Your very first and most recent dive

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1st Dive was Palancar Bricks (if I remember correctly) in Cozumel. After jumping in off the boat and getting down to about 85' I saw a nurse shark under an overhang and 10 feet further down the reef 2 large turtles eating. Needless to say I was hooked 4 minutes into my first dive, after numerous swim through, awesome coral formations and 45 minutes I headed for my safety stop when a large spotted southern ray went past me about 20 feet away.

Last dive 5 weeks ago I got to see my hand in front of my face at Pearl Lake in northern Illinois.

Cozumel will hopefully be my next dives in April, living in Northern Illinois without a drysuit stinks, I am having withdrawals already.
1) Tell us about the very first time you were under water.
1993. A try-dive with the platoon commander in the local pool. Wasn't that exciting. It took ten years to get and two more try-dives before I was finally hooked.

2) Tell us about your most recent dive.
Last week, Nieuwe Kerkweg, Zeeland. A nice dive, just a tad :cold:

Me think we need to do a dive asap.:D
I'm going to Egypt soon but after the new year I'd be happy to. Maybe we can link up with Laurens.
Would be great,Laurens will be game I think.
Definitely. :)
Definitely. :)

Looks like we have a date.:D
Now to set a date.:cool2:
My first dive was in Maldives on 13th March 2002 with a very beautiful Dutch instructor.

My last dive is in Easter Island on 15th November 2008. But tomorrow, my last dive will be in Neuchâtel Lake (Switzerland).
Pool dive: I vividly remember the first time i went under the water thinking "I can't breath" while breathing at the same time! And this sort of cognitive struggle in my mind of i cant breath underwater and yet here i am breathing.

First OW dive: Oakland Park Reef, 31ft, 23 miniutes. Have no idea of what I saw, but I loved it right off.

Last dive: Pompano Drop off, for about an hour. Saw the usual creatures: lobster, assorted fish, 3 turtles and still loving it.
I'll play....

My first dive (not in a pool) was in Key West on a 'resort' course. It was on Eastern Dry Rocks reef...This was in July of 2004

Yesterday I dove the Eagle and A&B reef off of Islamorada...
My first dive was at Chankanaab in Cozumel. I wore my 7mm wetsuit because in the pool that was supposedly 80 degrees, I froze my ass off....I was not cold, but I never felt overheated, thankfully! We began the descent, and even though I theoretically knew how to equalize, I don't think I was actually blowing when I was pinching my nose. The instructor was really patient with me and we didn't go down any further until I was able to equalize, which eventually happened, even though my hubby was already on the bottom waiting for me. We finally got to the bottom, did a few skills, and then the instructor motioned to me to follow her....I was unsure what we were doing, and when we didn't stop, I started to freak out cause she didn't tell my hubby to follow us as well. I then realized I could look back (as long as I didn't stop finning, cause then I'd start to know, being overweighted and not understanding how to use my BC properly), and when I did, I saw my husband following us as well. After I realized we had not left him, I started to relax and looked around at all the neat things and welcomed myself to the underwater world that I had always wanted to explore.

My most recent dive was earlier today. We wanted to go out and try to break our bad luck lobster luck, so we went to a site that has a rocky entry, and rocky reef and kelp forest. I watched the surf for a while, saw it was no bigger than a foot, and decided to strap on my HP130 and make my way out. As luck would have it, my husband made it out into the water, getting hit by one big wave, while I got pummeled by a few 2-3 footers. After struggling for a while, I finally made it out past the break zone, got my fins on, and made the surface swim out. We dropped at about 25 feet, had 1-2 feet visibility, and some serious surge. In our 10 minute dive, I realized how much my buoyancy control has improved....and I realized how much my husband's and my communication has improved as well. After the dive, I found I got three new urchin spines stuck in my body (two in my knee, one in my finger) home, dug them out, and realized how much more efficient it was to remove them right after the initial impact, rather than waiting a month or more for them to surface on their own!

Going out tomorrow, hoping for better conditions....but if I don't get better conditions, at least I get time underwater....but at least at tomorrow's site, there are no urchins or rocks to get pushed into!
First dive (post certification) was Middle Reef at Molokini Hawaii. I remember during the boat ride out thinking that we were doing a "real" dive and were now "real" divers. :wink: During the dive I remember marveling at all the fish and the fact we were 60' down and breathing underwater.

Most recent dive was Bari Reef on Bonaire. We knew it was our last dive on Bonaire and made sure we found the frog fish, looked for the Spotted Scorpionfish we had seen many times, and wound up having a really cool 15 minute close encounter with a couple of squid. As we were making our way back to the dock, we saw the same Peacock Flounder on the cement block we had seen nearly every time we dove Bari, and enjoyed the amazing school of tiny Sargent Majors right at the ladder. We were buoyed by the knowledge that we would definitely be back.

Next dives will be back to Maui, Molokini, and Lanai in a few short weeks. :D
First dive- tour dive of OW checkouts. Heated mountain lake water temp 85 degrees. Thought this is some cool stuff.

Last dive(s)- Same lake via St Lawrence seaway, fla springs, a few quarries, Lake Erie, Monterey California, Fla keys, and Bonaire. Now an instructor and tech diver. Last two dives were solo- first to 120 ft 20 minutes bottom time working on reel, compass, and natural nav skills for course I'm developing- total time 1hr 10 minutes. next dive- solo nav natural and compass skills 70 feeet max depth water temps low to mid 70's. total run time 1hr 15 minutes- mud flats , catfish, dead trees, and wonderful silence and sense of peace.
1st dive: May 1983 Bear Lake, Utah
Surface 53 degF
Air 80 degF
Clear skies and warm
Notes: Daaaaaam that water was chilly.

Most Recent Dive: Today 2:00 PM
Homestead Crater, Utah
Surface: 91 degF
Air: 45 degF
cloudy skies and chilly
Notes: Daaaaam that waters warm.

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