Too Scuba or not to Scuba

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I've been waiting for years to take my dive classes and nothing would stop me now. If I were you, I'd take the class and learn to shoot pictures rather than paintballs. You can always get the gun later, or better yet, do both, take the class and buy a cheaper gun. You'll have fun either way.
:bunny: Bunny B :bunny:
How much money to go paintball'n for 1 hr ?

I bet about 25 bucks.Minimum.

For 25 bucks you can do a discover scuba,and find out if you like the sport. This BTW is usually more than 1 hr of entertainment.

We have a guy show up from time to time with a new girlfriend.The Discover Scuba experience has now repalced going to the movies.

Does your wife do paintball ? Do you actually enjoy the bruises you get from this sport ?

Treat you and your wife to a Discover Scuba night out . I bet you will have more entertainment than you can handle when you get home. :)

I think there is a lot more variation to scuba than paintball. I tried paintball once - it was a good fun couple of hours. Did it excite me so much that I wanted to do it again? No way! Try a Discover Scuba course then make your mind up.
I equate diving to a life experience, something that separates you from a lot of other people and gives you opportunities and memories that are unique

Paintball I equate to bowling or golf. It will always be there, its fun and provides fun times, but the experiences won't be so "once in a lifetime" like diving has the potential to be.

Just my opinion.
In my opinion paintball while it would be fun has very much potential to be a fad in your life. Diving on the other hand has the potential to be one of your lifes great passions.

Forget the paint gun buy a spear gun in stead!

Diving without a doubt!:)

Great question to ask in a SCUBA forum so go ask this in a unbaised place not like this.
I do both and I have one question for you what kind of gun.
If it's an Angel buy the gun man you would be crazy not to,if it's a low to medium quality gun go scuba.Anything less than an Angel,bob's Long intimadator,Mini mag,Auto mag,Auto cocker, or bushmaster go scuba if it is one of those guns than make a choice and tell me b/c some of those guns are pushing it.

For the non paintballers here,here's a little perspective an Angel (which is a gun) costs about (this is for there best model)
$2900.00 that's right two thousand nine hundred dollars without tax.Paintball isn't some little kiddy game anymore.
So please only ppl who do both paintball and scuba reply to this post ok?
God I hate ppl who say stuff about paintball when they have never even tried it.
Ron Brandt HA sure 1hr. of paintball may cost 10 bucks (if you have your own gun mind you) but never 25 I would never pay that much for some CO2 and 1hr worth of paintballs.
Do I really like the bruises I get from paintball? hmm I will have to say ..............................yes oh there not bruises there welts.
There both fun but to really play paintball at a really fun level it will cost you more than scuba.It all depends on the gun,but with the info I have I say go scuba unless the gun is really good like the ones I said before.
Better yet!
Join the Navy and go out for SEAL training.
You can scuba, do something like paintball only better, blow stuff up and get all the bruises and welts you could ever want.

The big drawback is you can't tell anyone any of the really cool details of the fun trips you go on.

I was Navy, not a seal but did some ... ah ... interesting work.

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