The "Thanks" button is gone.

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I'm on SB quite a bit, and for the most part, I try to keep to the diving-related threads, and I haven't seen much on those that I would call "abuse" of the Thanks button, or causing divisiveness/polarization. I've noticed a few specific posters who engage in worthless "thanking circles" of non-substantive posts, but I have a feeling that's not the problem Pete saw.

Overall, I thought the "Thanks" feature was on net a much bigger positive than negative, and has often influenced me in being more detailed, concise, political, or polite, than I perhaps would have been without it.

I only bring this up because I'm also curious as to specifically what drove the decision to remove the Thanks button; apparently it's not from any of the general diving-related threads I've seen, where it seems to have been quite useful??
The previous post by Sas is a good example of whining. Can someone answer what difference it makes how many thanks anyone has?? You should be worried about yourself, not everyone else.

Jax you are one of the best examples of someone who can dish it out but can't take any criticism back.

And I love the fact you will never respond to me directly. Because I can keep calling you out on things and you will never respond :rofl3:


I only whine about work and not diving, get it right please :wink: The only people mentioned in the LF thread deserved a lot worse than what we said. Sorry if people are offended by a fun bunch but I really could care less, they need to get a backbone or get back in kindergarden where they belong.

Sorry then :)

And you deserve a lot worse than what you've gotten :wink: To be honest I was confused to see all the hate towards me in that thread given I don't even know most of the people concerned and have never interacted with them, so why do I deserve a lot worse? :idk: That being said I personally find the thread highly entertaining (and also very flattering given that people I don't know are affected by me so much they bother to post about me) and think that people should be able to say what they want.

I don't recall anyone talking about you in that thread. I did see you start in on ScubaSteve in whalewars tho. And wasn't really sure why. I have no hate towards you, there are some on this board I detest but that's neither here nor there. Anyonei have seen brought up always started with us. Some of it goes back 5 or more years and you just don't know the story. But when they act like a troll that's what they will be labeled.

Well thanks for the explanation but my care factor is zero in regards to what you guys want to do, what you get up to and what your motivations are for doing so.

Then quit whining about it. With that attitude one would wonder why anyone would be nice to you. All unnecessary IMO.

Pot calling the kettle black hey? :)

And how is me telling you I don't care what you say or do whining? :confused:

And all a long I thought we need a Thanks button to be devisive
JFC!, it's a thanks button, a kitschy little gizmo that was added to the board. The board worked fine before it was added, it's working fine now (knock on wood)

"A tempest in a teacup'
And all a long I thought we need a Thanks button to be devisive

Most forums have cliques, thanks or no thanks button. *shrugs*
The staff has reviewed the feature and has decided to remove it. We felt that it has contributed to an unhealthy polarization of the community and was susceptible to abuse by a few.

That's just silly.

I will miss the "Thanks" Button. I felt like I was actually helpful when I was thanked. I want to be able to agree with someone without having to post "+1."


I'll miss it ... feel good in that I actually contributed something that others thanked my post , and can see (sometimes by an overwhelming number) who's posts are well thought of by many


The thanks button was one of the nice things that hooked me to this site. Now it's gone.
I can quote a comment and explicitelly say thank you, but it was a nice and useful way to appreciate a comment or thread.


I am not sure I understand how the Thanks button can be abused in any way that is important


Another Stupid move by the Honchos that run SB


But that seems like a lot of effort when you could just push a button that said it all - "thanks" and/or "I agree" and/or "I really appreciated your advice" or "thanks for posting that"

Bring it back.

Bring back the "THANKS BUTTON"


I liked the Thanks button mainly because there was a good feeling in knowing that somebody found something you said useful and I liked to be able to let people know when I found their posts particularly useful to me.

Do you think 54,000 thanks in the same thread for saying something like, "duh" is too much "Thanks"?

I never saw anything like that, must have been in chat threads where they didn't really count anyway.

I thought the "Thanks" button was one of the unique features of ScubaBoard. I found it to be an interesting way of keeping me honest, so to speak, because my private SB goal was to see how many "Thanks" I could receive by taking the time to do my best to compose a post in such a way that it would be educational or valuable.

Thanks! It was a motivator to keep on track.

It was also pretty cool when someone I'd normally be battling over a topic would give a "Thanks" ... at times, that was like breaking bread or some other gesture that united rather than polarized.

I also liked being able to give out those thanks to folks.

I think the only thing the "Thanks" button really divided was what made SB a little bit more fun than other boards.

ScubaBoard is genuinely diminished - from both a usability and a community standpoint - with the removal of the thanks button.


It was also useful to view a posters thanked posts or threads .. you could find some insightful info there ..


well, I guess I never saw any of this stuff where the Thanks button was supposedly abused and so I cant even imagine how a Thanks button could be abused. Seemed like a positive feature and it was useful. For such a thing to be removed because a few people abused it instead of taking care of whatever users specifically seems like an incredibly lame decision to me.


How can a Thanks Button be abused in any real way? Seriously? If people have a hang up over it, well that is a personal problem they need to get over by themselves. by placating these simpletons you are only enabling their issues and making it harder for them to advance as human beings...


As I read threw this and think about the whole issue I think losing the Thanks button is really a loss. I have found it a nice way to easily let someone know their comments or suggestions were appreciated, without needing to post a reply. It was also somewhat satisfying to see a thanks on one of my own posts, because it meant someone had read it and found it of value.


I agree with the posters who find the Thanks feature useful, and I agree with those who don't think it's fair to "punish" the many for the actions of few.


Was there a thread about this somewhere? If so I missed it. It doesn't seem that the input and comments of the majority of users were actually invaluable since I never saw them solicited.

How much harm did the thanking club sort of 'abuse' cause exactly? I'd really love to read the backroom discussion on this...


I don't know how a thanks button could be abused Trace. If someone made a good point from my perspective, I thanked them. It showed appreciation and support.

It seems that some people didn't like the acknowledgment that certain individuals received. This is especially true when it disagreed with the opinion of management. Imo, this site seems to be becoming more and more this way. Perhaps management will come up with a thanks button that will only work if it conforms with the 'correct opinion.'


The more I think about this the more annoyed I get. The thanks feature supplied something that was like the eye contact that's missing from internet conversations. I really think the user feel will be diminished without it. It was an excellent way to let someone know you heard them without adding fluff to a thread.

I hate to make a fuss about something that seems so trivial, but this seems like a mistaken decision to me. I would really appreciate a fuller explanation of it's necessity.


Hmm, I am sorry to see it go and I must say I never really felt it was abused.


Wont it make threads very long now, with quotes and "Thanks" - just wondering.?

You might just be right.

I felt it was a positive improvement in that it gave people a chance to "reach out" to those whose postings they found had value.


But how can anyone, be it the board, Pete, the members, or whomever keep it from happening all over again?

Who cares? What possible difference could it make?

It also goes back to the posts that several people have made what if someone abuses the thanks button?


I liked the "Thanks" button and I could <sic> care less if some people wanted to Thank others a million times.

Thanks! (I think you meant "couldn't.")

Can someone explain how a thanks button can be abused. Im really having a hard time wrapping my head around how an ambiguous nicety is abusable.

Of course not because it is not possible.
Bob, there are threads, mostly started by those "brats" (as you call them), castigating me for doing just that. In fact, I think you were supportive of one such user in one such thread. There was a judicious use of the Thanks button in that thread in order to manipulate/polarize the discussion. Go figure.

No matter what I do, I will be faulted. As seen earlier, I clearly made a tongue in cheek posting only to be rebuked for it a post or two later. It doesn't matter what I do: I have a target on my back and everyone thinks I am out to spoil their fun. As I have confided with you in the past, no matter how hard I try, I get slammed. I feel like an American in France: condemned for trying to help others. I can't win. Not sure why I try.

This is my last post here until after ITK. You guys can harsh my mellow after that.

Ah ... I kinda figured that had something to do with the decision.

I've tried every way I know, Pete, to explain to you that my "support" wasn't based on that person's POV, but on what I felt was an unfortunate choice on your part of how to deal with it. But there's not much point in pursuing that conversation, either publicly or privately, because you've decided not to hear what I was trying to tell you.

Sometimes, sir, you are your own worst enemy ... even to those who are trying to explain to you why you shouldn't keep shooting your toes off.

What else needs to be said, Pete ... they're your toes, after all ... just please, stop making a pretense that you're listening to anybody except those who are telling you what you want to hear.

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
"Thanks, Don't know what for but since there is no button I'll just have to do this when I like, agree with, or respect a posters opinion. Man will this get old fast. I wonder how polarizing it will be?"

I was going to post the above at size 7 but ya know what. Some whiny sniveling little puke would have cried a river of tears over it. I wonder if some of the reasons were not just because of the lion fish thread (which I have never read thank you very friggin much, easy to not be offended when you can and do just not look at certain things), but when some people agreed with opinions that put others on the defensive. Like maybe those that offered alternatives to the usual training or lack thereof? When a number of people agreed it was called "divisive" instead of informative as it really was.

That term (divisive) is often used in society to garner sympathy for those who are too lazy to change the channel or station. It also describes the easily offended little brats who have been coddled and brainwashed into believing that life is fair, that competition is bad, that we should lie and aquiesce to protect little jonnie's or sally's "feelings".

Wah freakin Wah.

If a thread offends you don't read it. Unless it personally attacks YOU or threatens YOU what is the big deal. I have been threatened and attacked on here. I reported it and it was PRIVATELY taken care of.

If someone was indeed abusing the button then again hit them not the whole board. It is PETTY stuff like this and some other issues (censorship for one) that has resulted in me taking my money elsewhere. In a few months I will no longer be red. After 6 years of being red. I did believe in what I was doing. I also liked not having to see all the ads but even though I try to turn em off now I can't seem to.

And how do you really abuse a thanks button? Saying thanks is "cyber bullying"? Which member offed themself or snuffed another because someone thanked another person who had a different opinion? But Utopia is the new ideal in every area I guess. Gotta love the atmosphere of change. :shakehead:


Me agreeing with Jim Lapenta? Who'da thunk it?
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