Whoo Hoo Start OW Cert. Tomorrow!

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Jacksonville, Fl
Ok, Tomorrow evening I start my OW Cert. classes, Any words of advice or encouragement? I am doing the classes in one weekend so I am sure it will be a rather speedy course, any important areas I should make a point to concentrate my efforts towards?
weekend course. Hmm... not a fan of that kind of training. I think you get more from the spread out classes with the opportunity to spend a week between classes reviewing stuff, re-reading, letting the lecture sink in etc.
Also, the weekly classes you have to setup and takedown your gear every week. I don't know how many times you'll get to do that in the speedy course.

Read the book now if you have it. Write down any questions you have so you'll remember them.
Pay attention to the instructor and ask if you are unsure of ANYTHING. Chances are someone else is wondering the same thing too.
Take your time doing your skills so you do the properly.

And get out there and go diving!! :)

Good advice and I have had the books for a week and have been memorizing them diligently. I personally learn better at faster paces where as slow classes bore me outta my gourd.

Being as I live so close to the springs I plan on doing several spring dives to begin with just to ensure my competency before jumping into the atlantic. I am a firm believer that you should always hone your skills prior to jumping into what could easily become a bad situation. Besides, the springs are high visibility, wide open and low current so I think they will make for outstanding training environments.
My ow took about a month or so. The way it was structured is to have the book read but read carefully. So re-read if you are not clear. This way the real problematic parts can be focused on in class. There are no real difficult parts to understand, but it is important to pay attention and understand it all becuse unlike calculus, you will use this stuff. As far as gear,its simple to uderstand, I don't see you having any problems with it. I think the thing beginners screw up most is how to position the valve in relation to your back. Good luck, it was the bst thing I ever did. So much so, my brother decided on a whim to join my class and he was hooked too.
I did my OW and AOW in a week... but had already done the background reading... the best advice i can give you is watch your instructor... and if you dont get whet they are saying/asking then say so!
Everyone seems to be saying the same thing.. just enjoy it... its the beginning of soemthing great!! (good luc with the RDPs... they were a nightmare when i first started!)
Let us know how you get on!

Best of Luck!!!
Don't hold your breath and

Don't do anything stupid...
Being as I just got OW cert. a few weeks ago and can't dive for another few weeks because I have fluid in my middle ears... ;-0


Other than that, I don't have much wisdom to give you--just go with what you're comfortable with and make sure that you understand completely what the instructor is telling you. Have fun and be safe!
My advice would be to ask questions, talk to the Divemasters, relax, enjoy and don't worry. You will never be the best diver nor will you be the worst. It's a great sport but you never stop learning so be open minded and plan on continuing your dive education for years after your Open Water class.

Welcome to diving.

don't let the instructor pass you on any skill if you don't think you got it.
don't hold your breath is a good one.

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