I can smell cigarettes and fumes anywhere on the boat regardless of the wind direction on most days. Gas is funny that way.First loud, just the fact that he smokes parliament lights tells me he is ADDICTED and no longer chooses to smoke but NEEDS to smoke.:rofl3: Sad really.

My rights don't fly through the air and invade lung tissue without permission but a smoker's does. When you can find a smokeless cigarette then you are truly being a considerate smoker.

If your nasty habit was pooping on shoe's instead of smoking, should I have to nicely ask you not to poop on my shoe AFTER you started to be a considerate non-smoker/non-shoe pooper? Hey, at least your poop wouldn't cause cancer and enter my body, so that's something.:shakehead:

First off I dont smoke......but you pay way too much attention to other peoples business and your "choice" to inhale deisel fumes is pretty much self is only about what suits you
You're right, they're not addictive, they're just plain nasty.

Yes, that's why I love em soooo much.
I love individualism.
I only have three smoking rules. You can't smoke in my house, my car, or my truck. I don't smoke, but if you do- I don't care. I'm not going to die if I smell a little bit of second hand smoke.

Now if the boat's rocking and rolling and I'm feeling a little green and you are blowing smoke on me....I will politely ask you to move before I puke on you.:D
I'm surprised that there are not more non-smoking boats. If the boat permits smoking its nice if everyone can handle it like an adult. I'd rather that people no throw cigarette filters over the side however.
I never thought my question would have come to this. I never told the guy he could not smoke, I never even spoke to him.
For the record, I was on a 32 foot boat and I was underneath the fly bridge. During the dive briefing he was at the back of the boat. Then during our "SIT" time he was on the fly bridge then at the back of the boat. So, in my opinion I was as far away from him as anyone could be on a 32 foot boat.

Can't we all just get along? Just so you all know I will be diving this weekend so please dont smoke around me and I wont have to post a thread about you.

OK, I'm new to this board, so I tried to stay away from this one, but I just can't, so let me make my friends and enemies all at once in this post.

My PERSONAL (highly opinionated) Smoking rules:

For the smokers:

1. Make SURE the boat is smoke friendly BEFORE you book a reservation.

2. Go to the Stern and “Puff away when under-way” and “Don’t light UP when the anchor is DOWN.”

3. DO NOT FLICK the butt overboard. “Field-strip” the cherry & and throw the butt away properly.

4. If “majority rules” and you are getting the stink-eye from everyone else on the boat, be prepared, and deal with it appropriately. Good manners instead of backlash puts you on the higher ground.

5. A simple ice-breaker, such as “Anyone mind if I kill myself?” spoken as you hold a pack of cigs will usually lighten the mood and make the entire subject open to discussion.

For the NON-Smokers:

1. Just because you “smell” it, it doesn’t mean you are getting second hand smoke and will be in an iron lung next year from sensing that odor.

2. If it is “in you face”: You infact ARE inhaling the cigs left-overs, or the lit end is a risk to you or your property, ASK the smoker to move away.

3. Be POLITE when voicing your concerns. MOST smokers will gladly walk as far away from you as possible if you simply ask. Most smokers do not want the “Oh my God, you stink” or the…”My Uncle died from cigs” lecture. JUST ASK. Smokers know the war stories, and STILL CHOOSE to smoke. You’re not “teaching” them anything. JUST ASK them to move the habit they choose AWAY from the habit you do NOT choose.

4. Don’t be a WUSS. If it bugs you, ASK. If they are an ***** about it, I’m sure on a dive boat, you’ll find plenty of non-smokers to “have your back.”

Now this is what makes democracy great. Those who choose something, and those who don’t co-existing. Don’t preach your non-smoking ethics, and don’t smoke upwind of the other.

Case in point: When someone lit up on a boat I was on 2 weeks ago, I saw the stink-eye from everyone and the under-the-breath mumbles. But NO one said anything. I finally couldn’t take the tension of a 3-hour-tour-gone wrong, and asked him if he’d mind moving to the back while he smoked. His answer: “No worries.” Done.

I saw a few people snicker and look at me like I was the “hero” or some non-smoker tribe leader, so that’s when I pulled out my dry-box, grabbed my pack and joined him out back. :mooner: Just be courteous.

Now that my “can’t we all get along” rant is over, can someone answer some SOLID questions about smoking and diving?

I know its bad. I AM planning on quitting to further my diving. That being said:

What are the increased risks of an air embolism?

Does cigarette smoking “pre-load” you with C02? (I have always assumed this and planned my dives for 1.2PPO2max instead of 1.4 just to be on the safe side.)

I know it has nothing to do with SAC rate (which actually probably improves as emphysema sets in)

Physiological effects? Nicotine and getting narcd, etc…

Looking for SERIOUS answers to those questions.

...On a side note, I think I have found a niche-market here, if only I could design a regulator that accommodates a Marloboro Light and is still O2 friendly....
after reading this for a while... lots of non-sense replys and some reasonable ones. in any case, i do smoke in general and on a boat as well. i try to chose a place where my smoke is going away from people. if it bothers someone they can ask and i'd either move away or put out a cigarette. so far not a single soul complained. diesel is by far much worst, try to complain about that :)
i don't understand why GUE-f is not open to smokers. they could gain a few more bucks by easing their policies.
i've noticed that contrary to the books, divers who smoke use less air.

edit: excellent post, Curbs (just above this one)

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