Tips for all going to Egypt

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i was checking out sinai divers's website, it said that they offer 20% off during the FIFA world cup 09/06 till 10/07....what about the rest of diving operations in sharm and Hurghada?
The strange thing is, we don't see Americans in Sharm

Dont you still have 1000 US personnel stationed in the Sinai as a permanent Peace Keeping Force. The Camel Bar used to rock on a Saturday night when the guys came down and with the live blues music, it was a superb night out.

I helped my friend who is having a Parent Teacher Association soiree/party in Sharm this evening to write her speech. She is the Chairwoman. She picked the 60s and the hippie movement as a theme.
Then I asked her how old were the people coming ... she laughed and said that the eldest is 47. But some of them 1) are not old enough, and 2) Dont even know what a hippy is.
The Malaysian lady had to ask if she had to bring flowers and wear a flowery dress.

The underlying theme is the freinds we have in Dahab. So she is trying to get a little collection together for them.
There will be a box, and she has put in a few poems and notes of condolence, things like that.

I dont want to blow my own trumpet, but I would like you to read what I wrote.
I hope you dont mind. Things to bear in mind is that she has lived in Sharm for 8 years,a nd used to be a diving instructor. That is how I met her in Thailand.

Flower power was a slogan used by hippies in the late 1960s and early 1970s as a symbol of the non-violence ideas. The term is said to have been first used in 1965. It has since been used in many places when referring the 1960s, including countless films, TV programs and documentaries.

Flower Power also included actions by young people, such as giving flowers to policemen and putting flowers inside guns and revolvers, as a sign of peace and not war

Unfortunately our event is still somewhat overshadowed by the recent, unforgivable tragic events of Dahab

The reason why our Theme has been chosen to be a peaceful one.

We may not know the people in Dahab, but they are still part of our extended family. Because without our friends and neighbours we are alone in a foreign country. I would like us to make them realise that they have a family of people here in Sharm that are thinking of them.

If you would like to help to make them realise that they are not alone, or help generally, then I have set up a box for gifts. Your gifts, maybe the gift of thought, by a letter or a card, your gift maybe a financial gift to assist in the rebuilding, or helping the less priviliged.
Please, if you feel, that they would benefit from your thoughts, then be generous,and make a gift.

I spent all night, last night, worrying about this speech. Which is quite amusing really, as I am used to speaking to people, but my worries were, should I include some points about those attacks? I even asked a far-away friend, who lived here in Egypt, with us for a while, about it,and we both agreed that you know about this already. I dont need to tell you that terror is everywhere, and no letters of condolence from the net, or articles about the war against terror will assist in getting my message across, as you know what it is.

By being here, tonight,and having made the effort, as we have, we are saying to the terrorists,and anyone who cares to take notice, that we will not stop our lives because of their efforts. No one can make us. We will continue with our daily routines. Our extended family will care about us and nothing will stop that.
We wont let it.
So, dont waste your time trying.
Red Sea Shadow:
Mania has changed her avatar and her status from Moderator to Spanish Princess!
Could I change my status also? :)

You want to be a Spanish Princess ?
1. Don’t drink tap water – use bottled mineral water even for washing teeth. Avoid drinks with ice – ice is made of tap water
2. Don’t eat fresh vegetables and fruits

So how serious is this and do you think it would be difficult to develop the immunities?

I ask because they say this about many countries, and I have never really had any problems myself. When I travel to Mexico I usually drink bottled water, but I eat the fruits and veggies, brush my teeth with tap water and have ice in my drinks. Of course as a child I lived near the boarder so we would often go to Mexico just for dinner. This probably helped me develop some immunities. But I have traveled to many other countries and never really taken any precautions, without any serious problems.

Some friends of mine from Denmark said that whenever they travel to other countries they will drink the water but they work their way up. On the first day they will fill a bottled water cap with tap water and drink just that in an attempt to give their body a chance to become accustomed to it. Anyone have any thoughts on this method?

So how serious is this and do you think it would be difficult to develop the immunities?

I ask because they say this about many countries, and I have never really had any problems myself. When I travel to Mexico I usually drink bottled water, but I eat the fruits and veggies, brush my teeth with tap water and have ice in my drinks. Of course as a child I lived near the boarder so we would often go to Mexico just for dinner. This probably helped me develop some immunities. But I have traveled to many other countries and never really taken any precautions, without any serious problems.

Some friends of mine from Denmark said that whenever they travel to other countries they will drink the water but they work their way up. On the first day they will fill a bottled water cap with tap water and drink just that in an attempt to give their body a chance to become accustomed to it. Anyone have any thoughts on this method?


This is really serious in places like Sharm El Sheikh, Dahab, Hurghada, Safaga, or Marsa Alam.

You can drink tap water in Cairo or Alex for instance but in the Red Sea, don't even try it.
Well you can be immune but the major thing that causes the problem are simply different bacterias. Human beings have their own cultures of bacteria - some of them are needed for the body to function properly. Some of them are not needed but body is immune. But every different bacteria can result in diarrhea.
I'm rather immune but I ahve been there so many times that my body already accepted their bacterias.

As for the Spanish Princess - RSS it was only for one day. Buuuuuuu :(
I wish I could be a Spanish Princess captured by Pirates for a bit longer



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