"The Wetter The Better" save lionfish from death

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... I'd thank you but some uptight buzzkill removed my ability to do so.
Shoot! Wish I could claim credit but it was some other kind soul :D
I think if someone tries to poke knife toward lionfish it's like trying to get shell of eggs in the bowl. It's hard to do that right?? So best suggest is using spear or net. I personal never knew that Lionfish is bad for reefs but I'm glad that I've learned this.

See below what I found....

This will what happen if you get sting by lionfish on finger :crying:

We might need this :biggun:
Shoot! Wish I could claim credit but it was some other kind soul :D

Who hacked your account? seems you posted the change?!?! :D
In the July/August 2009 ALERT DIVER magazine put out by DAN, the front cover is of an exposed Lionfish. The centerfold goes on to shamelessly parade naked lionfish. For those who want to read and not just look at pictures, the article recommends pole spearing these deamons of the Pacific. However, they would prefer they be kept alive and captured with nets, only to be euthanized later so that they may be genetically studied by curious scientists. It goes on to report that some fish are being "tagged" to follow their movements as they prey on hapless victims. REEF states they "don't think of the lionfish as actively aggressive. They're in a new environment and simply surviving....In general, lionfish won't be prowling the waters to search out divers, swimmers, and fishermen to sting them."

Overall the article mainly recommends to sight, report, capture and/or kill these overexposed, prolifically reproducing predators, especially in Florida waters where they have not gained a complete stronghold, as of yet. Man (top of the food chain) is their only enemy right now in these non-native habitats.

Please note: Where there are no "quotes"...the poetic license is my own. The meaning is virtually the same as conveyed in article. :)
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In the July/August 2009 ALERT DIVER magazine put out by DAN, the front cover is of an exposed Lionfish.

Overall the article mainly recommends to sight, report, capture and/or kill these overexposed, prolifically reproducing predators, especially in Florida waters where they have not gained a complete stronghold, as of yet. Man (top of the food chain) is their only enemy right now in these non-native habitats.

Please note: Where there are no "quotes"...the poetic license is my own. The meaning is virtually the same as conveyed in article. :)

I posted a link to the online edition of the article here.
And the article does say killing them before they gain a foothold in the surrounding waters is a definite option.
I am the one who started this tread. Maybe I let my emotions interfere with properly posting what had happened. Reading all of the directions this post has taken I should have made two post. I should have made one post about lionfish completely leaving out the part about the Divemasters actions. I have hundreds of hours of bottom time in Florida. I had never seen one here before. I have seen first hand the destruction they will do to reef when they move in. My love for the ocean is a close second to my love for my family. When I saw that lionfish, I got that sick feeling inside. The same as if I had just found out that a loved one had cancer. I will admit I was unprepared to deal with a lionfish that day. I know the consequences of being stung by a lionfish. I was willing to go to the hospital and suffer threw the pain if that is what it would take to protect our reefs. I will in the future be ready for them. I now have a custom made 3' pole spear that folds down to 12". I will not be diving without it. I am glad this post was made a lot of people aware of lionfish and hopefully more informed about them.

I should have then made a second post about THE FEMALE DIVEMASTER FROM THE WETTER THE BETTER DIVE CHARTER. Her actions were inappropriate at best, I feel dangerous and reckless would be a better description. She was not trying to protect us from being stung. She was protecting the lionfish. By the time we had finished our dive and got back on to our boat they had already called over the radio from their boat saying that "there were going to be some pissed off dives when they come up". I could have easily over powered her or even cut her high pressure line but just because she was in the wrong was not a reason for me to fall to her level. Had I posted her actions without bring the lionfish in to it, the two subjects would not have diluted out each other. As a business owner I know I can not control the actions of my employs all the time, but if one of my employs was to do something questionable I would like to know. I could then make the decision to tell them good job keep it up or you're fired. There were about 5 witnesses. Certainly there is more than one version of this story. I would love to find out if this person was acting completely against the wishes of the captain or if this is what is expected of their crew.

As for Scuba.Dude, what can I say? I have always felt that if you can't win an argument with fact and reason the only thing you have left is name calling. Reading the "facts" that were included with your post you should stick with name calling. Here is some help, I am fat, I am getting gray hair, I am ugly, and I have been called an a@@hole before. Try sticking with this because you are off on your lionfish facts.

In closing I have two thoughts. First is a saying I heard years ago. It goes "It is better to be thought a fool that to open your mouth and relieve all doubt". Second don't say anything you don't want people to know you said. I hate screen names. My name is Robert Palmer and I live in Clermont, FL. I stand by what I have said. I may not have typed it out clearly but most people understood it. If I could I would close this tread now. Once it devolves to name calling there will not be anything more useful to come out of it.
I have seen first hand the destruction they will do to reef when they move in. My love for the ocean is a close second to my love for my family. When I saw that lionfish, I got that sick feeling inside. The same as if I had just found out that a loved one had cancer. I will admit I was unprepared to deal with a lionfish that day. I know the consequences of being stung by a lionfish. I was willing to go to the hospital and suffer threw the pain if that is what it would take to protect our reefs.

I could have easily over powered her or even cut her high pressure line but just because she was in the wrong was not a reason for me to fall to her level. Had I posted her actions without bring the lionfish in to it, the two subjects would not have diluted out each other.



Taking one for the Gipper, being a martyr to a lion fish accomplishes nothing, and even thinking about cutting air hoses is a place you don't want to go, you might want to try a little meditative solo diving to keep things in perspective.

The lion fish will be there long after you're gone.
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CDR (ret) Murchison:
Based on your posts (SB as well as divematrix.com, tampadiving.com, scubamatrix.com, etc.) you've been diving awhile & contribute good, useful content. I learned quite a bit from your SB 'SAC rate' posts - thx.

You have the ability to edit SB posts, but neither your profile nor status list you as Mod, SB team, site support, etc., so (respectfully) how is this possible? Also, the reason listed for editing my post is 'TOS compliance' but after searching SB for 'TOS compliance,' 'TOS,' 'Terms of Service,' 'Compliance,' and other similar terms there were no results. The top-level TOS page (http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/matrix/tos.php) has links to the respective sub-forums, not rules & regs; ergo I can't re-read the TOS that you may or may not be referencing. However - from memory - non-compliance can include a general pattern of bad behavior, hijacking a thread, vulgarity, etc - not well-written sarcasm. You changed the meaning of my post and I can't find the regs that justify this. With all due respect, I'd like an explanation.

BTW - post # 85 is a sarcastic flame and the poster may have addressed the wrong user (I think it was intended for me). Given the precedent evidenced by editing my post, I'm curious to know how a sarcastic flame to the wrong person doesn't qualify for an edit?

Mike a.k.a. Scuba.Dude

Did you get your "Thanker" back? Anyway...thanks for the thanks.


Okay...back to the subject. It is only recently I have learned that Lionfish are invaders of so many areas I have dived over the last 10 years. I know I saw several in the Exuma area when I was there 3 years ago. I thought "oh, what an interesting fish" as I took photo after photo. No one had bothered to educate me that they shouldn't be there. So, perhaps, we don't know the reasoning behind the DM's actions. I know many of us 'girls' tend to want to protect living things (although I am not adverse to eating them if they taste good). So, maybe it was just that simple, she may not have known any better, due to lack of ed-du-ma-ca-tion! I think one lionfish does not warrant that level of retaliation (air hose cutting) IMHO

I think the telescoping/folding spear would be an excellent companion next time.

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