Va. Tech shooting

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wait....back up....

a gal tried to take me out with her auto....i only wish she had a gun...cause she would have never hit me
I personally agree with keeping the school open like they did after the first incident.

yea, I suppose, it was a fluke thing, nothing you could do. It still seems like they would say, "there has been a murder and he is at large"...they couldn't know what it was about, domestic or otherwise at that point. I mean the most primative village would allow for that..

For sure, I would not sit in a building though. If the coast was clear, I'd think getting out of there would be an option.

The cell phone footage I saw, the gun did not sound like a semi automatic, did it? And it sounded small caliber to me.--very tinny

I heard someone recommend that they should have a text message system to send students texts to stay in their rooms or whatever. . .
My daughter's school has a system, like that, for disasters..we get an automated call also. Punahou just put it in last year.
Trickie Dickie 99:
Firearms - essential to very very few people in modern urban society. Deaths or injuries from guns are rarely accidental, it's what they are designed for, the sole purpose of their existence. Hunting weapons used by hunters for hunting, fair comment, but if you have and carry a handgun especially in an urban environment, it's got one intended purpose and that's bagging two-legged game.

Now I hate to say this and it's probably a low blow to Americans generally but if 12,500 deaths a year is just a statistically irrelevant blip, why are we all getting so wound up by 9-11? ( and by the Bali Bombings and by the 7-7 London Transport bombings for that matter). If 12500 is no big deal, then what's all the panic about? Now that was pretty tongue in cheek, so please forgive me but it just makes me wonder how it is that so many of you are all so happy to put up with so many unnecessary deaths?

I appreciate that you also have a chicken & egg situaton too, that because so many crims carry guns, many law abiding people feel a need to be armed too and I'd imagine it's extremely difficult to break that cycle.

I say all this as a former owner of a .22, a 6.5mm and a very handy Mossberg - life was very exciting for the local wildlife population when I lived in the bush but that changed when I moved back to the city. So I'm not anti-gun per se.

No need to forgive. Just good discussion.
I do disagree however about 12,500 needless deaths. I haven't looked up the numbers breakdown lately, but the 12,500 is all firearms death. Murderers, rapists, etc. killed by police and citizens are in that mix. Also included are hunting accidents, suicide, and the good riddance factor (criminal on criminal)
The cell phone footage I saw, the gun did not sound like a semi automatic, did it? And it sounded small caliber to me.--very tinny
According to the guy who supposedly sold him the guns, the shooter used a Glock 19 and a Walther P-22.
9mm and .22
"Tiny" indeed, but you know..."tiny" guns will kill you just as dead as "big" guns.

This is from The site is currently down, probably has something to do with 1,500 people reading the read I just pulled this from:
Call BS all you like, but I just spent the last several hours with 3 ATF agents. I saw the shooter's picture. I know his name and home address. I also know that he used a Glock 19 and a Walther P-22. The serial number was ground off the Glock. Why would he do that and still keep the receipt in his pocket from when he bought the gun?
ATF told me that they are going to keep this low-key and not report this to the tv news. However, they cautioned that it will leak out eventually, and that I should be ready to deal with CNN, FOX, etc.
My 32 camera surveillance system recorded the event 35 days ago. This is a digital system that only keeps the video for 35 days. We got lucky.
By the way, the paperwork for Mr. Cho was perfect, thank God.

A few posts later...
Mr. Cho had proof of Virginia residency, checkbook (for a second ID), and his green card(which is, of course, not green). That is all he needed to purchase a handgun. I try to bring the thread back on track talking about the subject at hand, and people keep going off. :rolleyes: :shakehead
Yeah but if you knew the next person you robbed could be carrying a .40 handgun would that make you think twice?
I believe it just makes people carry something bigger to the party....... it's kinda like the who has a bigger whatnot syndrome.:eyebrow:
I believe it just makes people carry something bigger to the party....... it's kinda like the who has a bigger whatnot syndrome.:eyebrow:

or it just makes them quicker to use it...
i agree with kim....a young man (not black, not chinese, not asian, not white) just a young man (colorless) threw his life away and took others with him.

there are at least 33 young lives that are now gone.....and the wounded are the lives that have to be repaired, but may never be repaired after this.

wait....did kim just rip on me for posting here?....hey!!!!!!
u missed the point, the first bit of your novel

the point being terminology and views

germany waged war on america....japan waged war on america.....bin laden is waging war on america.

however, u kind of picked up on the point of tactics.

please pay closer attention


Well I guess what I mean is that using different tactics, as capabilities etc evolve really doesn't change the ethics that lie at the heart of the matter, such as they are, no matter where or when you live.

Deliberate murder of defenceless people who present no threat for no other reason than causing terror was just as abhorrent 200 years ago as it is today.

Killing of soldiers by other soldiers in open conflict is and always has been any which way you can and I think that's always been accepted, with regret but accepted nonetheless.

I think that's where the differences lie between tactics and terrorism.
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