Why do we Dive????

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because love the freedom of underwater weightlessness, the silence and the overwhelming feeling of contentment.

I've always wanted to dive since I was a kid. I spent most of my summers snorkelling in the Baie des Chaleur, it's warm enough. Now that my wife (Procyon) dives, I have every excuse in the world.
I love the fish! I like being able to see creatures in their natural habitat that most people will never see outside of a zoo or aquarium. Especially in protected areas (like Cozumel)...the fish aren't even afraid of you. It's so cool!
We're all being very expressive here aren't we? All these passionate posts... you know we could start a whole thread full of scuba poems... funny, soppy..whatever. Might be fun.

I will be bold and set it up. And I will write a poem. Though I am no poet I will give it a go.

And yeah... I am am bored. My regulators are being serviced so I need to try hard not to think about when I'll get my babies back (makes me break out into a cold sweat to think I'll have to borrow a sherwood shop reg again this weekend!) and write pointless scuba sh**e all night... :)

Come on let's give it a go!
The reason that I want to dive is one that goes back to my youth. My father god rest is sole was a career navy man and like most sailors was in love with the sea. He managed to pass that down to me. It just took me living in the desert for 5 long years to realize it. Another thing he passed to me was the love of science fiction. The thought that a person could stand on another world and look skyward and see stars and constellations that would be so different from hear on earth. And to know that one of those constellations held are sun and planets in its tight coil has always been humming in my mind. But even then I knew deep down that I would not live to see that day.

But there is a whole other world to visit complete with sunsets and forests and alien intelligence and it’s only a few feet from my front door. I read all the dive mags and I watch all the TV shows and see all the movies and I feel that familiar feeling from back when I was a kid listening to dad read great stories of for off worlds.

I had my first class today. We went over basic snorkel techniques and at one point I had to dive down touch the bottom and then come back up using the expansion stile of clearing the snorkel. When I got to the bottom I looked up and forgot what it was I was supposed to do the sun broke through the clouds and the rays hit the pool and for a brief second I was an aquanaut hovering in the sky looking up at an orange hued star rising over a crystal blue world. Granted it was only the pool but in that moment was pretence of things to come. It’s been a long trip for me getting to this point in my life. Most of which I wasted on petty fears and delusions. For years I thought I was following my heart when I truth I was following some one else’s expectations of what I should be doing. My family thinks that this is a foolhardy way of spending my money and time but I know in my heart that I am following a dream and visiting another planet.

Sorry it got long winded and abet emotional but I read the question and it beg for an answer. Telling you helps me find my voice so I can tell my family and my friends.

Tank up and dive safe. Aquanauts for we are boldly going where a cherished few have gone.

Here you go bermudaskink. You want a scuba-related poem? I wrote this one when I was in high school. I'm not sure what type of poem it is, I forget, but I like it a lot.

The Sea

Dark, Choppy,
Moving, flowing, storming
Rapid, loud, calm quiet
Changing, growing, living
Beautiful, mysterious

There you go. :)
My main reason for diving, as the above poem suggests, is my love for the ocean. I love natural life anyway but the ocean is so beautiful and mysterious, there's nothing quite like being in and amongst everything down there. It is so nice and relaxing to be gliding over a beautiful coral reef. Now THAT is a good day. :)
...one of the most important reasons I dive is the calmess and mental freedom I feel when on my way to a dive site, when underwater, and when on the way back. I get perma-smile!

In my experiences, there is really nothing else that can make me feel the way I do when diving.

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