Your very first and most recent dive

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Scuba Instructor
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There was a cute thread going on the local forums here so I decided to borrow the idea and kick off a similar thread here:

1) Tell us about the very first time you were under water

2) Tell us about your most recent dive.

I'll kick us off.

My first dive

My very first time under water was in the swimming pool of the university I attended in 1984. My uncle was a marine biologist and an experienced diver and he worked at the university. He helped some of us from the student union get a "dive club" going. None of us, however, could dive so we hired a local dive shop to provide training for the club and I was chosen to be one of the first 6 "guinea pigs".

The fact was, however, that I had never considered diving. My uncle sort of ... well ... forced it on me (for which I am eternally grateful). I grew up in the mountains and while I had seen many Jacques Cousteau films I had never seen diving equipment up close.

The first class took place in a classroom next to the pool. When it came time for the dive we went to the pool to get geared up. And there they were..... 6 scuba sets, larger than life (larger than on the TV), lined up neatly along the edge the pool. We were told to choose one and I chose the second from the left. My first lasting impression was the smell of it. The rich smell of neoprene, of the rubber flippers, of the salt water that hadn't been totally washed out of it, the silicone of my brand new mask that had never been used. The smell seemed to fill the entire room, which was immense with an olympic sized race pool and a deep pool with a diving tower. It was like swimming in a stadium full of this overpowering "scuba gear" smell.

We pulled the gear on and got in the pool. I stood in chest deep water while the instructor helped us get the gear all tight and ready to go. Mask on.... head zooming with anticipation, the smell the gear still fresh in my mind.... I put the regulator in my mouth, tried it, felt the air rush into my lungs, seemly as spun magic from this .... contraption.... like a pump .... then leaned over so my face was in the water.....


slowly, carefully.... but most most conscious breath I've ever taken. It was as if my entire head was envoloped in an enormous bubble or like I wasn't even under water. A million thoughts went through my head but the one that stuck was "OH MY GOD IT WORKS".

And I was hooked. Not a little bit.... hooked for life. I knew right then and there that scuba diving was going to define me in some way. My uncle told me it would but I didn't believe him..... It wasn't going to be like learning how to ski, it was going to be a powerful experience that would change my life....

My most recent dive

Anno 2009 I'm a diving instructor. I still love the smell of neoprene. A week or so ago I bought a new wetsuit for in the pool and "caught" my wife with her nose in it, smelling it. She was embarassed and giggled when I saw her .... I *totally* understood. Last week I stood on an escalator 1/2 metre behind a woman wearing terrible perfume but with the richest and most scrumptious natural body smell you could possibly imagine.... ten THOUSAND times better than the perfume she was wearing.... I had to step down one step because despite her terrible choice of perfume I felt like burying my nose in her neck and falling in love with her right then and there ..... this is what you get for having a good nose and this is what the smell of neoprene does to the diver in me. I want to bury my nose it in and inhale the experience (I'm probably sounding very weird by now.....) but nothing makes me feel happier than having a new suit.

I took my new wetsuit to the pool (getting to the point) to see how it felt. I did some OW skills.... Set removal, replacement, weightbelt removal replacement, hovering, mask removal replacement .... all hanging in mid water, to see how this suit compared to the old one. The disappointment is that my feet stick out a bit in front of me when I hover. It's a matter of centemetres but it feels odd for the time being. I also need to carry 1kg of weight which is irritating because in Holland we don't have 1/2 kg blocks and I would like to have a weightbelt that looks symetrical.... I also spent about 1/2 hour blowing bubble rings. Looking for the best place in the pool to do it so the circulation of the filter pumps doesn't break the bubbles up. I found the perfect spot. In the deep end of the pool on the left hand corner beside the ladder. This is the only spot in the pool where you can pop a bubble ring from the bottom and it reaches the surface unhindered.

Ok. next?

1stDive,I was 14(1975) :D
I was in what you would call Jr.highschool,there was a fellow classmate,who just had begun diving.He asked me to come along,seeing the Jac.C movies since when I was a small kid,I said yes :D
The very first dive in the pool,that was just the best time I ever had.
But in those day's you had to buy all your gear,before you could start the course.:shakehead:
And so Mom and Dad said....NO WAY :no: unless you get a job,witch I could not do.Just started highschool.
So 25 years ago,we(my wife and I)started all over again,still doing it and still loving it.:D
OWSI (both of us) since 1994-LDS owners since 2000.
Both are now solodivers-Buddys in the same ocean.:D

Last dive,
O well that was last week,next one will be on next sunday.
We don't count pool as dives.:no:that's every wednesday night
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First dive: Pompano Beach, Fl. (reef) two and a half years ago. Last dive: Tavernier, Fl. (Duane) two weeks ago.
Last dive,
O well that was last week,next one will be on next sunday.
We don't count pool as dives.:no:that's every wednesday night

Yeah well I didn't have much else to tell.... the few weeks before that were all training dives in OW, which I don't count as dives and our dive team is still getting over the accident so it didn't feel right to claim that as a dive.

My last non-training dive for fun was .... hmmmmm .... Zevenhuizenplassen the week after the dive with Radio Rijmond, before Willem's wedding and 2 weeks after spotting the 1.5 meter long pike at the same location.

First Dive

Skipping my training dives...

I dropped down to the sand at 35 feet as the DM pulled us together and gave the OK signal. There were small lumps of coral around us, and I thought, "So this is the famed Palancar Reef? What's the big deal?" Being a newbie, as the DM led us through those coral lumps, my eyes were glued to his fins, and I did not really notice how much bigger the lumps had grown, and I really didn't realize we were going that much deeper. The DM went through an opening, and when I followed, I saw dark blue below me rather than sand. It was as if I had stepped off a scenic cliff but not fallen anywhere. At that point, a huge goliath grouper and the biggest angel fish I had ever seen joined is. They stayed with our group as we wove through that Cozumel paradise of coral skyscrapers and swimthroughs. I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life.

I had gotten certified with the intention of diving a few times on tropical vacations every other year or so. I knew then that I was already having a change of plans. I knew then that I would seek out tropical diving locations with greater frequency so that I could continue to explore other versions of paradise.

Last Dive

It was late October, and the nice, warm Colorado weather had turned nasty. The sky over Aurora reservoir was overcast, and the wind was was starting to blow a mixture of rain and snow. I was trying to dress quickly so that my underwear would not get wet before I could pull on my dry suit. My hands were numb as I screwed in the DIN valves and finally got everything set up. I pulled on the full weight of the double steel 108's and waded into the murky water. We did a quick bubble check and descended. It was a shallow dive down to the bottom. The visibility wasn't really all that bad, but because of the weather it was dark down there. Our canister lights revealed startled crayfish and the remains of an old twin engine Cessna. We saw a couple of small fish. We explored the wreck for far longer than was needed, and we looked at the gray-silt bottom and the crayfish a little longer. The water was warmer than the air, so we were a little reluctant to call it a day and return to the surface for the finger-numbing, wet breakdown of equipment, but all things must end.

Well, it was over, but another great day of diving!
Yeah well I didn't have much else to tell.... the few weeks before that were all training dives in OW, which I don't count as dives and our dive team is still getting over the accident so it didn't feel right to claim that as a dive.

My last non-training dive for fun was .... hmmmmm .... Zevenhuizenplassen the week after the dive with Radio Rijmond, before Willem's wedding and 2 weeks after spotting the 1.5 meter long pike at the same location.


Hee,die had ik nog niet eens gezien.

wat mij betreft,best goed op gelost.:wink:

Me think we need to do a dive asap.:D

Oh and we don't dive "fresh"water anymore,so must be Zeeland.:D
First dive: A resort dive at Chankanaab park in Cozumel. Awesome experience.

Last dive: In a cold water quarry in Wisconsin. Saw freshewater jellyfish for the first time. Awesome experience.

BTW: Around 600 dives between these two and almost all awesome experiences.
I'm going to Egypt soon but after the new year I'd be happy to. Maybe we can link up with Laurens.


Would be great,Laurens will be game I think.

We still need a kind of ITK european style.:D
Well being new to diving this is pretty easy. My Check out dives in Lake Jocassee in July.:D

My last dive was on the Eagle down in the Florida Keys.:cool2:

I am ready to head back to warm waters since I have no dry suit yet.:depressed:

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