What Sort Of Pets Do You Have?

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srkdvr once bubbled...
I have 2 ferrets, GiGi and Chole.... they are the 8th and 9th we have had. They are very cool.

Rich :mean:

I had a albino ferret along time ago. Nasty little critter. Kept biting my ankles, but it depends on how they are raised.
We have 1 dog and 3 cats at the moment.


We just lost Sascha, who was with me for almost 11 years, since she was 2 months old. I finally had to put her down at the end of the July 4th weekend. I could write about how bad it was, but you will either know how it was, or you won't understand just by reading. She had oral cancer, and couldn't eat or drink well. She had to rest when walking even 50 yards for the last few days, and I still choke up whenever I see a dog that is old and walking slowly or awkwardly.

I also had a cat (kitten? 9 months old!) deliver kittens in front of me, but I was only 13 at the time. I heard a strange noise from the cat and looked over. There she was next to me on the couch with a gooey mess beside her! She began to clean it while I sat there stunned for a few seconds. Then I regained my wits and called for my Mom to wake up, while I gently put the cat and first kitten on the floor (gotta keep the couch clean, ya know! Hey, I was young and completely stunned!) She then proceeded to have the rest of her kittens tight there while we watched. We made her a nest of blankets and she happily kept the kittens there for the duration.

This was in stark contrast to 2 cats we had when I was about 6. They would hide their kittens, and one moved the kittens 4 times before they hit weaning age! It would take us 2-3 days to find them and she would move them with a few hours. Now THAT was a pain!
I have a cuddly, loveable pit bull named Shomer.
Right now, I have a 8 month old shepherd/husky mix named Hudson

Growing up there was a series of cats, a bunny, fish and guinea pigs...

a 5.5 yr old female dalmatian named Heather, who is the most arrogant dog I've seen ... a true priss! I rescued her from a shelter when she was 1 yr old. She has one blue eye and the other is half blue/half brown. I did have a male Dal that I had owned since a pup, but had to have euthanized this past March due to old age and health problems. He was 13.5 yrs old and let me tell you, it was the hardest thing I've had to go through, but I know I did the right thing for him and am glad I was able to give him back all that he had given me. I don't have any plans to replace him, as he can't be replaced. So ... it will be me and Heather. She's such a sweetheart!
I love animals.

I thought I steer this thread in a more practical direction.

Although I am more of a dog person, I have a cat. I find that the cat is still a good companion even though he is no dog.

One of the reasons I like the cat is that he is compatable with my diving lifestyle. Dogs really have to be cared for. Daily walks, feeeding, and the like. My cat feeds himself as the food is alway out for him to eat at his leisure, water too. He doesn't need to be walked every day.

If I want to leave on a weekend diving trip I have no problem leaving him for a couple of days. Usually all I have to do is leave an extra litter box out.

Cats make great pets for SCUBA divers!
Stepped on a rattler in front of my basement one time, he was cold, moving slow so I took him and made a cage for him, fascinating creatures-'till one morning I go down into the basement and see he is not in his cage-yowzah! zeN
Had a cocker spaniel as a kid but acquired a tarrantula named Kravitz while in university. Most people think it'd be poor pet but not really. It's a lot like a gold fish. You clean his tank every now and then and feed him a cricket or 2 several times a month and that's it.

I kept a black light on him and the hair on his body used to become illuminated. My girlfriend wasn't a big fan but I'll probably get another one when I end up back home.

Great choice for a passive, maintenance-free pet. Don't let them get out of the tank though. They can live up to a year without food so even though you think he's gone, he might still be out there.

I live in Vermont. I'm sure most of you expect that I have cows, chickens, sheep (heh heh) and possum as pets, but no.

I used to have a HUGE cat named "Pud D. Tat" (as in, I taut I taw). Alas, he has passed on.

Heres a pic of my buddy "Weston", 9 year old, 90lb Black Lab (English Lab).

Weston is very smart. He can count to 8 in three languages. Meaning you can say a number in english, spanish or french, and he will bark that many times. You can also just hold up that many fingers and not say anything. He will retrieve: my sneakers, sandals(yes he knows the difference), the paper (if someone hands it to him), and most importantly (guy thing) a beer from the fridge!! I leave a towel tied to the door handle. He pulls the door open, grabs a beer (he knows the difference between rolling rock and molson) and brings it to me. I had to shim the fridge under the front so that the door will close by itself

Funny story: I taught him the beer trick one night while we were having a barbeque. Later I packed away the left overs in the fridge (OK you know where this is going, right). Next morning I went off to work. Upon returning I found the fridge door wide open, rib bones all over the place and one (fattened) dog sprawled out on the couch with all four legs sticking strait up. Of course I couldn't yell at him, or punish him in any way, I created the monster. We had a little chat, and now he knows not to open it unless I say it's OK.

One summer (when Weston was like 2 or 3), I heard about a nieghbor family who moved away leaving 3 kittens (5 weeks) and the mother in their barn. I went to the house (with the intention of giving at least one of these poor little ones a home), well, ya know I came home with all of em:D. It was so much fun to watch this dog, who was like the jolly black giant to these little critters that I could hold in the palm of my hand. He was sooooo gentle with them. They would snuggle up in a ball around his belly and sometimes try to nurse, which he tolerated, but had a funny look on his face.

Only one of these kittens (now quite large), named "Clint" (yes I like Eastwood films) is still around. Since then I've adopted another called "Poet".

There I go,just bring up pets and I ramble:D

I wish I knew how to load more than one image onto scubaboard. I'll have to send another post with additional pics

PS my profile has another pic of Weston,

Have a great day all,


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