When have you called a dive and why?

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Now I did cancel on dive trip because of a funny feeling about it. Found out later the dive boat sunk and almost everyone lost their dive gear. Remember to go with your gut. Its trying to tell you something. :D


Was that the boat in the San Juan?
Yep, the Sea Kiss or something like that. I had dove the boat ealier in the year and liked it but when it came time to go on the 2nd time something told me not to go. Luckly nobody was hurt but I knew many of the people on it. Not fun.
I called one dive on a boat where we were doing 3 dives, since there was a beautiful diver on the boat where she decided to work on her sun tan the 3ed dive, so I called off the dive only for me, and work on my tan next to her,,,,now she is my girl-friend of 1 year....!!!

nice work mate! I had to meet my hot gf @ soccer.
I have only called a few but the biggest that sticks out was in canada.

The first dive was ok I had gear problems.(dam new bc) the vis was crap and the wreck we are diving was a dirt pile with deck planks and two boillers. The dive was ended by one of the other divers so we surfaced early.

I just had a bad feeling about the second dive so I called it before I even got wet. Good thing I did the dive for everyone else was a charlie foxtrot. Lost budies bad vis the works.

Any diver can call any dive for any reason no questions asked.

The next day was great!!!!!!!!
Called one dive because I had just gotten beat up by a bunch of rocks. They stood around and tossed me back and forth inflicting bodily harm - finally managed to swim away faster than they could chase me.

Figured bleeding in the water with sharks about was a bad idea - so thumbed the dive.

Have thumbed a dive because I was too cold. Have yet to thumb because it didn't feel right, but will. Buddy thumbs the dive - its over. Would rather surface than rescue.
My daughter called a dive in Key Largo 20 minutes in - she was too cold.
The last couple of days, there has been much discussion involving accidents, comfort, and safety. I would like to hear some imput as to what has led divers to call a dive, besides from bad weather conditions. Is it hunches? Gear problems? Buddie problems, ect.. Personally, I have not been in a position where I felt as I needed to call a dive. This could be a great learning thread for me as my diving experience increases. Maybe I will find myself in the same situation and decide to call a dive also.

I haven't called a dive before, but this past weekend my dive buddy did. We got to the bottom, and he gave the thumbs up. He didn't feel right about the dive, so both of us surfaced.
The last couple of days, there has been much discussion involving accidents, comfort, and safety. I would like to hear some imput as to what has led divers to call a dive, besides from bad weather conditions. Is it hunches? Gear problems? Buddie problems, ect.. Personally, I have not been in a position where I felt as I needed to call a dive. This could be a great learning thread for me as my diving experience increases. Maybe I will find myself in the same situation and decide to call a dive also.
I called a dive in Coz this February, after a swim through, my buddy looked very panicked, was breathing very fast, and couldn't answer me when I asked if she was OK. I took her by the BC and we started a slow swim to the surface. About 20' from the surface, she was fine, but we surfaced anyway. That was the only dive I have ever called, and I'm glad I did. If your buddy can't answer a simple OK, get them to the surface safely, if they were fine, they will know better next time to answer you.
The only time I remember calling a dive early was when I got tangled up in the float line. My buddy asks me "So you want to stop?" Well, D'oh! It took about 20 minutes to get me untangled when we were onshore. BTW, so you don't think I'm a total spaz, it was a night dive with about 5' vis. And the line on his float was heavy so it kind of sunk. I stayed close to him because of the vis and voila, entanglement.
The only time I've ever called a dive, was because I was cold. Then I got a dry suit, and that was that.

I've yet to call a dive for any other reason, and I hope that I don't have to.

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