Smoking weed on liveaboard

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Did ya read DR BILL'S post, that sums it up period, I suggested rent your own Yacht. come on sensa, I been under for 16 hours, had over 8 narcs in three days. If the weed is not doable the depth is, for cryin out loud its just a nitrogen Imbalance. On one hand you smoke weed, on the other you dive deep.

Geeze, lets get high

I got to hit the sack, early slack tide. (get the joke, hit the sack)

Happy Diving
And yet you felt the need to throw out religion bashing and insults in multiple posts (removed by mods) and made pot smoking comments in a completely unrelated thread.

No, it was not an innocent question. It was an attempt by a troll to create drama.

I simply used the same standards in responding to numerous personal insults.

I am not a troll or responsible for any hypersensitivity as displayed by your reaction to my post on the other thread - it referred to George Bush's "smoking out" Bin Laden comment. A previous poster had also referred to Bush tough rhetoric. It really has absolute nothing to do with smoking cannabis, or any other drug for that matter. I'm sorry if that was all too complicated for you to understand.

Strange that you complain of insulting posts given some of the nasty personal abuse you have directed toward me which has had to be removed. I guess that makes you yourself a troll of the worst kind.
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Ages ago, before things got so heated... I actually thought this was an interesting question. Not because it can or should justify unsafe diving/legal infractions or social acceptance of what defines "drug use"....

It just seemed like an honest inquiry about something that DOES go on on SOME liveaboards. One of the things I've noticed is that many of the more emphatic responses come from areas of the world where one might not ever encounter this kind of behavior on a diving boat. Having been on a few boats in a few countries, I feel like I've seen "acceptance" of recreational drug use (mostly at night, after dinner) vary quite a bit.

As a (currently) marijuana free diver/human, I still think it's an interesting topic. Even if it's just framed as a theoretical.

Anyway, I hope that some people who do smoke regularly, and may be considering taking some with them on a trip will have learned that it can be a very touchy subject and should be treated with more caution than, say, rolling a spliff and going for a hike in a national park. Aside from safety and legality, just a good measure of cultural awareness is what I'd like to see more of. I find Western tourists are often ignorant of the need to consider that we are guests. Just because most Thai towns have a Rasta Bar that sells herb, doesn't mean that most Thai villagers would approve of it or tolerate it being flaunted.

I'm glad this thread has gone on, and I hope it has opened a few eyes.

oh- I know I made my post a bit Thai centric, but that's only because out of all of the liveaboards I've done, just over 50% were there. I did observe similar "unofficial" acceptance in Indonesia, but never in the US or Mexico. These are just my anecdotes.
drug related scuba questions.
1. Is there a list of 420 friendly live aboards? This would be good for those that want it and those that want to stay away.
2. If smoking MJ is good for Glaucoma by relieving the pressure behind the eyes, then does it have a negative or positive affect on ear clearing?
3. Is cotton mouth spit better as an anti fog agent or worse?
4. Will they let you eat pot brownies in the decompression chamber if you have a prescription? Does insurance cover it?

:Dwhere's the sarcasm font?
:Dwhere's the sarcasm font?

On a Mac it's shift+apple+S
On a PC it's CNTRL+s+spacebar+hold the "6" and "9" down simultaneously+inverted "?" mark

Now if you'll tell me how to turn mine off
Mr. Sensa is not thinking big enough. A big adventure can be had through careful planning.

Stick a pound of grass in your luggage and make the first leg of your trip Saudi Arabia. You should be able to sell most of your stash over there, because it is hard to get. Try making a quick sale to a cop. Saudi policemen are pretty well paid, and should have a lot of interest.

Once that transaction is out of the way, you should be all set up for the trip of a lifetime.
Well why not, here is my take on it. Keep in mind when I say "you" I mean anyone who thinks this might be fun, not just the OP. For all I know it is legal where he lives and this is a valid question.

I doubt that the captain would see his vessel siezed, unless there were hundreds of pounds of the stuff on board. Enough to get a few people lit for a week is not going to get the captain in trouble. However...the fact the stoner might do something stupid and get hurt or hurt someone else could cause other types of legal problems, so I bet the answer from the liveaboard will always be "no."

You had better inform your dive buddy as well. I am not interested in all the stoners saying how they can do whatever while on weed or that it only lasts for so long...meh I don't care what you think, we all know it destroys brain cells so you are bringing a knife to a gun fight. How you might be affected underwater after having a joint, either right away or hours before is of concern to everyone in your dive group. Just because you don't "feel stoned" doesn't mean that once you hit ~60 FSW your world won't go wonky. If you are willing to take that risk toke away, just let me know so I can stay the hell away from you.

I too have random drug tests for work, as well as a security clearance. There is a 0 tolerance for THC, any amount they can detect is enough cause for dismissal. How much second hand smoke do I have to inhale accidentally to show up on one of these tests? I do not know and the short answer is I do not care. If I am at a party and somebody produces an illegal substance I can simply leave. On a boat I do not have that option so I am going to invite you to dump your stash overboard. I will also report you so that if I do get tested on my return to work and pee "hot" I have a police report to clear me. I will not let your bad habits ruin my career.

I too am paying thousands of dollars for this vacation, and to have someone so cavalier about the laws behave in a way that it might cause undo stress or a serious interuption of that vacation will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. If we are discussing whether weed should legalized, or just de-criminalized, my answers may surprise you. However right this minute almost everywhere (and probably on just about every liveaboard destination) it is not legal. So if you think you understand all the risks and are willing to take them for a few hours of whatever it is weed gives you, then consider this your only warning if you and I find ourselves on vacation together...I will test your convictions about risk taking.

To sum up, I have far too much at stake to gamble my life, family and career so someone else can get an illegal high on vacation. I don't know how much is too much and I am not willing to believe the tokers have my best interests in mind when they make up the facts in a way to suit their argument. I won't stand by and risk anything, I'll just call the cops...

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