Where was your first OW dive?

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My first was when I was barely a teenager in Aruba! My first OWD dive as a certified diver was Key Largo FL!!!!!
Hurghada, Egypt a few years ago and I found scuba diving was the best thing I had ever done so far :) I love ocean life so I think that is why I got hooked.

However, seeing as I was studying for a while couldn't afford to do anymore diving til this year as I have now just finished uni and have a full time job. I spent my first pay packet in February on OW course + a bunch of equipment and am doing as many dives as I can. Last night were my first night dives too and the conditions were terrible, but I think any dive is better than nothing~~ :D
In a few weeks I'm taking my teens back to the site I did my very first OW dive.
Mine was in Cozumel @ the plane.

I'm sure it will a great dive for them too.

So, where was yours? Have you ever brought anyone back to it, to share your memory?

Ah, now THAT'S a memory!

My first dive OW dive was actually not an OW dive per se. It was in Akumal back in 1987 and it was checkout dive #1. It was in a sinkhole and I was _really_ apprehensive about it. Until I dove it, then I was in heaven.

Fast forward thirteen years and I finally returned to Akumal and brought my (then) girlfriend Amy. Many many changes, but Akumal still had retained it's amazing essence (though Playa del Carmen is lost, as far as I'm concerned).

I ended up getting engaged to Amy in Akumal in 2003 and we had our wedding there in 2004 - so needless to say I have not lost my connection to the place.

Hell, I'm even writing in the cave systems there in my next novel!

First dive was in Belize. I was about the 3rd or 4th off the boat. The dm told everyone to descend immediately. I started to descend, and noticed a large number of sharks, (nurse sharks but I didn't know that at the time), I immediately came back up saying "shark, oh crap" and generally being freaked out. All of the more seasoned divers where saying "shark, cool" and were descending rapidly. I decided to following seeing as how they ought to know what it was they were doing. My buddies all still laugh every time we talk about it. Apparently I'll forever be that guy. . . LOL
Well my first dive seems so boring to mention now with all the exotic places that have been posted. My first OW certification dive was in Corona del Mar Beach in SoCal. Mostly the instructor held my hand and guided me around to see the sea life. Actually, when I did my first dive I was hooked I knew this was going to be a life long sport for me. I saw sheep crabs, bat rays, and starfish. It wasn't a difficult entry the water was flat. Funny thing later when I did my Rescue class at the same beach the waves were 6-8 when we were exiting.
i think i already posted to this thread five years ago ... but ...

my first OW dive was at the Oro Verde, Grand Cayman

talk about being spoiled

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