Where LDS drop the ball.

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We must be blessed. The LDS I frequent most has a good web site with it's own message board (no for sale items allowed :D ) It allows divers to connect with new buddies and there are postings there for singles and/or groups all season long.
The stores (small chain of 3) organize several dives/events throughout the season. While they have "big" trips, such as charters in Kingston, most common is a Sat or Sun group dive. They bring the bbq, usually some spare gas, and all their safety kit (oxygen, etc). As well any certified divers are welcome to show up on their OW weekends and dive. Another great opportunity for those who don't have a regular buddy. A staff diver will be assigned to organize and help out (and keep you out of the way of the students and other staff :) ).
One shop i deal with actively supports people doing local dives including organizing an underwater scavenger hunt and even a quarry clean up.
Mike S-
I live in the same area as you do and I have also noticed many of the LDS do not support local diving. I have shopped around and now have found a dive shop in MD that does.
I frequent Bainbridge Quarry in PA and there is a dive shop up in PA that is always sponsoring get- togethers , food, and comraderie.

I think this is more dive shop specific than a regional difference.
I think some LDS have the same mentality as a health club/gym. They sell memberships, get the money, and don't worry if the people come and use the equipment. Same mentality- take a class, buy lots of expensive equipment, the LDS makes a profit and moves on to the next group of new students who might buy something. One LDS I used to go to (past tense) would snub me when I am there for an airfill and they might have some new person there who might be buying some equipment. Super nice when you might be buying and verging on rude when you are a regular who owns your equipment and there for an air fill. Some LDS are like pirahanas.

nk5 once bubbled...
You should be able to find something.

I’ve already found several solutions, the Mid Atlantic Bottom Feeders, plus a group that started with our AOW class and has grown. My question was not for myself but for new divers. For example, my wife just took her OW class. Her buddy in the class does not have a clue of how to go about finding a buddy, where to go diving, etc. Since he ran into us, we’ll invite him along and introduce him to Scuba Board but what about all the other new divers in the other classes?

yknot once bubbled...
If all the dive shop is providing is an opportunity for a fill or a parking lot to meet in, why bother?

What I think they should be adding to the equation is an opportunity for new divers to be guided through the process until they become comfortable. There are so many issues regarding etiquette and procedures that are not covered in the OW course. And all of this to have to deal with at the same time your struggling with diving skills.

Dee once bubbled...
So I'd suggest either join an NDI chapter near you or start your own.

I dived quite a bit locally last year with people I met on scuba board, now the MABFs. The question is how to make new divers aware of its existence. I doubt that the LDSs are going to cooperate, as they will not want these divers exposed to Scuba Board where options such as on-line purchases are discussed.
The local shops here in OK spend toooooo much time trying to set up trips to Coz and such. They would do themselves and the diving community a favor by working harder at promoting local diving (or even short, weekend trips to TX, MO or NM) as it would keep us in the water more and provide them more business.

Our LDS is really too busy. They do have a club that gets local dives going four or five times a year but, what they would really like to see is for one of their DiveCons (Dive Leader/Asst. Instructors) to show some inititive and fill some of the niches that they no longer have the time to attend to personally. That would include local dives, refresher courses etc. The only thing they ask is that you show the shop some loyalty and coordinate the calendar with them. So, the answer is, take another class and jump to it! It does have some perkes such as free fills, possible tips and commissions on in store sales. Just a thought. :)
I don't know about other shops but we work real hard to promote local diving. Most divers, however, just aren't interested. We dive somewhere just about every weekend all year and there is a smallish group of regulars who show up but that's about it.

In fact, before I opened a shop I thought the big mistake other shops were making was not taking advantage of the Great Lakes. I guess I thought that because I wanted to dive the Great Lakes. Most shops get way more divers to go to the Caribbean than I can get to dive locally and they make more money doing it. I am not free to travel and need someone else to travel with customers. It is clear that if we dont sponsor more exotic trips we'll die. The local trips don't seem to matter much.

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