Question TACO EFFECT? Will this help on my giant wing?I am not using the wing to lift heavy objects

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Ok Thanks I can see the consensus says USE a lift bag for a wreck bag of bottles....
If something goes wrong, just let go. Let it cork to the surface or crash into the bottom. But not take you with it.
The top 30' of the water column is the most dangerous. The greatest delta in pressure change. Going from 3 ata to 2 ata is only 50% expansion of gasses, 2 ata to 1 ata (surface) is 100% expansion ratio.
or even a nice big DSMB like a carter super float

Rather, take a look at the lift bags that Carter offers: Air Bags Lift Bags Air Lift Bags Safety Sausage Tubes Safety Sausage.

Thanks for the links . I have a home made float we use to mark items...I will check the links out..I still like having the extra lift of the OMS wing just for the weighting situations I run into in current sometimes.
alright, here's a slightly different perspective.

I just listened to the video on better headphones *couldn't quite hear it well earlier*. Sex bolts that attach the wing around the backplate aren't going to help that wing all that much. It may a little but if you are looking at modifying the wing to wrap less then look at how the Dive Rite Nomad wings are made where they actually attach to the webbing on the waist belt. Unfortunately the OMS wings are wide at the wrong places and they would still act very strange at the top.

Quick google says a glass bottle on average weighs 1/2lb so let's say a bag of them is qty 20 so 10lbs. In that case I don't actually object to picking that up with a wing vs. a lift bag. That said, it sounds like all of that weight is going to be on a weight belt to keep you on the bottom and that does also actually have similar safety concerns in terms of the belt failing and you corking to the surface as well as the issues of wing failure and making sure that the weight is properly ditchable. Now, if we ignore all of that for a second, the only safe way to dive with a wing like that is to figure out how to make the rig wider so the wing is shaped the way it was originally intended, and for that you may want to look at doing something like double LP50's, AL40's, or even AL80's which will more than double the width of tank and help keep the taco effect at bay. Even though you are at a max of 40ft, the doubles have some other fringe safety benefits as well as being the only real effective way to deal with a wing that big on your back.
Yeah lifting the bag of bottles was not really a concern for me and I was just gonna let that go to rest ...The guys that taught me have been doing this type of diving a long time (Black water)..One over 50 yrs, one 40 yrs, and my mentor just under 20 yrs who was taught by the former two. They have been lifting bags of bottles with a BC ever since they were created...
I know things like holding your breath and the bends cross over into every kind of diving dont do list.....but a rapid out of control ascent from a 10 lb bag of bottles was a little much...
I have my weight in places that can be dropped very easily ....even if my weight pockets failed I have non ditchable trim weights and a cam tank weight that would slow me down...
As far as the big wing goes I am going to dive it and see how it plays out because I really like the 94 lbs of lift on the surface but will have to see how that plays out on the bottom with trim etc..First dive with it went well . I am headed back out in the morning I made some adjustments to my rig today and I am gonna see how that plays out.
Question how does this wing affect my safety on a single 133 steel tank?
If affects my safety I will take it off..I am just trying to figure out how it does.
On my dive rite classic in the out layer I have melted 2 holes and used bungee through them and thread it through my waist strap... it holds the tips of the wing and pulls it in to my body.
It's very similar to a sidemount wing.
If the bungees are stronger than the lift created by the gas in the wing to limit taco then you are restricting lift, and if they are not strong enough to restrict lift then they are not strong enough to prevent wrapping.
Are we sure about that ? I was trying to get to the physic side of it :
- The pressure in the wing is equal to the ambient pressure on the deepest part of the wing

- the bungee would just have to counter act the difference between the ambiant pressure on top of the wing and the one at the bottom

- the fact that the bungee resist expension of the wing will distribute the gas more equally

- as far as the lift is concern, as long as you can inflate fully without having the exhaust valve, it will be the same lift capacity. With the down side of a quite difficult mouth inflation adn a slightly increase gas consomption

Or am I missing something ?
I will always remember a diver walking around a dive quarry wearing one of those enormous wings fully inflated. It looked absurd, like he had an inflatable dinghy on his back!

How come a 40lb wing gives more than enough lift for a steel twinset and multiple stages?

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